visiting the most popular club

1049 Words
He only remember visiting the most popular club in town to see the owner of the club, Mike. Mike is one of his close friends. He had only gone there to see him for a while and decided to drink after listening to Mike's sad story. Apparently, his dear friend whose heart is said to be lost has fallen in love. He doesn't know much about the lucky lady but he knew from the way Mike was talking that she means alot to him. He even mentioned that they are childhood friends and when he saw her, she didn't recognize him again. Alan almost chuckled. He couldn't believe that the same friend that has always condemned love is now experiencing it. And his love journey isn't looking smooth at all. Alan secretly prayed that he doesn't encounter such a thing. This great s*x life he has with Cherry is enough. Alan was brought out of his reverie when he noticed the look Madam Jennie's face. “Mom, what did I do? Why did you slap me?,” he asked her curiously. “I am so ashamed to say this. But yeah! You tried to rape someone yesterday. You acting tried to rape that innocent girl who only wanted to help you,” Madam Jennie answered and Alan looked unconvinced. He stared at her and gave a short nervous laugh. “Mom, what are you saying? How could I have tried to rape someone? I have Cherry already,” he answered. Madam Jennie shook her head,“I also wouldn't have believed it if I didn't withness it personally last night.” Alan thought of everything that had happened since he woke. Now it all makes sense. He tried to rape someone yesterday but who? He won't plead guilty or not guilty cause he was drunk and wasn't in his right frame of mind. He suddenly remembered the way that girl ran away in the hallway. He doesn't even remember her name. Is that the person he tried to rape? But why were the maids saying she tried to seduce him? Who is saying the truth? He looked at his mother and said,“Mom, I'm sorry. You know I wouldn't do that on purpose. I will apologise to her right away. So who are you talking about?” “It's Jane.” “Who is Jane?,” he asked. “The new girl that has a younger brother. Oh my! I totally forgot. I haven't seen the cute little cow today. I'm going to check up on him,” Madam Jennie said before leaving. Alan sighed and looked around the room. What type of bad impression has he shown that girl? Damn! Fool... How could he have drank so much? He walked out to search for her room when he passed by few maids. They are whispering of course but he could hear what they are saying. “We will make sure to avoid her now.” “Yes, no one wants that wench as a friend.” “I thought she was sweet and pretty when she came. Never expected her to be so conceited.” “What was she gonna gain by sneaking into his bed?” “What if his fiancee gets to know about this?” “Who will tell him?” “I can see that all of you have a lot of free time to say nonsense. How about I sack you all and relieve you?,” Alan's cold voice resounded, making the maids freeze. They quickly went on their knees as they began to plead. No one thought that he was actually behind them. He dismissed them and thought of what just happened. Why are they just saying she tried to seduce him when in fact, he actually tried to rape her? Who is spreading all these false rumours? His eyes revealed a cold glint and he resumed his search. He will search for her first and apologise before doing other things. ******* “What the hell are you telling me!!?,” the manager shouted at Jack whose face is now bent low. The manager almost had a heart attack when Jack explained everything that had happened. “You gave the man all the pizza without bringing back a dime!!! How dare you? How much is your salary? And you just wasted my pizza,” the man shouted at Jack. Jack wanted to remind him of the fact that he is actually the one that caused this. If he hadn't forced him to go there, nothing would have happened. “I can see that you don't value this job. How are you gonna pay back cause I can't just let my pizza waste?,” the manger said and Jack looked at him in disbelief. If he calculates how much those pizza boxes cost even his five months salary won't be able to pay back. 'God! I'm such a fool. I'm still owing Mike and the week is slowly turning to month. Now my debts are increasing. How the heck will I pay Mike and also pay this manager,' Jack thought solemnly. “I am listening to you! How are you gonna pay back?,” the manager asked with a menacing expression. Jack wondered what he should do now. Perhaps he shouldn't have worked here in the first place but now it's too late to cry over spilled milk. “I will pay you back sir. Will you deduct installment payment from my account every month. I really don't have any money to pay back at once,” Jack answered after thinking carefully. The manager didn't even say anything. He only nodded and finally revealed that kind of smile Jack was familiar with until this incident. But he can't trust the smile anymore. The manager smiles so kindly but he is a cruel man. “Then go back to work and never accept anymore huge orders. I don't want this incident to occur again,” he warned and Jack nodded. He walked into back to the room to check his next order. As soon as he walked in, he sighed. 'If he will get monthly payments from my salary, I won't even be able to take care of myself and Ella,' he thought.
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