Beginning Of My Misfortune

1845 Words
Chapter 1 Ahana gets up its morning already stop dreaming. It’s time to go to work or you will be late and miss the bus to work. Yes, it’s my daily routine my mother waking me up. I am Ahana have both my parents who love me and a brother who dotes on me. Well you will think it’s perfect but like everyone, my family is messed up as well in the name of father I have someone who drank every time opportunity arises. Let me tell you about my family my father is retired from the navy but was he retired no he took early retirement so that he can drink and f**k our lives. My mother Kristine a housewife who did all sorts of little jobs to raise me and my big brother John. Well we grew up in a hard environment you would think I would have lost my innocence due to the harsh reality of my life but no my mother and brother kept my innocence intact. I learned being innocent is the biggest crime anyone can commit in this world. “ Ahana you gonna be late for work again” my mother says. “Yes Mom I am ready where is my lunch I am leaving” “Kiddo slow down you gonna break your neck if you keep running in the house”  “come on bro don’t curse me so early in the morning I am already late will you drop me to the stop” “sure give me 5 mins and I will take you with me” “ ok Let’s go” John said. “bye Mom will call you once I reach my office. Love you” It’s always so packed in the morning it’s like winning a battle to get into the bus reach office without someone rubbing up to you. Yeah you heard me right people here like to touch you here and there in the crowded bus just to get off. It’s pathetic how old man’s rub themselves on Little girls, scoundrel’s. I get off on my stand and reach to my office and greet everyone along the way. “Hello Adam” my Manager. “Hi Ahana” “Hi Baby” Said Arunita my best friend from behind me. “Hi Sweetheart, how are you doing today?” “aww, you know the same as always had a fight with my step-dad you know what happens when I do so?”  “ all men should die what do you say?” “ hahaha you know you are so sweet but that can’t happen and you should not think like that either” “you know I hate men, I use to thought how great it would be to get a good lover and to marry him and live a fairy tale kind of life.” “you should grow up Ahana. You know I am really worried about you?” “Please don’t start again Arunita. You know I can’t say no to my Parents” “I told you millions of times that you should. If they love you as you claim, they will understand. He's not good for you. He had a girlfriend whom he called his wife. You read all those messages and still want to marry that asshole.” “ya I want to and maybe not I don’t love him but I have to marry him so that my parents can stop worrying about me.” I thought Arunita was jealous because I was getting married and she was still single after being 33 years old. How wrong I was and naïve I realized that when I lost my life and Arunita both. “ Sorry Darling but I will see through this marriage I am not gonna say no to my parents,” I said. “ok let's not fight and go back to your desk and work your manager Adam has been staring at us from last 10Mins.” Arunita Said. “Fine let’s talk in our Lunchtime”. “Ahana Come here” Adam said to me once I reached my desk. God I hate him he thinks I am his slave and have to work rather than talking to my sweetheart because we come to the workplace for work not for gossips hahaha. “yes Adam how can I help you?” “ you know you have been gossiping since you entered the office” Adam goes on and on about his work ethics which I lack according to him. Ya maybe hell I don’t care either. After 30 mins later I am working on my desk. Adam is a pain in the ass even though I am best at what I do, he still keeps nagging at me regarding the work culture which I lack. My Phone rings, I don’t have to look to know who is calling because it was his ringtone. My fiancé Richard hauling. Richard is my Fiancé we got engaged last month and gonna get married in 20 Days. His rich property dealers only son. My Parents found him for me and as being a good daughter I said yes for him even though I did not like him when I first met him. His average and got bald hair at just the age of 27 and he told me he was a womanizer when he was young now I am not so sure but he claims his only into me know as I was going to be his wife soon. He got two sisters Mia and Tia. I am not a social butterfly and don’t like to talk over a phone. I don’t know why but I don’t like talking to his sister and pretend I like them when I don’t even know them. We only met once when I got engaged with him. It was pretty ridiculous how his sister Tia behaved like she is his mother and his mother Melissa was all smile and sweet words. Well, I stop daydreaming and pick you his call. “ Hi Baby” Richard said. “Hi Richard” “ Why did you pick up my phone so late. I told you many times you are not gonna work after our marriage so why are you still at your workplace and not on resignation” Yes this was their request for marriage that I stay home and help him with his business. After marriage. He will be owning his own business after our marriage and we both can work together. But I know he never wants me to work he only wants me in his house and takes care of his parents and him, I don’t say that though. “ Richard you know I like working and I don’t want to quit my job just now I will do so before our marriage. So how are you doing and why did you call me so early in the morning.” “ can’t I call my baby just to hear her voice.” “yes you can but we will be getting married in 20 days” “oh, love don’t you know how much I want to see you in that wedding gown and hold you in front of everyone and claim your beautiful lips.” He laughs And a feel like vomiting but still I manage to say. “yes me too.” “ so how’s Mother and Father doing” “ they are great my love busy in marriage preparations. You know Mia is back from Canada and Tia also came back from California with her husband and kid Logan.” “yes I know I talked with Tia and Mia last night. Well, they did not like my wedding dress so I wanted me to do some changes, so I will not embarrass them and your family in the marriage. People will think I brought a cheap dress so they wanted to go shopping again or least alter that dress before marriage.” “ love you don’t have to listen to them. It’s our day I like that dress I told you that already and I will talk to them as well once I reach home.” “where are you?” “well I am going back home form GYM, got to get myself fit before marriage so that I can please you right.” He laughs “ well well someone is trying really hard to please me.” “obviously can’t leave you unsatisfied on our wedding night now can I “ he laughs again. “Richard I am at work” I scold him. “Who told you to go to work. You don’t have to I will take care of you alright. Just dump that shitty job.” I feel like I am gonna explode because Richard never respected me and my work. Which I love dearly. Still, I try to calm myself because his my future husband I need to respect him. “ Richard you know I love the work I wanted to be a Manger one day I love what I do, you can’t insult my profession. I might not earn as much as you but still I love my job.” “ ok ok love lets not fight again on this you can become my accountant once I open my business after our marriage.”  “ Yeah Sure I will help you as much as I can. ok, I have to go now time for a meeting." I lied. "ok Love you Bye" Richard said. " me too bye" I said. "you lied again didn't you" I turn around and find my angle looking at me again with disappointment. " you know I can't say no Aru, please understand me," I said  " And you know I love you that's why I want you back out while you still can" said Arunita. Even though she wanted to say more she held herself back for me and said instead. "Fine its time for lunch lets go I already ordered food for us. I was just waiting for you to finish talking to that asshole. so we could go and have our lunch."  " Aru you know I will be leaving this office soon, so please stop calling him an asshole. even I think he is an asshole half of the time but still, I will marry him soon." "why you wanna marry a guy like Richard is beyond me. I have known you for so long but still, I sometimes can't tell what goes in that brain of yours." "don't worry if something happens you will be always here to help me out" I laughed but what I had not known was that I will lose her too, in the end, will have no one to ask for help. "ya whose gonna love your sorry ass other than me," said Arunita. we had our peaceful lunch and after which I dedicated myself to my work, as I will be leaving office after this week and I had lots of things to handover before I leave and go get married to Richard. My days were peaceful in the office. I had not much of work in my last days and I spent most of the time with my girlfriend Aru. we talked about lots of things basically she preparing me for marriage and getting me ready so that I know what will come when I get married. As you know I still did not hear s**t and only dreamed that he will care and cherish me, Also respect me oh how wrong I was, how much I wanted to move back in time and alter all the mistakes I made, but we can't do that and we have to bear the burden of our fault. No one shares that burden with you and I learned that very hard way.  
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