
959 Words
Aurora was in the middle of her apartment doing handstand push ups. She was trying to focus on counting, but her mind kept reverting back to the other day... "Okay so tell me something," Mateo started as they ate at a nice italian restaurant, "Yeah?" Mateo chuckled, "What you did to Nicolai Rossi was brilliantly morbid. I loved it though. How did you get the idea for something so horrid." Aurora smirked, "Well when you've been alone and brooding you come up with some pretty twisted shit."  Nicolai Rossi had been a fun day for Aurora. Keeping him alive for two days as she peeled his d**k skin off and then finally chopped it off and made him eat it. When he got sick she made him eat that too. "I was feeling vindictive."  Mateo chortled not even a little scared of the cute devilish smirk on her face. Instead he asked the waiter for the desert menu.  Aurora had never had someone compliment her torture techniques before. She knew it was kind of twisted, but she had actually felt happy for awhile. Talking to Mateo felt easy, like she wasn't pretending or hiding who she was. He didn't judge her, he didn't look at her like she was a freak. Instead he had been calm, cool, collected the entire time.  Making jokes and making fun of the puppy eyed waitress who kept panting for her attention. The poor boy didn't seem to know whether or not they were a couple and had seemed to want to ask her.  But Mateo had broke his heart by asking seriously, "Are you making eyes at my wife?" The young college guy had paled and stammered out a no before running away.  Aurora had never laughed so much.  Groaning, Aurora flipped on her hands and looked at her phone. Seeing it was her uncle, she sighed and threw it on her bed. Wrapping her hands, she began hitting the bag. But of course her uncle kept on insisting and so she broke down. "Yes uncle?" Pablo sighed, "Come now, I'm calling to check on you."  Aurora's mouth persed in annoyance, "I'm fine, anything else?" Pablo looked outside where his wife was planting and asked, "Did you do it?" Aurora smirked, "You're referring to Javier Carlos? How would I know when and how to get to him? You didn't give me that information."  Pablo's left eye jumped, "Exactly so how did you get to him? Who did you go to? Damn it Aurora this was my way for you to slow down and evaluate your life not find other means!" Aurora's spine went flag pole straight, "Pablo you refused to help me, fine. But do not get angry with me that I loved my parents and want to avenge them. If you do not understand that fine. But you are the last person who can judge me for it."  Hanging up her phone, Aurora turned her music up and began to pound the bag with a new fire.  She didn't care what her uncle had to say, Aurora's life's mission was still underway. She had to avenge her parents or no one will.  Hearing her phone ringing again, Aurora answered seeing it was Mateo.  "Hey." She answered wiping the sweat from her face. "Hey, I just wanted you to know that I'm having that little chat with pretty boy today." Aurora sighed and didn't even fight with him, "Fine,you do that and let me know."  Mateo hung up as he, his brother, and Miguel crossed the street. Jaxon didn't even realize he was being cornered until he couldn't get pass Miguel and then turned to realize he was in an alley alone with him. When he turned he saw he was being glared at by the two brothers.  "Whoa hey easy guys I don't want any trouble." He muttered. Jaxon looked at Mateo and squinted, "Ugh...I think, have we met?" Mateo snorted, "We don't run in the same circles pretty boy. But you live in the same building as Aurora. She's getting a little annoyed with you snooping into her business."  Jaxon swallowed nervously, "Come on man I thought she was hot I didn't think she had a man though. Seemed too...mean." Mateo laughed as Miguel laughed, "She is, very. But she has close to five hundred in our familia who would go to war over her. So some advice, set your sights elsewhere, she's not interested."  Pulling out a switch blade, Mateo held it up as Miguel and Massimo grabbed Jaxon and held him still. "Or else we're going to turn this pretty boy face into ground beef, understood?"  Jaxon nodded in fear  and when they released him he immediately ran off. Mateo had ran his name and fingerprints after they had tossed his place, nothing had panned out in their database so he knew the kid had to be nothing but a interested suitor.  That was still enough for him to tell the kid to f**k off. Walking back to his car he texted Aurora who sent him an emoji flipping him off. Sending her the same back he kept at for the rest of the afternoon. He and Aurora texting each other emoji's and one worded insults.  When they started to actually conversate was when the party really started. Mateo realized he liked to irritate her, make her laugh, and irritate her again. Her reaction to both was priceless.  Her cute little mad face that would make a lesser man s**t himself.  Her rich beautiful laugh, he would die to be across from her listening to it.  Baby steps though, he knew it would take time for her to trust him. To get comfortable with him, so he'd give her time. 
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