The Moon Goddess Tales: The rejection

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Logans POV: Geesh, I cant catch a break. All I wanted was to sit down and rest for a few. I had just unscrewed my water bottle to take a drink and felt the first couple of rain drops hit my face. Not that the rain really bothered me I just wanted or needed something to grumble over. The rain might as well be it as I couldn't pin point anything else to blame my sour mood on. The moon goddess has been keeping me busy and my latest task that she had given me was finally completed. No one had died and for that alone I should have been in a better spirits. My wolf was edgy also, I could feel him restlessly stirring with in me.. I decided to pick a spot undress and turn Tegan loose. Maybe after a good hard run both of us would relax a bit.   The moon goddess has kept me busy leaving little time to rest since she found me. I for one didn't even know what a werewolf was much less a moon goddess until about three years ago. I was raised in a small orphanage that only housed around 10 to 15 kids at a time. We were sheltered with little to no contact with outsiders. We were provided the basic living standards. A change of clothing for each day, basic education classes so we could read and write with enough math so we could no when we were being cheated or being treated fairly when paid wages or bartering for supplies.  At the time that the moon goddess approached me for the first time I was in my early teens. I had fallen asleep and thought to myself at the time that I was dreaming. The moon goddess told me she would introduce me to a whole new world if only I would listen to her with an open mind and an open heart.  After the first time the Moon Goddess seemed to give me a few days to process the visions that she would show me. The first time left me in shock as she introduced me to Tegan and tried to explian to me how me and Tegan were one and that we were special. We were hand choosen by the Moon Goddess herself to help others fulfill their destiny in doing so I would be fulfilling my destiny. I really thought that I was loosing my mind. Everything I was hearing had to be as a result of some movie I had watched mixed with my longings for a family my own. All the years in the orphanage and no one ever picked me. I had watched so many others come and go that I had begun to think there was something wrong with me. My parents didnt want me and evidentially no one else wanted me either.  I had grew up in that orphanage most times ignored and rarely sought out for anything. The Moon Goddess shows up and tries to tell me that somehow I had ended up in the wrong place as a result of the traumatic events that led to the death of both my parents. And that the life I was living was not the life that was meant for me.  The Moon Goddess showed me my mother and father. That was the hardest. My parents looked to be barely in their twenties and both had looked at each other with such deep loving devotion. My mother was an average height woman or werewolf as I was still coming to terms with. My father was a Gamma male, 2nd in charge underneath the current Greystone Packs Alpha. My mother had been originally apart of the Greystone Pack. She was an Omega that had traces of Gamma and Beta bloodline running thru her. Upon turning 18 she had excitedly waited for the blue moon to arrive to shift for her first time.  Getting to see her shift. Her wolf walking tall and proud. She was a beautiful creature, I was in awe. Now that I have saw my own wolf Tegan I now know that I favor my mothers coloring. I amazed at what I had witnessed. All the wolves had begun to howl. Low and calm at first then suddenly more and more wolves began to join in. The howls continued to be heard until suddenly the all came to halt. You could see different wolves walking up to one another and nuzzling each other. The Moon Goddess explained to me that each blue moon the unmated wolves would gather seeking to see if their mate would be revealed. For most it didn't happen. For the few that truly found their mate you could see their entire body show ownership of each other. I had never heard of love at first site so witnessing it I was still in disbelief. This mate bond as the Mood Goddess told me was something that even I could possibly face in my future I saw the Alpha walk thru the clearing, stop turn around and walk in the direction of my mother. My mother had turned and shyly took a step towards the Alpha. I kept looking at him thinking that this isn't right, I should be looking at my father, the Alpha walked up smelled my mother, began to nuzzle her then shifted back to his human form looked at my mother.  I closed my mind as my mind began to register the assault my mother was enduring. I wanted to kill him! The last I heard was the  Alpha speaking loudly, I Alpha Luther Fallon, do reject you Kimmie Greystone as my mate, I watched my mother fall to the ground and let out a loud piercing painful sounding cry. After a few minutes, my mother, in a much weakened state lay there shifted back to her human for in a fetal position with tears slowly streaming down her face. The last thing I hear was her whisper, I, Kimmie Greystone reject you Luther Frost. I reject you as my mate and I reject the Coldmoon Pack as my own. Thankfully a small werewolf that I could not detect dragged a sheet over my mother and walked away to leave her laying there crying heart broken all alone. It was awful. If possible I would kill that Alpha over and over again for all the pain that he had caused my mother. You could see she was a loving gentle soul. How could he have not wanted the gift that the Moon Goddess had provided him? As I watched my mother slowly crawl on her hands and knees struggling to gain enough strength to get up and walk away from this pathetic Alpha and the pack that he represented. I could see in the distance the Alpha trip and fall letting out a single low howl signaling that he had indeed felt the beginning of the end of their mate bond. While the bond had begun to severe it wasn't always that easy so the pains felt with the rejection could be felt for days depending on the strength of the bond being severed. I am grateful this wolf is not my father. 
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