you are back?

1039 Words
“Hello brother, you are back? Why do you look so sad? I have not seen you with this expression for a while now,” Ella asked as she helped Jack to remove his jacket. Jack didn't reply. He only sighed and looked around the house. If he sells this house now, how much will he earn? His mind was occupied with how he will earn fast cash. But Ella didn't stop bombarding him with questions. He finally smiled and poked her cheeks. “I am fine. I told you to stop worrying too much,” he told her and Ella narrowed her eyes at him. “Brother, are you sure you aren't hiding anything from me? Remember we agreed to no more keeping secrets between each other,” Ella reminded him. “Yes, I remember. Stop worrying. I'm fine,” Jack told her even if he is currently panicking inwardly but she doesn't have to know that. “Jack, I met a friend of yours in school today. He was so charming, good-hearted and kindhearted,” Ella said excitedly but Jack didn't hear a word she said cause he is too famished to care. “That is good. Please where is my food?,” he asked and Ella quickly walked away to get it. She felt a little bit guilty. Jack has been working so hard. She should have offered him food before telling him about her day. That was how she forgot to tell Jack about Mike. I'm sure he would have freaked out. ******* “Hello... How do you do? You are here again?,” Ella said as she walked towards Mike. He is sitting on a bench. It is where she met him the previous day. Mike looked up and smiled at her. He has come for her again but she doesn't need to know that. He had actually seen her when she came out of class so he quickly sat on the bench and pretended to be browsing on his phone. He doesn't want to appear suspicious to her. It's better being her friend like this cause very soon she will be his soon. Judging from the smile on her face, he could see that she hasn't told Jack about him yet. It's because if she did, that crazy guy would have come to his club to crash things. He would have even forbade her from talking to him. “Yes. I'm fine. Thanks for asking. How was your lectures today?,” he asked. “It was great and mostly stressful. Are you waiting for your friend again?,” she asked him curiously and he nodded. He could use his imaginary friend to cover up his act. Ella sat down beside him as soon as she saw him nod. “Why don't we talk to know more about each other while you are here. I don't want to go home now cause it will be absolutely boring to be the only one at home,” she suggested. “Okay... What do you wanna know?,” Mike answered her with a smile. They began to talk about petty things. Mike tried to answer as much questions as he could without giving himself away. ******* “Hey. Do you know Jane's room?,” Alan asked one of the girls. He has been walking around aimlessly for sometime now. He just wants to apologise so why is it so difficult to get her room? The girl stared at him and couldn't help but envy Jane. Why is Alan looking for Jane? But she didn't dare to ask him. She only gave him the directions. Alan finally got there and knocked on the door. Someone answered,“Come in.” Alan frowned as he walked in. That was surely not Jane's voice. Is she not in her room? But as he walked in, he was proven wrong cause as soon as he walked in, he saw Jane. She is sitting up on her bed and was probably complaining to her colleague when he came in. Jane's eyes widened as soon as she saw him. Elena looked at the two and quietly walked out trying to give them some privacy. Jane tried to stop her by pleading with her eyes but Elena acted as if she didn't see it. It would be too awkward for her to stay. Alan sighed. He could see how uncomfortable Jane is with the way they are all alone in the room. So he stood few steps away from her, not daring to move closer to her. “I'm sorry about what happened last night,” he suddenly apologized. He spoke so quietly that Jane almost didn't hear him. She didn't say anything. Just stared at him. “I would never have tried that nonsense so we can blame it on the alcohol influence but I'm really sorry for what I did,” he continued. “I don't want my fiancee to misunderstand anything when she hears about this. That is why I'm saying sorry. I would never have dared to do such a despicable thing,” he told her. Jane sighed. What else can she do when he is apologizing so nicely? She really didn't know what to say. Alan looked at her seeing that she is not responding. “I will continue apologising until you accept my apology. I'm being sincere and I hope you can feel it. Mom's slap made me feel alot though,” he told her and she didn't know when she burst into laughter. Alan also smiled. At least she laughed, she was looking so scared just a while ago. Jane looked at him and thought,'I really wanna be mad at you but I just can't.' “Okay, I have heard you. You can leave now,” she dismissed him immediately. “Thank you. Thank you so much. I'll make sure I relay your messages to mom,” he said. Jane nodded and watched him leave before taking a deep breath. Elena came in few minutes after he had left. “How was it? Did it go well? Did you two settle your differences?,” she asked Jane. “I can't believe you ditched me,” Jane replied.
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