Care and BabySteps

1992 Words
Aurora was panting holding her bleeding thigh. "f**k!" she cursed as she looked down at the blood soaking up her ripped shirt tied around the wound. A momentary fix to stop her from leaking everywhere.  But soon she'd be leaving her blood everywhere.  Groaning Aurora looked around the alley and knew she was in some deep s**t now. Hearing sirens approaching, Aurora held her breath... Five hours earlier... "I got the next one." Mateo told her holding out a file for her. Aurora reached for it but he pulled back, "Not so fast, now Giuseppe is no joke, he'll be a lot harder to get to. We should get you someone to go with. Or I'll go with you if you prefer." Aurora shook her head, heart pounding. "No, I got it, I...I know what I'm doing Mateo."  Mateo nodded, "I know, and I would never insinuate that you couldn't doll face but I don't want anything to happen to you either." Aurora had heard that a thousand and ten times. From her uncle, her aunt, and from Cypher. But none of them had made her blush or feel warm to her bones like it did when Mateo told her.  "I know...I just. I need to do this alone okay? Next one, promise."  Mateo hadn't protested and handed over the file. "Okay, next one I'm going with. Things go sideways you call me!" Aurora smiled a little as she took the file from him and whispered, "You sound like my old man, Mateo. Don't go getting all soft on me."  Mateo smirked and told her to get going. Aurora nodded and told him bye. When she got back to her place she smirked as Jaxon walked right past her without speaking. She knew Mateo, Massimo, and Miguel had paid him a little visit a week ago.  Now he wouldn't look at her.  Walking into her place, Aurora looked at the file and sat it on her table. Grabbing her bottle of whiskey, she slowly let out a deep breath and looked at the picture in front of her. Not the head of the snake. But the neck was better than the toe.  It was close enough for now.   Flavio Giuseppe.  He had walked in when it was just beginning with a friendly smile. It hadn't matched the cruel look in his eyes. He had greeted Angelo who was in the process of being beaten as another man climbed on top of his wife. Her moans of agony and pain echoing the stoney basement.  When he looked at the little Aurora crying he sighed, "Such a cruel lesson to teach you little girl. But never interfere with someone's business." He grabbed Aurora's tear stained face and smiled. His pearly white teeth shining in their poor basement light.  "You will fetch a pretty penny beautiful. We'll see who you'll go to first when we're done with your mother." He then turned and kicked the man on her mother off. Mary sobbed as he took his place raping her. Looking into the eyes of the young girl, imaging it was her instead, he grunted as he brutally thrusted into her mother.  Aurora stabbed the picture multiple times wishing she could kill the bastard after a slow torture. But she'd have to settle for something more...graphic. Painful in it's own way, just not the level she wanted.  But it'd have to do with him being armed and guarded to the t like he was the f*****g president.  When she got suited up in all black, she waited till night fall.  Flavio would be at a meeting with some of his advisors for his legal businesses. He was just a businessman so they thought. But she knew him for who he was.  A monster.  Aurora got into position when his guards shifted posts and when they finally got in place she pulled out her sniper. Getting the two on the roof, she shot the three on the ground.  Zooming in her scope, she looked into the window and smirked seeing him standing, "For my mother bastard." Shooting him in the stomach, Aurora counted to five and watched his stomach explode.  Laughing as people screamed in horror, Aurora put her stuff up and took off down the stairs from the building two stories over.  When she got downstairs two men were waiting. Shooting one in the head, one got her in the thigh but she shot him in the heart. "f**k!" She swore as the pain radiated through her body.  Throwing ammonia on top of them and the little blood from her wound, she pulled out her lighter and tossed it to cover her ass. Ripping her shirt, she quickly tied it up and ran despite the pain.  Huffing as she sweated, Aurora made it five blocks before blood loss and fatigue crept up.  All caught up... (Present) Aurora held her breath as she pulled out her glock ready to shoot a couple cops if need be. But they kept going and suddenly a toyota pulled into the alley way and jerked to a stop in front of her.  "I got you." Mateo said immediately catching her as Aurora started to slump over. Mateo held her close and whispered, "I got you." He put Aurora on the back seat and drove out of the alley. He got her back to his place and immediately got to work. He dug the bullet out and pumped her with saline and antibiotics.  Stitching up her wound, he set up an IV drip for the pain.  When he was done, Aurora slept for awhile. Mateo turned on the news and sighed seeing the media freak out. "-this is the twentieth murder of a known mob affiliated crime boss. We are still waiting for the chief of police response to this heinous crime."  Mateo rolled his eyes,"Keep waiting. Donut eating bastards can't even find their own flashlights." Turning the tv down, Mateo cooked dinner knowing she'd be hungry when she woke up.  It was thirty minutes later when Aurora slowly came to. She blinked and then jerked awake afraid realizing she didn't know where she was and looked when someone came at her.  Mateo held up his hands and whispered, "It's me, it's just me." Aurora relaxed and whispered gratefully, "Mateo, you found me." Mateo looked at her and then whispered guiltily, "I'm so sorry Aurora. I...I followed you tonight. I was worried and when you were done I was coming to pick you up but I didn't get there quick enough. When I saw that building in flames though I knew you were, close and injured."  Aurora looked at him afraid, "I left a trail?"  Mateo shook his head, "No, I just knew. Gut feeling I guess." Aurora looked at him and whispered, "Thank you Mateo." Mateo smiled, "Of course, you hungry?" Aurora nodded and eagerly admitted, "Yes." Mateo fixed her up a plate of enchiladas and wild rice and a beer.  She ate hungrily making him laugh at her messy face. Wiping the corner of her mouth with his thumb he stopped dead when she looked at him. Her big brown eyes capturing his soul as she whispered, "Why were you so close, why did you assume I'd need you? Not complaining of course I'm grateful you saved my ass. But why?"  Mateo sighed, "Cause I care if something happened to you. I knew it was a risk you going alone, so I needed to make sure, you were going to be okay. But I also knew you wanted that bastard, so I stayed out of your way."  Aurora could barely breathe at how close Mateo was. "Thank you." Mateo smiled at her sweet thank you and teasingly asked, "For the saving your ass part or feeding you? Because both were a pleasure." Aurora smiled at Mateo and he took her empty plate. "You full?" She nodded and laid back, "Yeah you got a cigarette?" He tossed her his pack and she accepted it gratefully.  "-We here at the L.A PD will be turning this over to a special team of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please everyone, I give you Special Agent Morrison." The Chief of police moved out of the camera and it panned to a tone man who looked like he pressed 450. He was tall, white, with dark green eyes, and black hair cut close to his head.  "Hi yes we're investigating the murders and as of now, we do not have any leads as of right now. What we can say is we'll work diligently to bring the person behind these murders to justice."  A report jumped into his face and yelled, "Some people are saying what the person or persons behind this is doing is justice considering the men they're killing. Would you agree or disagree?"  Agent Morrison fixed her a look as he said, "Doesn't matter if I agree or disagree, what matters is there is a serial murderer on the loose. Whoever is doing this is playing judge and jury and they must be brought to justice. Thank you."  Mateo turned off the tv and looked at Aurora as she blew smoke out of her nose annoyed. "Justice? God it's so laughable that the same assholes who accepts bribes from those motherfuckers is screaming justice. I guess now that their easy payouts are gone, they need to find out why."  Mateo turned to her, "Don't think about it. You should rest." Aurora handed him the short and he watched her lay down with a small smile, "I'll be right over there on the couch if you need anything yeah?"  Aurora nodded, "Yeah...thank you." Mateo groaned, "Stop thanking me or I'll tickle you!" Aurora snorted, "I'm not ticklish." Mateo stopped dead as he put out the cigarette, "What? That's horse s**t everyone is ticklish!"  Aurora grinned and said, "I'm not." Mateo's fingers immediately went to her sides. The laugh that burst from Aurora was unexpected. She tried to move from his fingers, but he carefully straddled her stomach.  Aurora laughed pushing against his chest as he continued tickling her. "Come on Mateo I'm injured here!" She laughed loudly. Mateo snorted, "That's how I know you won't go anywhere!" Mateo stopped after tears of laughter started flowing and realized their position.  Aurora stopped laughing realizing it too. She had never  been able to get this close to a man before. She would have punched them in the throat or head butted them before letting him get on top of her. But here Mateo was, on top of her, looking down at her with his beautiful hazel eyes. When Mateo moved closer, she didn't feel panic or fear. Her body stayed relaxed as he moved closer, suddenly his phone rang and he stopped dead.  Aurora took a deep breath as he climbed off her and closed her eyes as he talked to his father. When he came back he sat beside her and whispered, "My father's unsure on whether to celebrate or freak out over Giuseppe." Aurora looked at him and whispered, "You should tell him. Worse comes to worse he won't let me get tatted and officially join the familia." Mateo looked at her and smiled widely, "So you officially want to join?" Aurora looked down awkwardly and Mateo knew he wasn't getting anything else out of her for the night.  He started to get up but Aurora stopped him, "Wait," Mateo stopped and looked down at Aurora getting comfortable in his bed, moving carefully because of her leg. "Will you stay...just until I go to sleep?" Mateo didn't question why, he instead just nodded and went to the other side of the bed. Laying beside her, back propped up on the head board Mateo smiled down at her sweetly.  Aurora slowly laid her head on his stomach and both fell into silence. As the night went on their bodies naturally cuddled together as they slept. 
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