Four - Get Off My Mind

1509 Words
Damien’s P.O.V Really? Is God being serious right now? Nineteen overly attractive newbies at our school? As in for real? It just irks me, that’s all. I swear. I mean, when Blaise took off his glasses I almost forgot why we were there in the first place. His eyes were such an electric shade of blue that it accentuated his handsomeness. It was practically impossible for someone to be that good looking. I mean, come on! And then there is Jaigo….and Xion, Liev, Orion, Ozias,Sayer, Coltrane,Devante, and lets not forget Arlo, the youngest looking one there. They were all such attractive and…fit guys. I think I saw all the girls drool a little when they were in the Cafeteria. What the hell kind of names are those anyway? Liev? Xion? Really? They sound like bloody aliens’ names! I just really don’t understand why they had to come here. Of all towns they choose Wilbrook to make their new home in. As if it wasn’t hard enough to find a decent girl here, they had to show up looking all sexy and mysterious and unnaturally strong! Connor got taken down by a girl! A girl! I mean, no disrespect to girls or anything but seriously! A freaking 5 foot 8 girl! But the thing that for some unknown reason sparks my interest is that Knightly guy. Yeah, the leader of all these devilishly good looking people – the one guy who can make them stop and go at will. He intrigued me to new levels. I’ve never been so…impressed by someone. He was courteous and yet firm…almost rude, drop dead gorgeous with those sparkling green eyes that could woo you into anything as well as they could scare you into killing yourself. My interest was definitely sparked with this dude. He almost seemed… I don’t know… like a leader of a cult. I chuckled to myself. The alpha of a powerful pack. Hahaha. I shook my head at my own comparison. Oh yes, Knightly was powerful alright. A girl would say that those broad shoulders that never seemed to quit just told you of the power they held. His firm jaw led you to the most beautiful head of hair I think I have ever seen. Wait – can a straight dude say that? Can I call another guy’s hair beautiful? I think I can. Just like a girl would say that his lips were so slim yet plump it made for the perfect addition to his sharp nose, glorious cheekbones and the pearliest set of teeth a human could ask for. A girl would think that the way his arms were tanned to the perfect tone seemed sinful and the way it stretched over every plain and contour on that perfectly sculpted muscled body, like the Greek god Adonis. A girl would say his long legs and big shoe size hinted to a very, very impressive manhood – which I already had the fortune of seeing in the flesh…or is that unfortunate? I don’t know. But do you know what else girls would say…they would say that the pure, primal – almost feral – aura rolling off of him is the sexiest thing about him. That’s what a girl would say. I wouldn’t say anything off the sort. Nope. That would be gay and I am not gay….so…. I think I will settle for he is unnaturally attractive….he was like supernaturally attractive. Yeah, if werewolves and vampires existed, I would definitely say that they are part of them. But, they don’t exist so I guess I’ll just have to make do with the fact that some of the most beautiful people on earth are right here in my back yard so to speak. “Dude!” Corey yelled, waving his hand in my face “Are you even listening to me?” “What?” I asked stupidly, smacking his hand out of my face before I had the temptation to use it to hit him. He sat back down the computer desk in my room with a sigh and rubbed a hand down his face. “What are you thinking about? I’ve been asking you the same question for the past five minutes” he groaned, staring at me quizzically. I blinked at him, trying to process what he just said. How long was I spaced out? I cleared my throat, “Uh, nothing important….just those new kids” I shrugged trying to look nonchalant about the topic. I wanted to investigate our new neighbors, but I didn’t want to seem too interested in them or people would start getting the wrong idea like I’m gay…which I’m not obviously. “Something about them irks me” He gave a dry laugh, “Let it go, Dee.” “I can’t” I exasperated, throwing my hands up in the air, instantly regretting it as he lifted a brow in question “I-I mean… I just….ugh, dude. I’m so curious it’s killing me” “Curiosity killed the cat” he warned, smiling and taking a drink of his water. Corey was attractive. He had black hair, hazel eyes and a buff build. One could even call him sexy if they analysed his masculine features…... Did I just call my best friend sexy? I internally groaned. This knightly kid is screwing up my head with his damn attractiveness. I mentally slapped myself for calling him attractive. I’m not gay. I don’t find him attractive. I mean, sure I can admit that he is good looking…extremely good looking but still! Ugh! I groaned out loud this time. I heard Corey chuckle, reminding me that he is still here. “Calm down, dude. Why don’t you just invite them over? For dinner or something?” he offered “All nineteen of them?” I deadpanned sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. They wouldn’t all fit in here! He huffed, “It was just a suggestion” he mumbled “Yeah, I know” I replied apologetically. We sat in silence for a while, each of us consumed in our own thoughts. “Why don’t you just invite Knightly over? He’s like the capi-tain of the group so he could tell you all you want to know” Corey spoke up suddenly. I frowned at him. “Inviting a guy for dinner…at my house? By himself? Dude, that’s just gay” I retorted, rolling my eyes. Why in heavens name would I do that? He rolled his eyes, “Well then, get over it!” he exclaimed, pouting. I gave a small chuckle. He gets so worked up over the smallest of things. We fell into another silence. How could I possibly find out more about them in a very heterosexual way? Maybe I could show them around town? No…they don’t seem like the type to want to be shown around…they seem like they like to explore – why I think that… I have no idea. Maybe I could offer to show Knightly around? Eh, no…that’s gay. Hm… Maybe I could invite them to church? Yeah….that would work… I could invite them to the fundraiser that we are having at the end of the month! Yeah, I’ll invite them to church… they look like they need Jesus anyway. “I’ve got it!” I exclaimed, making Corey jump in surprise. I chuckled when he landed on the floor. He is such a clutz. “What?! What have you got?” he groaned, standing up. “I know how I will investigate them,” I replied excitedly. He nodded, indicating that I should continue. “I’ll invite them to church…well… actually I’ll invite them to the fundraiser that’s happening in three weeks…at the end of the month.” He scoffed, “They don’t seem particularly religious…” “Well… Jesus is always looking for people to save” I smiled at him. “This won’t work” he told me, rolling his eyes. He’s always skeptical of anything that has to do with people going to church. He’s so negative. I tsked, shaking my head at him to which he just rolled his eyes. “It’ll work…” I replied firmly. It has to work…cause it’s all I’ve got.
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