Chapter 22 Rye

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Rye I’m laying there looking out the window as Sol sleeps peacefully in my arms, the full moon is in a couple of weeks after fathers ball. I have no pets and I’m not drinking from Sol. The full moon brings out our primal side, we lose control of ourselves. A few years back on the first full moon it was a m******e, many humans died mainly because Louis and Victor didn’t listen. We explained to them what would happen if their people wouldn’t stay indoors, stay hidden. They chose not to listen, father and I took it into our own hands and took to the streets and told the people what may happen. Some listened, some threw food at us and others tried to stab and catch us on fire. Later that week many died and many were left on the brink of death. A shadow settles in front of our door followed by a gentle knock. “Come in Frank.” I called him using our special way of talking. He opened the door and closed it shut behind him, gently. He looks at us laying on the bed and smiles at the sight of Sol fast asleep in my arms. The very first day Frank met Sol she took his heart, he said she reminded him so much of his daughter before she died. She’s so innocent to the world, so friendly, kind, sweet and deserves to be happy. Then he looks up at me and smiles, not a cute smile like he gave Sol, a smile of :I told you so. A smile that says I know she’d have you wrapped up so tight you’ll never want to leave her side for one minute. “Anything out of the ordinary Frank?” I slip my hand from under Sol’s head and position her on the pillow. “Only some extra empty rooms, I presume are guest bedrooms, I also found some bloody female clothes. And one of our kind lives here.” “Did you see him/ her?” “No, but I smelt him, I smelt Tal.” “Tal? Of course, he was always a traitor once things didn’t go his way.” “Kyro, he's skilled, he can fight. I saw him in the dungeon about three hours ago.” “Hmm.” “So can Louis and Victor.” “That’s expected.” “And Sol.” “Hmm, that’s expected. I mean if humans Orr anyone tries to attack.. wait Sol.” “Yes, our Princess is a skilled fighter thanks to her brother.” “You used your power.” “Yes sir.” “Let me look at you, stand straight.” I look over his face, then his palms and then I pull the arms of his suit up and there it is the gashes. Bloody and raw. Taking the tip of my thumb I lick in it and pass the saliva over the bruises. Frank’s gift is seeing what we can’t see, he can stand in a room where a murder took place fifty years ago and see who, what and how it went down. But he’s not a royal, and his gift is special and strong. So every time he uses it he gets these cuts on his body. And as the Saliva of a Royal Can heal any wound. I've been healing them for years. “No more Frank, don’t use it unless it’s needed.” “It was needed sir, the dungeon was filled with too much emotion. Too much of Sol’s.” “Is she good Frank, I mean can she fight?” “She’s good sir, she just chose not to let him see.” “Hmmm. There is no way, she’s too innocent and sweet.” “Have a look.” He raise his hands to place it on my shoulder and I stop him, “No more Frank.” “ Are you afraid, sir.” “Afraid?” “That her fighting skills are better than yours, that someone may finally be able to take down our prince Ryeidon. Ha.” We burst out laughing, snapping our necks instantly as we both sense movement from Sol. Frank kept his eyes on her and so did I . “She’s a good girl sir, she needs love and attention and to be kept away from these people.” “What else did you see, Frank?” “Not what I saw, it’s what I felt.” His face turned towards the moon and his jaw went tight, his arms went stiff as his eyes closed shut. It’s as if he’s trying to erase the memories from his mind. But he can’t, the most he can do is try and control them. ***** The morning came quickly, I have an important online meeting that I have to attend while Sol sits inside and talks to her childhood maid. I listen to them giggle and whisper as they try to keep their voices low so they don’t interrupt me. Taking my eyes off the screen for a minute to just look at her, to look at her beautiful smile, the way her hair falls, the way her nose twitches when she laughs and how her head goes back with her body. “ If Marious doesn’t look at me the way you look at Princess I’m calling off this wedding.” Vikki says drawing me out from my gaze. “Marius looks at you the same way vikki.” I say “Men, they all lie for each other.”’ Vikki says Later that day we all got dressed and headed to fathers private park where we have our annual picnics. Sol and I are dressed in our matching blue button up t shirts, jeans and sneakers. The weather outside is beautiful, the sun is shining and the clouds are covering the sky. As we exit the car we meet up with a group of humans standing at the entrance. “Princess Sol.” A little girl calls to her. Sol let’s go of my hand and walks over to the group, Frank stalking behind her causing the child to burst out in tears. “It’s ok Frank.” Sol says, stopping him in his tracks. She gets down to the little girl's level and takes her into her arms. “Hello sweet girl, what’s your name?” Sol ask “Skyla.” “And who may this little lady be?” She points at the doll. “She’s Rain.” Her heart beat goes from happy to aching in a minute. Then she shakes it off and continues her conversation. “Are you ok Princess?” The little girl ask “Yes, I’m fine. And what are your names?” She turns her attention to the rest of the family “This is my momma, father and grandmother.” “Ohh, and how old are you sweet girls?” Sol asks before moving a strand of hair from the girl's face. “I’m six years old.” “Sir we need to go, the picnic is starting and a lot more people are gathering.” Frank says “Let her meet her people Frank, she married me for peace and they love her for that, they love her for sacrificing her life for them. Let her meet her people.” Frank nods and takes a step back. We both looked on, me and Frank as more people gathered to meet Sol, she doesn’t seem bothered by it at all. She smiles, shakes hands and meets the people, her people. I guess father and Louis and Victor found it strange that we haven’t arrived yet and came looking for us. Father’s feet landed next to mine and he placed his hand on my shoulder. “They seem to love her more than they love you and I.” ****** The picnic is going smoothly, all of our guests arrived hours ago, music and entertainment, games for the children and us. We tried doing a racing event, father against sons, family against family but it seemed unfair as we all have the ability of speed and no one would really know who came first. I sit in my seat and keep my eyes set on Sol. She's talking to my cousin's wife, or as Emmanuel says, plotting. Orisha comes into view and stops in front of me, we haven’t talked much since the incident in my office and I honestly have nothing more to say to her. “Rye, I’m..” “Rye, it’s time for Sol’s meal. She didn’t eat anything before we left her parents house.” Frank says cutting Orisha off. Ashley, her maid we brought with us today, places her plate on the table next to me and then takes her place behind us. As Frank walks over to Sol and walks back over to where I’m sitting. “Rye I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for things to go that far. But I love you, and she’s not the one for you I am. She’s young and inexperienced. She laughs like a child and acts like one too, you need a woman, Rye a grown woman.” Orisha speaks. “ I understand your feelings, I understand what you're saying. But I’m sorry Orisha. You and I are better off as friends. Even if my wife is young and inexperienced, she’s still my wife and I love her. Just the way she is.” Wait did I just say that out loud, I did because Orisha’s breathing hitched and her face went ghost white. Sol comes over and takes her seat next to me, she greets Orisha and then looks at the plate set in front of her. “This is a little too much.” “Eat what you can.” As she places a spoon of rice to her mouth something comes flying past us hitting a wooden pole behind us. Sol goes frozen and so do I as everything in front of us goes slow, everyone is running in slow motion, screams dragged out. “Are you ok, let me see you.” I look over her The enclosed area we were seated in is not going cloudy, gas is filling the room. Sol starts coughing and so thoses Ashley her maid. “Take Ashley, I’ll carry Sol.” I say to Frank We make our way through the crowd, heads low as we go, I make conversation with my dad and brother in my head to make sure they're alright. As a Royal rule, our royal rule. Seeing that my brother and I are next in line for the throne once our father steps down or passes. We aren’t to be in the same place together ever, and today we broke that rule by not staying in different areas. Glass breaking catches my attention, I look on at the shadows of people breaking the glass with their hands for the smoke to escape. “Stay here.” I say to Sol placing her under a table, I look back but can’t see Frank anywhere in the distance. “Stay here, call out to me if you need me.” “Where are you going?” “To help them.” I rush over and help guests out through the windows and help break the glasses if those aren't there. The smoke escapes through the windows leaving the room clear. “We came for the girl.” A heavy voice says through a black gas mask. “Which girl, there are so many?” I state “The pretty Princess.” He says, causing my blood to boil. “She isn’t here.” Just as he was about to speak Sol coughed from under the table, his head snapped over and he moved towards her. “Come with us Princess and no one gets hurt.” He says to her. “If your fingertips even touch’s hers I’ll bite your neck off.” BANG BANG BANG I fall back as bullets from their guns enter different parts of my body, I hear her scream my name and jump to her feet. They grab her, in the midst of the smoke I see her fighting with the man that has her in his arms. Her hair flying all over her face and her hands trying to scratch at his face, then silence. “f*****g brat bit me.” He screamed. Sol is at my side holding my hands and calling out to me, little tears run down her face. “Stop crying SolI’ll be fine.” “You wouldn’t, you're hurt.” As she spoke the sound of metal hitting the ground caught her attention. “Only fire, a knife to the heart or a special kind of food can kill me Princess, now let's get out of here.” Standing up on my feet I take her hand and we run in the opposite direction of the men. Coming to an opening near a forested area I give Sol time to catch her breath before we continue. A man in black comes running in. I move Sol aside and we both collide with each other, throwing hands fighting dirty. Kicks and punches all about the body. Sol screams and I snap the man's neck as he looks over at her, someone is pulling her into the forest. I run behind her as they run behind me. Catching up to her fighting one of the men, he's so big and she's so little. She punches, kicks in that order, then I remember what Frank told me. ‘She can fight.’ The man drops to the floor and she stands over him, hovering and I could feel the anger rolling off of her. In the distance I see Orisha standing by a tree, her feet dirty with mud and her dress torn. She’s calling out to Sol telling her she’s alright, was it her that grabbed her and ran through the forest. Was she trying to save her? Walking behind her I stop her hands from taking one last hit to the man’s face, he still has his mask on so I pull it from his face. His eyes are green like moss that’s now growing in the mountains, his face is so much like mines, shaped perfectly. And then he smiles a smile showing off his knines sharp and ready to sink into its next victim. “Who sent you?” Silence. “What do you want with Princess Sol?” “She doesn’t belong to you, she belongs to another. We have come to take her to her rightful place. We’ve come to take our Luna to meet her Alpha.”

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