What Path To Follow

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The girls all giggle, and say at the same time "All the pretty prince's on the field". Well, I have to admit, all the pretty Alpha Princes were out there playing football with Rider. There was Aiden, Lord, Heath, Chad, Brick, Tyler, Ethan, Jet, and Lance all looking buff, toned, and fit. All of them, were from neighboring territories, that were divided up by my mother, who designated which alpha would get which territory. There were 10 other districts of 30,000 acres each. My mother was an architect and made building plans for each of the territories.. She worked with each of the alphas, to design the territory as they wanted, each one coming up with a different look, feel, and style. Since, we all had to have running room for our wolves, we all allotted parcels within our territory, where we had fun runs and gatherings, to help us find mates, and keep everyone from getting too restless, and wild, like the old days when violence and death were all too commonplace. Our numbers have declined, due to all the fighting and violence. A peace summit was created to ensure our survival, since humans, have been overpopulating the whole earth, and we don't find mates often with humans. It is rare, since human females have a difficult time with carrying a wolf's child, or a male human producing a child with a wolf. All of the alpha princes were extremely attractive, and each one was looking for a mate from my sorority, since we were from the most powerful packs. My Sorority sisters are all taking studies in Luna Training and Pack Management. I was taking courses in architecture, design, engineering, and political science. Several of my sorority sisters were also taking business management, and medical degrees in various disciplines. Our mothers, are all Lunas, so, we get additional training from our mothers to run and manage the pack with our alpha mates. My mother was more Alpha though, and I think I take after her. She is also more of a priestess, and has many gifts that the goddess gave to her. She did get visions and had a gift to venture into the minds of others. She also had a strong gift for influencing others with her mind. I should talk to her about my return from death, in a way that she could understand and help me find the path I should take, now that the future is going to change. I wondered if I should call off the wedding, to change my path, and not get caught up in the drama with Diana and let her have him. I need to see what my gift from the Moongoddess is. She said possibly more gifts, but I need to find out which ones they are to draw out my powers. I will call my mother tonight, to talk with her more about the moongoddess, without telling her that I came from the future, and that I was murdered by my husband and his mistress. I don't think mother would take kindly to that, and she might kill them both for harming her daughter. She might think I was crazy, if I told her that. What the Goddess am I going to do? I returned my focus on the guys playing football. I watched Rider throw the football to the wide receiver Brick, and he caught it with ease. Rider was super hot back in college. He was still in the future, um, present day in my new life. He has amazing amber-colored eyes with hazel flecks. He has a very handsome face that was not too pretty, he is very attractive with a rugged edge features. He was strong-featured, high cheekbones, with a dimpled smile that made me catch my breath. He was well muscled without being bulky, with a strong shoulder and a well defined muscled back that v-shaped into his trim waist with an 8 pack. He had a well-rounded muscular ass with well-muscled legs. He was gorgeous, in my eyes, and I could see why any of us she-wolves would be in love with him, and wanted to be with him. He was hot for me, too. I knew he wanted to have s*x, but I put him off until after we were mated. Call me old-fashioned. I can hear in my head, your doubts, about why wait, if we are mates. I wondered why, I was waiting to make love to him. I'm a wolf, not a silly human girl. "You should just go and do it, with him. He is our mate. Even, if the moon goddess told me there was another true mate out there. I feel his wolf and he calls me. I do not feel another." Sansa my wolf finally made her appearance. I thought I might have lost her due to being killed, and all. I heard stories of losing your wolf after dramatic events in your life, so I thought I lost my other half of me. I exhale my relief, that she is still with me. "Thank the goddess you are still with me, Sansa." I was worried that I had to do this all alone. "Where were you?" "I was with Selene the Moon Goddess. She was healing me and our spirit link. It took awhile, for me to regain my strength. She did not tell me much, while she was healing me, only that we had another chance to live and fulfill this new destiny. A new path to follow, she told me. I don't feel any different yet, do you? I still have a mate connection with Rider and his wolf Strider. I don't feel that we have another mate out there." "Yes, that is also bothering me, Sansa. I feel the bond strong as ever, but the knowledge of his betrayal has me wondering what I need to do to figure out our new path. I know that leading the pack was part of my old destiny. I thought it was to join Rider and my home pack, and make us stronger, but now, I know it will not work out, especially if Diana is as cold-hearted as I now know her to be. Was she also mated to Rider?" I wonder, as Sansa and I talk in my head. "Alisa, you are so lucky to have a mate like Rider, he is so amazing and easy to talk with." Rebecca says with a dreamy sigh. "I know that my Brick is amazing, but moon goddess, he is so bull headed, and stubborn like a mule, I love him so much, and cant wait til we get mated after graduation. I just hope that I can deal with him." she giggles and stares at Brick. Her mate was very stocky and muscular, he was like a brick wall, tall and broad with no give. Brick was aptly named, since it was like talking to a wall. He was very stubborn and stuck to his goals, and mindset. It took a lot to change his mind about something. He was the second most powerful Alpha at college behind Rider. His Silver Moon pack, was very large and they did make great allies to Moon Glow pack. "You have him wrapped around your little finger Becca" I laughed, since she tamed him well, and he was very protective of her around any of the guys. Rebecca has been a close friend of mine since childhood. We have been best friends since grade school. It was a shame, that the Silver Moon Pack was so far away, when they got mated. I did not get to see her much, when she got married to Brick. I had missed her so much when I was married to Rider. I gave her a hug, just since, I really missed her, and hadn't seen her for over a year before, I was murdered by the b***h Diana. Becca returned the hug with a laugh. I saw Diana was staring at Rider, and my blood began to boil. Did I never notice the longing in her eyes for him before? "We are both so lucky to have found our mates" Rebecca and I were the only ones so far to have a Matebond with the guys so far. I think that Sofie and Rita felt a bond to Lord and Ethan. They have been dating for a few weeks. Sofie has only just turned 16 years old and Rita is 15 years old. They have yet to get their own wolves, both just started at university with advanced education. Sofie and Rita are from Willow Moon Pack and are sisters. Their Mother Eve is Co-Chair of the Wolf Council and she was a doctor for the packs in the council. Their father, Adam, Alpha of Willow Moon Pack, was also a Doctor and Co-Chair of the Wolf Council. Lord and Ethan are also 16 years old and are twins. They are from a prominent pack called the Hidden Moon Pack. They lived south of all the other packs in Texas. Both are tall, muscular and blond. They descended from Nordic Wolves that migrated to the United States in the 1800's. Their sister, Elsa, is in my sorority. She is blond, tall, willowy and has blue eyes. She is 17. She is mates with Heath of the Highland Moon Pack. She is staring at him now dreamily. Health was handsome, tall, built like a tank, over 7ft tall, he is outgoing and is of Scottish decent. His family was almost killed when the British invaded and were killing all the lords of the land. His father stole his family away to come to America and they landed in Maryland. They moved to the mountain areas and began the Highland Moon Pack. His sister, his twin Heather, tall with strawberry blond hair, green eyes and a large bosom and slender waist, was a head turner for most of the guys on the football team. She only had eyes for Aiden of the Gray Moon Pack. Aiden was handsome and graduating with me. He was 24. He was studying to be a scientist. Heather was also 24, graduating as a biologist. Angela is Aiden's younger sister. She is 21, she is gorgeous, has long brown hair with red highlights, amber eyes, with a voluptuous figure. She is mate to Jet of the Appalachian Moon Pack. Jet is 23 years old and he is tall, dark and handsome with gray eyes. He is alpha and Angie is his luna. They moved to Pennsylvania after they graduated, or when they will graduate. Migraine is coming with this time travel. Jet's sister Jenna is 14 years old, and is on a visit to the university and will be part of the sorority when she finishes high school at the Wolf Academy. She is a sweet pretty girl that will grow into a great beauty with her flame-colored tresses and green eyes. She looks more like her mother than her father, Justin, the Alpha of the Appalachian Pack. Jessica was a gorgeous red-haired Luna that was from the Crescent Moon Pack. She is aunt to Lance and Lianne. Lance is tall, dark, and handsome with black hair and deep blue eyes, he is beautiful to look at and has the body of a god. He is 24 years old, but he never did find a mate, but he always had many girls that wanted to be his Luna. Lianne was a version of Snow White. Black hair, brown eyes with golden flecks. She was fair-skinned and tall and graceful. She is 17 years old and not mated yet either. The Cresent Moon Pack was believed to descend from the great Lycan King Kelso of the Romanian Lycans. My Pack, the Moon Glow Pack, is also thought to be descended from Lycan King Orlando from The North American Lycans and also from Celtic regions in Europe. Chad is 18, he is brown haired, with brown eyes, he is tall, with broad shoulders and an athletic build. He is Diana's younger brother, he has a slight mean streak and is aggressive on the football field. He has not found a mate yet. His temper is one of the reasons for that. Of course, they say if he did get a mate she would be able to tame him. They were in the Green Bay Pack in Florida. He gave me an uneasy feeling whenever I was around him. Of course, his sister ended up being the same temperament, especially in the future, since she killed me. Oh Moongoddess, why bring me back to this time? Is there another mate in the group of football players? Half of them were spoken for. I only know of one that could be possible and that is Lance? He has never really socialized with me before, but that could be because of Rider and I announcing our mating after graduation. Sansa interrupts my thoughts "You know, that Lance is super hot, too! I never really thought about him, before now". "Really, Sansa? I don't know, if he is who Selene was talking about either. It could be someone I have never met before either?" "Maybe, we should try to talk to him, so we can figure this out?" Sansa sniffs the air, "there is a new scent out there and I do find myself extremely attracted to the scent. Maybe him, or someone close to the football field. It is filled by college students, and professors, and just about everyone in the town." "Oh goddess, that is over thousands of people!" Migraine is now throbbing in my head. I stand and excuse myself from the box, and head to get a drink at the refreshment table. Sansa is pacing around in my head, sniffing everything to track the scent. I get my head ache tabs and sip from my ice tea. I do feel a presence, and it's getting stronger. Only problem is that it’s half time for the game, and many people are walking over to the concession stand. My heart pounds in my chest, as I see Lance, Rider, and Jet making their way over through the crowd, and it is getting more crowded by the second. I sense another presence, but I don't see anyone else around me. Way too many people are heading in my direction. Sansa is sniffing everyone she can. Rider looks very determined to get to me, as he spots me by the stand. The scent is also getting closer to me, as he approaches me with a big smile on his face.
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