Chapter 3 University life for me. Maybe a new pack?

1971 Words
“Are you sure you don't want to live on campus, Meadow? This place looks a little rundown and unsafe.” Mom did a second look around and found the place wanting. “You wouldn’t have to mow your own yard or deal with random cars parking in front of your house if you moved into a dorm or switched to a school near our pack. Tanner would leave you alone until you were done with school.” I watched her as she twisted her mouth in disapproval at the interior of the bright yellow two-bedroom cottage. I don’t think she was a fan of anything but plain white on walls and this place was a different color in each room. I knew she would especially hate it when I got it because of the light blue shutters and the lack of planted flowers, but I didn’t care. The house made me feel warm and comfortable which is all I could ask in a living space. I also got it because the drive to the campus was only fifteen minutes, which put me far enough away from the annoying frat parties and drunken idiots but not so far to have to get up extra early to get to class on time. I like my sleep and comfort way too much for that s**t. The small forest behind the place was another huge factor. Being able to shift, run, and hunt without having to drive an hour to do so is going to be awesome. Aislings mouth was watering at the smell of the prey in our own getaway. “Mom, there have been too many horror stories from family members and other packs members about living on campus,” I said, “All the late nights or students being loud all night long. And you know how much I study. With people coming and going as they please, plus a roommate snoring, I would never be able to get all my studying in.” I rolled my eyes once I turned away from her. “I know honey. You really could have taken some time off before getting your college education. You could still do that and travel the packs learning as you go.” She looked hopeful and I hated to dash her hopes yet again. “Come on, Meadow. It would be a blast for some mother-daughter time and maybe find your mate.” There was no way I was spending that much time alone with her. The doctors were correct when they diagnosed her as bipolar, among a few other things. ‘She is so full of s**t, Meadow. She wants us to go back to the pack so the Alpha and his man child son can get their rocks off with us.’ Aisling growled as she glared at her. ‘I know. Just go along with her fake act. Things will go faster.’ I told her pushing for her to understand. She agreed but wasn’t happy about it. “Mom, I love you and I will miss you but I am not ready to find my mate yet nor am I old enough for another month. You're only 4 hours away if things get to be too much and I will be sure to make it home for the holidays. Everything will be ok.” She nodded and walked away but I knew she was getting angry. If she didn’t get the answer she wanted from me it always turned into how I did her wrong and what a daughter who actually loved her would say. I just had to make it through the next couple of hours while we unloaded the truck and rented trailer. My brother had better get here fast with the big moving truck or mom may murder me in the bathroom. I know she loves me and that she just can't help herself but sometimes when I tell her no, it would be great if she listened the first time. Honestly, it would be nice if she listened at all. I was glad the only thing I got from my mother was her beautiful dark chocolate brown hair and my perky c-cups. I got my height of 5’2, useless metabolism, and need of glasses from my father. I could deal with that since I was scared of heights, and I accessorized my glasses depending on my mood but the inability to eat everything I wanted without turning into a blimp was not something I was happy about. “Hey baby girl.” My dad yelled walking in with a big box labeled Bedroom. “Which room are you taking?” “I'm going to take the one on the left that has the bathroom with it.” I smiled. I finally had a bathroom to myself so there was no way I wouldn’t pick that room as my own. “Very good choice since it's the biggest bedroom. I don't mind having the smaller bedroom for when I come to visit.” I just laughed at him when he looked completely serious. “Dad, I love you and I'm totally cool with you coming to visit whenever you want as long as its not a stressful time for me. Although you'll be sleeping on a futon since that's going to be my office.” He looked a little disappointed, but I knew he would sleep on a hard cold concrete floor if I meant to see me, and I would do the same for him. “All right honey, that's fine but I'm going to need you to make sure it's not a girly-colored futon or at least have some manly sheets here for me.” He teased after putting the box in the room. “I have to keep up my street cred.” “You are such a dork, Dad, Let's just get all this stuff in here so I can start organizing. I only have a couple of days before class and I'd really like to have most of my stuff put away before they start.” “I'm really glad that I have a responsible daughter. I don’t even want to think of what could have been in these boxes.” He shuddered and ran out the door. Good thing he didn’t know that I wasn’t as good as he thought. If he opened any of the boxes and read some of the titles of my books I would be getting the lecture of a lifetime. “Gross, Dad!” I yelled hiding my eyes behind my arm. I could hear him chuckling at me. About an hour later my brother, Daniel, and his mate, Blake, pulled up with my small moving truck filled with all my big possessions. Looking at its meager size I wasn’t sure I should feel happy that I am not a pack rat or sad that I don’t have many things. If I looked at how my parents live, needing a bedroom for all of mom’s clothes and dolls, I would go with happy. That room creeps the s**t out of me but it beat living in the pack house with all the perverts and assholes. Dad walked out beside me rubbing his back before groaning when he remembered we still had the furniture to unload. “I am going to see if a neighbor or two can help us out. This old man is wearing out faster than he hoped.” He smiled before heading out. “Hey, if any are hot guys that are in my age range let a girl know.” He just waved and shook his head in response. What the heck. Shouldn’t he be excited I was asking him to be my wing man. "Geez, drive slow enough?" I yelled as I walked toward the truck. My brother waved me off with a laugh before opening the back of the truck. He looked happy with his big goofy grin and bright blue eyes. I was jealous of his height of over six foot and lean frame no matter what he ate. If I even looked at a snickers bar I gained 5 lbs. His mate was the same as him with their matching blonde hair and ability to down five plates at a buffet without barfing. Jealous was an understatement at this point even if my wolf kept mentioning we looked better curvy with a big booty. "Where's dad? I want to get this done quick so I can be an only child again!" I flipped him off before joining him at the back of the truck. “You know I’m gonna miss you but this is our only option for now.” I nodded with a small smile. "Are you excited for school and all the hot college men?" Blake joked as she gave me a big bear hug. She was only two years younger than my brother and was perfect for him. She could handle his s**t and give it right back. She was even able to handle Tanners s**t without punching his lights out. Better wolf than me. "Hey, my sister has no dating life and let's stick with that!” Daniel argued glaring at us. “I don’t want to have to drive four hours to beat up a scrawny nerd anytime soon!” He glared at her but stopped talking when we heard an awkward cough. We all swung our heads back and saw dad with three of the hottest guys I have ever seen. Sniffing the air as they came closer stopped me in my tracks. Wolfs. Strong, alpha wolves. ‘We gotta go. Alphas mean trouble.’ I started searching for an exit hoping Aisling was on my side. ‘No. We can’t act scared. New territory means new rules. We got this.’ Aisling huffed before focusing in on the guys and their wolves. Guess I just had to trust her judgment. They must have been playing some kind of sport because they were all sweaty and shirtless. They all had mouthwatering six packs , broad shoulders, and matching tattoos on their left pec that was made up a wolf face half white, half black. All three had a few random tattoos other places but none looked as good as that one. I just wanted to know what it meant or maybe lick where it was placed. I had to tell myself to calm down and act normal before I tried to get me a man sandwich going. Blake leaned over and whispered to wipe my drool off my chin. I shoved her away and just shook my head. A girl can look even if they are way out of my league. I looked over at her and she had even started checking them out. There is nothing wrong with looking and she obviously knew that. Turd. Focus, Meadow, you have s**t to do. " I found some help for the furniture!” Dad said, “This is Saint, Finn, and Connor. They are apart of the nearest pack, Howling Rogue Pack." He winked at me, hinting this was the break we needed. A pack I could join to completely break from my fate at our current pack. He smiled like a proud dad who just saved my day. Little did he know that was not what I thought. I thought he brought me three different problems that would become an even bigger problem if my libido didn’t stop talking to me. Keeping my head stuck in the books and keeping my head low was going to be the best way to get away from any power-hungry d***s who wanted to use my womb like it was for rent. Who said these wolves would be any different?
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