Chapter 6 A Tool

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Mica blinked her eyes, unable to believe what she just heard, "what did you say?" She wanted to hear him say that to her again just to make sure she heard him correctly. David's right hand curled into a fist as he pursed his lips and stared at Mica, he never believed that he would have anything to do with Mica let alone ask her to marry him, but he has to, if that will serve as a better way to publish Karen for treating him the way she did, he will give Mica so much that Karen would regret ever cheating on him, "I said Marry me, Mica," he repeated even though the words were heavy for him. Mica's eyes dilated a second time as she heard the words come right out of David's mouth again and with all seriousness, she smiled inwardly trying not to let David see how happy she feels to hear him say that to her, instead she tried to make him think that she is angry at his proposal, "are you out of your mind, David? You are my best friend's husband…" Mica was saying when David cut in, interrupting her. "She is no longer my wife, Karen stopped being my wife the moment I set my eyes on that video," David's deep voice resounded in Mica's ears, "so do not feel sorry or ashamed of whatever happened between us last night because if I never wanted it, it will not have happened." Woo, Mica said within her, seeing how deeply affected David is, what a fool? She said again within her and smiling inwardly too, peaking at him from under her lashes, "don't you think you are being too hasty in your proposal? You may want to go back on your word when you have calmed down," She folded her arms under her breast, gazing into his face this time, there is no point trying to act coy anymore, if he meant what he has just told her then, this will be an over achievement for her, she never imagined a thing like this before, this will make her getting money easier, what use will it be building another paradise for herself when she can actually possess this paradise? David stared at her for a while, and then took a sip from the glass of alcohol in his hands, he never think he can forgive Karen for cheating on him like that, and all he wants now is to make her pay and if Mica would not agree to marry him, he would ask another woman, he knew quite a lot of women who would jump at the offer even if they knew it is for making Karen jealous, "Look, Mica, if you are not interested, you should say so, because my mind is made up already, I will marry another woman immediately even if it is not going to be you," David hoped that Mica would agree as he believes that will be a big blow to Karen. Mica unfolded her arms immediately at David's statement looking rather baffled, she cannot let this chance pass her, not when she is the mastermind to all of this, another woman cannot come and reap off her plans, "you know what, David, I think you should give me some time to think about this, at least, up until tomorrow morning to get back to you on this," she gazed at him pleadingly, she needs to tell Smith about this new development and get him to agree to it, else she would have said yes to his proposal immediately. David poured the last alcohol in his glass into his mouth and groaned a little from the burning scotch he felt in his throat, "you have until tomorrow morning then, bear in mind that I will not wait around for you," his voice sounded husky this time. Mica peered at him skeptically, "tomorrow morning it is, David," Mica told him rather slowly adjusting her clothes again, she slowly walked past him, trying not to show how excited she truly feels at the moment, she needs to go find Smith and get him in on this new development. David pressed the glass in his hands so hard, trying to vent his frustration and anger as he suddenly felt like he is suffocating inside after Mica left the room, he still cannot believe that his life would take this sudden turn, he had planned so much for himself and Karen, and he had loved her way too much that his heart was content even by just seeing her by his side, and he had asked nothing from her in return for all the affection and love he has shown her except for her love in return, but now he feels like a fool, Karen made a fool out of him, he said within him recalling their previous conversation yesterday morning before he left for work. "Yaaaaa…" he screamed and unconsciously threw the glass in his hands on the floor making a shattering sound as he glass shattered in pieces spattering around the room. Mica paused at the sound of David's scream and the sound of the glass shattering on the ground, "poor David" Mica muttered, clicking her tongue at the roof of her mouth producing a sound from it as she shook her head sideways too. She smile to herself after that, wondering the look she is going to see on Karen's face when she will break the news of she and David getting married, she needs to act fast on this, she told herself as she does not want David going back on his words, she feels that he is like this because his wound is still very fresh, and may call off the engagement when he begins to think rationally again. No Mica, that will not happen, I am going to make sure David never go back on his decision to marry me, she muttered to herself even though she does not know how she is going to do that yet. She continues walking towards the door again when she heard footsteps, she does not want David meeting her hear again. David paused by the stires when he saw the front door closing, he groaned a little again when he realised that Mica is just leaving now, that means she heard him when he yelled and threw his glass on the floor. "What does it matter anyway?" He muttered to himself still staring at the door, she should know his reason for wanting to marry her as he does not need to spell it out for her, but he hopes she does not turn him down, knowing she is only a tool for his revenge on Karen.
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