
566 Words
When Aurora left out of church, no longer did she go to the expensive car. It had been taken and in it's place a simple toyota was there. When she climbed in she through the bag with her contacts and blonde wig into the back seat. Sighing Aurora looked at herself in the visor's little mirror.  Driving thirty minutes to the east side of L.A, Aurora arrived at her apartment and quickly escaped into her place.  Her apartment building while large and rustic, was nearly empty sans a couple broke people who lived there for the cheap rent. Aurora, while far from broke, hated speaking to people. She was an introvert who'd rather shoot people than speak to them. So she found a place where no one would go out their way to be neighborly.  Luckily the few people who did stay there were never there when she was, and when they were, knew never to knock on her door for s**t. Walking into her place, Aurora kicked off her heels feeling the relief in her toes. As she unzipped her dress, she pushed it off her hips annoyed at the clingy material.  Hearing her phone ring she sighed seeing it was cypher, "Hi Cy." The husky voice of her uncles sharpest shooter filled her ear immediate, "Don't "Hi Cy" me! You shouldn't have done that you psycho twat."  Aurora giggled, "Crazy little b***h and Psycho t**t all in one day? Damn I'm on a roll." Cypher made a noise and Aurora sighed, "Okay...okay I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Cypher made a noise, "Yeah okay. Crazy b***h scaring the hell out of me, I swear I need drugs to deal with you."  Smiling Aurora teased, "Well it's L.A so weed might stop the stress. You should share it with Sophia. It'll get her off my ass." Cypher sighed, "She just worries about you. We all do." Aurora rolled her eyes, "No need to."  Cypher made a noise of disagreement infuriating her a little, "Well I'll talk to you."  Cypher sighed, "Good job kid. At least you're getting there."  Aurora hung up the phone and then popped her back. Happy to be in nothing but her lace strapless bra and g string, Aurora hit her ipod dock and music started to play. Dancing around her apartment in victory, Aurora celebrated another victory as she spun her hips around seductively.  Sipping a beer, she walked to her bed, popped off her bra and laid back on her pillows. Smoking a cigarette Aurora laid back thinking.  She had gotten a step closer to fulfilling her promise. She was almost there. She felt it in her bones.  "Please stop! I'll do anything!" Angelo wailed as the men raped and beat his wife in front of him and his little girl. She was ten years old, eyes widen in fright at the sight of her bloody mother wailing in pain.  The men cutting into her beautiful skin, as they abused her body to the fullest. Angelo tried to fight the men off him, but they kicked him down, holding the gun to his daughter's head. Forcing her to watch her mother as she was repeatedly and brutally assaulted over and over... Pulling from her memories, Aurora grabbed the folder her uncle had given her. Looking through the file, Aurora grabbed the picture of her next target.  Smirking, Aurora looked at the picture already feeling the murderous intent coming on. "Sleep tight Stephano. Tomorrow you die." 
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