Chapter 7 Silly Joke

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Mica slowly opened the door to Smith's apartment as she did not want to wake him up, she knew that he would still be in bed by this time and she wanted to take him by surprise just as she has done so many times before. She has had a spare key to his apartment from the first month they started dating but she has refused to give Smith a spare key to her apartment too because she does not want him sneaking up on her the way she does to him, besides she is only going out with him because of his handsome face, wishing that someday a handsome and wealthy man like Karen's husband, David will come her way, then she would end things with Smith, but since no such man came along up until now she has somehow made do with having Smith as her boyfriend but has refused to introduce him to her friend Karen because he is not wealthy as her husband, David. Thankfully she did not introduce Smith to Karen and her husband David, else they would not have been able to pull off their plan as they did. Mica was happy that Smith agreed to go on with her plan to try and extort money from David, somehow, she thinks Smith is aware that she doesn't love him completely because of his financial status, maybe that was what led him to agreeing to her plan, she knew how much Love Smith has for her, but as it is, she is not a fan of love without money. Mica walked her way through Smith's small living room which is about the same size as hers, it looked almost the same as her living room because they both had the same colour of paints on the wall, the only difference is that he has more furniture in his compared to hers even though they were quit old, she cared less anyway as this is not the kind of house she wanted to live in all her life, she has always dreamt of living in paradise, the kind that Karen lived in with her husband. She paused by the door of Smith's small bedroom which is also about the same size as hers, she stood there staring at Smith as he lay comfortably sleeping on his bed as one who has no worries. Mica hated this side of him, she wished sometimes that he would at least have the zeal to try and make money and she often teased him too about it, how can one sleep so deep, she always say to him, sometimes she would move about his room and he would still not notice that someone is in the room with him, "wake up man," she bent over and yelled into his ears when she got to his bed. Startled, Smith jumped out of his sleep and almost brushed his forehead against Mica's face, "what the f*ck?" Smith cursed when he came to his senses and realised it was Mica. "Hey, no cursing," Mica raised her hand immediately and put a finger across her lips to hush Smith, "how can a man sleep like this? If you continue like this you can be killed in your sleep, my gush," Mica yelled, furrowing her brows at him and brushing her hair backwards with her right palm to pull them properly off her face. Smith climbed out of bed immediately startled again by Mica's statement, "how can you say that to me, I only sleep like this when I am in my house, and besides you are the only one who has a spare key to my apartment, do not tell me you have the intention to kill me," Smith eyes widened as he speaks, a little terrified by what Mica said. Mica chuckled and scoffed inwardly at him, amazed at his reaction, "you may never know, if not me, someone else may just sneak into your apartment and have you killed," Mica pretended to furrow her brows this time as she spoke trying to get Smith more frightened. Smith caught on to her as he spotted a smirk at the corner of her lips, "you are trying to be silly now, Mica, come of it, you are not being funny at all," he said sitting down slowly on his bed, "by the way, what brings you here to my house this early and without warning?" He asks knowing she came to him for a reason, Mica never gives him a surprise visit like this one except she has something urgent she wanted to discuss with him or something she wanted him to do for her. "Now you are fully awake," Mica told him after a while of staring at him, thinking of the best way to break the news she came with to him, and how best to convince him to come on board with her in her plan as she knew this will be difficult for him to accept. "Yes, I am awake, now tell me why you have disturbed my sleep?" Smith raised a brow at her as she sat close to him on the bed. Mica slowly placed her left palm on his bare chest as he is not wearing a shirt over it only his night pants, she stroke her fingers across his chest and eying him seductively making Smith to feel a little uneasy at the touch of her hands and the heat of the warmth that spreads from her body to his, "I came to tell you some good news about our plan, Smith," she said rather slowly still stroking her fingers on his bare chest. Smith inhaled deeply, allowing the scent of her strong perfume to fill his nostrils, "tell me what it is already darling or I am going to lose my mind from what you are doing to me," Smith said, sounding so husky, he can barely recognise his voice. Mica smiled from the corner of her lips, hearing how Smith sounded just from the touch of her hands, that's when the thought hit her, she can actually get David to be like this just by touching him the way she does Smith now, but what if it did not work on David as it is working on Smith? A tiny voice in her head asked her almost immediately, well she may never know until she gives it a try, another voice in her head replied too almost immediately. "I am waiting," Smith's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, she realised soon that she has stopped stroking Smith's chest even though her hand was still on his chest, she shook her head, slowly taking her hands off his chest and sitting properly by herself on the bed and then cleared her throat a little, turning to face Smith again, "well, you see… the thing is…" she stammered, not knowing how to begin. Smith peered at her now, wondering what she wants to say to him that would make her stammer like this all of a sudden, gazing at her now, he is sensing that what she wants to tell him is heavy, not like her regular demands and this made him a little agitated, this was the way she looked the first time she wanted to let him know about her plan to undo her friend Karen, off course, he had objected at first but in time he gave in seeing that that's what she wanted, besides, he is not ready to lose her, he loves her way too much, "what is it, Mica? Tell me, you know that I will do anything for you right?" He said taking her hand tenderly and squeezing it softly too. "David asked me to marry him," she blotted out almost immediately not willing to drag it any further, Smith's jaw dropped immediately, his gaze still on Mica, he is trying to comprehend what she just said to him and he is hoping that this is one of her silly jokes.
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