Chapter 5 Dolled Up

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"Who is it?" David furiously groaned to himself when he heard someone ring the doorbell, he hopes it is not Karen on the door again as he slowly stood up to get it, if he find that it is Karen, he is going to call the police on her, he said within him, as he staggered to the door with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. "Hello, Mr David…" Mica greeted immediately the front door opened, "It is you…" David said instead after he pushed the door open, it was Mica and not Karen, he saw that she was the one when he first peeked at the door monitor, "go away Mica…" David knew why Mica was here, he was sure she must have heard from her friend. "Go tell your friend that she is not welcome here anymore, " David told her immediately afterwards, closing the door in Mica's face, this got her furious that she banged her hand on the door this time, she cannot dress up for nothing, she said within her. David who was about to walk into the living room furrowed his brows when he heard her continous banging on the door. He turned around in anger. "What?" David screamed glaring at her as he opened the door again. "Excuse me, Mr David but I think you are mistaken on my purpose of being here," Mica told him, staring into his eyes. David doesn't feel like talking to anyone, he wanted to be alone right now, but she was standing there and seemed like she had more to say. "If you are not here to talk to me about forgiving and taking your friend back, what then are you here for?" He asks her this time staring back at her face. "Well, I am here for the direct opposite, Mr David," Mica replied immediately. He raised his brows slightly, contemplating whether to let her in or not, because he wanted to be left alone. He doesn't know what she has to say, but since it wasn't to talk about taking Karen back, he made way for her. "Come on in," A smile flashed through Mica's lips as she stepped inside the mansion, she couldn't wait to have a place like this with David's money. David put his right hand into his pants pocket and turned to her "What have you come to say to me, Mica?" He asked after Mica had walked into the house. "I suggest we sit down," She told him as her eyes flickered to the couch in the center of the living room. "Alright then, follow me," he told her, leading the way to where he was seated before while drinking. "I see you were having a private party," Mica told him, taking a seat on the couch in front of David. David didn't want these unnecessary conversations, he wanted to hear what she has to say and hoped she gets straight to the reason she is here. "Go ahead and say what you came here to say," David told her, taking a sip from the bottle of alcohol in his hands. Mica stared at him for a while, wondering whether David is truly mad at Karen or he is only just being upset at the moment, she knew how much David loves Karen, she has tried before to set him up with a girl still for her selfish gain but failed, she hopes this does not turn out like her first attempt. "Go on, I am listening," David said in a deep stain voice, glaring at her. Mica cleared her voice and decided she is going to give it a try, "Well, Mr David to tell you the truth, I was the one who sent that video to you…" "You what?" David asked, interrupting her immediately. "Yes, David, I could not just stand and watch this unfaithfulness anymore, my conscience could not just take it anymore…" David raised his hand to stop her from speaking any further as he looked at her with a hint of unbelief. "Wait… wait, Mica, what are you saying to me?" David asked, he never imagined he would hear Mica say this to him. "Yes, David, My friend has been cheating on you for a while now, I mean, for a long time now, I am sorry to say this because I know how much you love her," Mica said fondling with her fingers or rather pretending to be foundling with her fingers while she peeked at David through her eyelashes as she try to read his reaction or facial expression. "You mean to tell me that Karen has been cheating on me with this man for some time now?" David asked this time in a husky voice, this was never what he expected to hear at all. "I am sorry, David but that is the awful truth," she replied, seeing that her lie is getting to David. "I tried to stop her from seeing him, believe me, I tried, but Karen, you know how she is when she likes something or someone," she continued shrugging her shoulders a little and looking into David's face, she said that on purpose recalling how Karen had been when she first started seeing David himself. "Karen refused to listen to me, David, and her reason was that you have less time for her now unlike before," Mica continues peering at him through her lashes. David stared at Mica, his heart swelling with rage, he recalled a time when Karen had told him about being too busy with work, and he had told her then that he would try to make amends after the project he has at hand, and it pained him too that he had to say that long away from her, only he never expected Karen to result to cheating on him with another man, "Karen said that to you?" David asked in a rather deep voice, fuming with anger, as his hand curled up in a fist. Mica chuckled inwardly seeing how furious David is, it is time to put her plan to action, "Yes, David," she said with a nod and a furrowed brow, pretending to be telling an awful truth, "I could not believe her response too, but later she told me not to worry that she is going to stop seeing him, and asks that I give her some time, when I threatened to tell you about it, I thought she would have ended it already but she kept on seeing him, I got tired of watching this that is why I planted a video in your house and recorded it from my house, I can't just keep quiet anymore especially when she lies with my name to take money from you and give to that good for nothing lover of hers…" Mica lied through her teeth even though she knew this was adding fuel to fire. David's brows lifted after hearing what Mica just said, he felt his heart tearing apart seeing how serious Mica looked and sounded, she cannot possibly be making this up, he said within him hoping that somehow all of this is a nightmare he would give anything to wake up from, "Did you say she give him my money too?" David blinked at Mica now with furry in his eyes. "Yes, David, and I do have proof of that, she pleaded with me to be her alibi, it started one day when she told me that she asked for some money from you because I need some financial help, she said that she would pay the amount into my bank account and that I should transfer the same sum into her lovers account, believe me, I knew from then that my friend has gone insane, I did her the favour hoping she would stop, but this has gone way out of hand, and I think she is only using you now," Mica stood up from where she is seated opposite David and presented him with some bank transactions where money has been transferred to Smith's bank account from hers. David took the phone from her and glanced through it, "Smith? Is that his name?" David asked, taking note of the name. "Yes, David, that's his name, that is the name of the man in the video I sent you," she replied with a nod, taking her phone slowly back from him. David lifted the bottle of alcohol in his hands again and started pouring the liquid into his mouth. Mica smiled to herself, knowing now that her plan is going to be successful this time, poor Karen and poor David, she said within her, "Slow down, David, you do not have to be like this, Smith might be with Karen right now and you are here trying to drown yourself in alcohol," Mica told him talking the bottle of alcohol away from his hands. David furrowed his brows at Mica for trying to stop him, the alcohol is the only thing that can help him breath now, "Give that back Mica, I said give that back, I am not going to drown in alcohol, I need it to try and breathe from the pain of Karen's betrayal," David told her furiously trying to get the bottle back from Mica, but instead of giving him back the bottle, Mica reached out and placed her lips on David's. She pulled away again shortly afterwards to try and see his reaction, if it did not go as plan she would quickly think of something else, as her main purpose of being her is to try and seduce David to sleeping with her, that is the only way she can think of to start extorting money from David, that was the whole essence of their plan. "I am sorry David," Mica told him immediately, seeing how he just stared at her. David shook his head, thinking why he would stop himself as the image of Karen with another man in his bed flashed through his memory, she is probably with him right now, he said within him and with that he pulled Mica to himself and put his lips on hers. Mica gladly returned the kisses, feeling excited for herself as the second stage of her plan is going to be successful, all she needs is to find a way into his bed to properly consummate their relationship. *** Mica slowly opened her eyes as she felt a side of her face burning, only to see that it was as a result of the sun ray streaming into the room. She smiled inwardly when she recalled where she is and what had happened between her and the Billionaire David Anderson, her friend's husband last night. "I see that you are awake," David's deep voice startled Mica, she did not notice him because of her thoughts. Mica quickly sat up on the bed, pretending to recall what had happened between them and to be sorry, "David, I am sorry, I never meant for this to happen," Mica quickly climbed out of the bed. David sipped from the glass of alcohol in his hand, after looking at her briefly, he woke up early this morning with a hangover but the pain in his heart seemed to be more than the pain in his head, he had taking a cold bath and had dressed up as usual even though he still feels a little ache in his head, he still decided to take in some alcohol as that is the only drink he could think of at the moment. Mica stared at him not knowing what to make of his countenance at the moment and decided it is best she leaves now, and think of a next line of action to achieving her goal of getting money from him, " I see that you are all dressed up, David, so I think I will take my leave now, again, I am sorry for last night." Mica slowly adjusted her clothes and hair, peering at him through her lashes. "You do not have to be sorry Mica," David told her after a glance, he has given it a thought and he is not ready to sit around and brood over Karen's betrayal, rather he has to think of a way to make her pay for betraying him the way she did. "Marry me, Mica," Mica's eyes dilated and she gasped to hear him say this.
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