The Ghost

595 Words
Massimo and Mateo made it a point to check in with their father and mother everyday since the discovery of Giovanni. When Stephano heard though that some of the dons were getting together to discuss their possible problem, he had no choice.  He had to go.  Massimo and Mateo both insisted on going and they refused to be told otherwise.  Going into the club had been a little uneasy. Neither one of them, let their guards down, refusing to drink as the paid attention to everyone. And Everything.  Unlike Giovanni, Stephano didn't clear out his club for the meeting. He let the Americans continue to party hoping to have leverage in case of escape.  He knew the person behind this was a good sniper, but hopefully in a crowd like this, he might get lucky.  Stephano listened as the men all threw their ideas on who it could be and why out. All sounded plausible but at the rate they were going they were screwed.  "This is the thing gentleman," he said standing, "We know that the dons and bosses that were killed did something to personally hurt them. But how are they selected? Did they kill someone they love? Were they victim to their abuse themselves? We don't know s**t!"  The other men nodded, Stephano exhaled, "We need to put our best men on this. Use all our contacts, money isn't a problem and death can be dealt to those who refuse. Do I make myself clear."  Kiser Little looked at Stephano annoyed, "Look I get the urgency Papa Stephano, I do. But we've already tried to find out everything we could. We got nothing-." Suddenly Stephano Alessandro hit the ground with a bullet hole in his head.  Massimo and Mateo jumped up protecting their father. Mateo zoomed in on someone moving fast through the crowd while everyone kept dancing. The silencer on the sniper preventing them from hearing s**t.  Following behind the person quickly, Mateo ran behind them as they ran into an alley. Mateo kept up until the person jumped down into the sewer. Following behind them after hesitating, Mateo landed on his feet in trash and rat s**t.  Running to catch up with the person, Mateo tried not to breathe in to deep the foul odor. When he reached a dead end he cursed frustrated. Kicking the wall he, started to turn around when he heard the gun c**k.  Stiffening he cursed again, "Why are you following me Mateo?" Hearing the voice modifier Mateo knew he'd never be able to tell who it was, "Why did you just kill Stephano Alessandro? He was a good man."  The voice laughed mockingly which was weird in the voice modifier. "No he wasn't. You all just turned a blind a to his wickedness. He rapes women, his wife, his servants, his f*****g daughter. He was sick and twisted. He got what was coming to him."  Mateo started to turn around but the  person kicked him in the back of the knee forcing him on his knees. "Ah, ah, ah," They teased, "You do that, I have to kill you."  Mateo stiffened, "Aren't you any way?" The person hummed, " may be a lot of things, somethings no worse than me. But you're decent in comparison."  Mateo licked his lips and whispered, "My father?" The voice seemed to drift away as it said, "We'll be in touch."  Silence.  Mateo stood and saw no one there. He thought he had imagined the whole thing until he saw a burner on the ground on top of an old pack of ramen.  Picking it up he looked at the disgusting sewers wondering just who they were dealing with. 
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