3. The Twin Bond

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Nina's POV. I knocked on the door once and got startled that it opened by itself. “Come in Nina.” I heard grandma Frances’ voice followed by objects falling. “Is everything alright?” I asked as I pushed the door to open wider. “Yes, I believe it is. I’m just trying to find something.” She replied. “Did you needed help? I can help you find whatever it is.” I offered and she immediately stopped what she was doing. “Oh,” she began. “That offer is great. Although, I don’t quite know what I’m looking for.” She looked at me with a lost expression. I arch my brows in confusion. She continued to scan the room as if she was trying to remember what she was looking for. Just as I was about to ask her about the possibility of her being under another forgotten spell, she spoke first. “Never mind what I’m looking for. I’m sure I’ll remember when I find it. You seem to be in need of my help. How can I help you?” Frances asked as if she didn’t just know what she was looking for. “Umm, my gift of sight,” I decided to just deal with one thing at a time. “Did grandma Alice ever see through the eyes of another? Like maybe perhaps a sibling?” I questioned as she took a seat on the nearest chair. “No dear, she never had siblings. It was just me, her and…” Frances trailed off, again giving a lost expression. “You, Alice and who?” I continued to her remember what she was about to say. “Oh, right. Just me and Alice. I too never had any siblings, we were all we had.” She adds. “She never mentioned that her gift allowed for her to see through another’s eyes, especially a sibling.” She explains, I gave a defeated sigh before she continued to talk. “However, what your describing is what the Gemini covens can do. The twins within there coven has the ability to see through there other twins eyes. It’s the whole reason why the twin leaders merge when they come of age. They are known for channelling the astrological events, however the leader channels the energy of their twin the moment they merge. The twins that share a connection to see through the eyes of each other, they were once mistaken as members of the royal coven. They often got confused as being gifted with sight. However, my uncle came to learn that the Gemini Coven called it the twin bond. Not all twins got it, but the ones that did came in very handy when their leaders needed a spy. They would send one in to dig up whatever while the other stood by their leader at all times and gave the information on the spot.” She finally finished. “The twin bond.” I repeated what she said. “That explains it.” I whispered to myself as I saw her get up from her seat. “Now if that’s all, I need to find something.” She gave a smile before moving towards a drawer and opening it. “What exactly are you looking for?” I finally asked what I wanted to know before she answered my question. “Just something important to help me remember Alice.” She said as she began to him a tune. I scanned her up and down. In the year I had spent with her I have never heard her hum a tune . Nor have I seen her seem so forgetful. “Are you alright? Did you need help?” She shook her head. “If it’s important to you I can help.” I asked again. “That won’t be necessary, it’s something I must find on my own.” “How are you going to find something that you claim you don’t even know what it is?” I asked her just to be sure she wasn’t losing her mind because of her age. “ She gave a sigh before she looked up at me. “Since we undid the forgotten spell, there are things I remember but there a still blank pieces of my memory. Before you say it, I’ve considered that possibility of begging under another forgotten spell. I’ve already tried it. I don’t know what it is but I feel like something is missing.I will know what it is once I find it Nina. I know that much.” Grandma Frances gave a small smile. I walked over to her and held her hand in my hand. “Okay. But if you do need help with finding whatever it is, don’t hesitate to ask me.” I offer and she nods. “I will. Oh and you should get going, that mate of yours is waiting for you. He called me just before you entered, he has gotten worried that you have called him back. Also why isn’t any of your brothers answering his call? He said Nevins did this morning but hasn’t even called him back after he said he would find you?” She raised a brow and I sighed. “I believe they all have a mate problem.” I replied to her honestly. “That would make sense. Summer left to fulfil her duties and Asher is worried for her safety. Sally hasn’t spoken to Isaac for a year which has him always smelling like vodka nowadays. Has Nevins found his mate?” Frances eyes sparkled for a second, she knew what it was like to find a mate, so she was happy about us finding a mate. “I don’t know but when I asked him a few weeks back I didn’t really get an answer. But the aura that came of him told me otherwise.” I responded. “Ah, so the boys all have trouble in paradise.” Frances said before she continues to search the drawers. “We all have trouble in paradise.” I whispered to myself as I remembered that my mate and I couldn’t be seen together because of the council. That would also be the same for Isaac, I’d he and Sally would ever make up. I wonder what Nevins situation was with his mate? I thought as I left the room my grandmother was searching.
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