nothing more?

982 Words
As soon as he finished, he wiped off the sweat on his brow and turned to the scary looking man. “Sir, I have done what you asked me to. Will you sign the papers now and hand over the money? I'll get into serious trouble with my boss if I don't return to work on time.” The man smirked and answered,“When did I ever say I was gonna pay you?” Jack almost choked on his saliva. What is this shameless man saying now? Why won't he pay? Jack gave a nervous laugh and said,“Sir, stop pulling my legs. Please hand over the money now. I have to go. Don't even worry about signing anymore. Your scary face is enough as an everlasting signature,” Jack said. But he didn't dare to tell the man his last statement. The man will probably crush him for saying that. “Then leave. No one is stopping you,” the man told Jack. Jack couldn't believe his ears. This is all that stupid manager's fault. Jack looked like he wanted to cry now cause his facial expression looked funny and sad at the same time. “Please sir, just pay me the money. Even if it's half, I'll accept it,” he pleaded. Half is better than none. The man smirked and dipped his hand into his pocket. Jack looked at him expectantly. He was both stunned and furious when the man brought out a dollar note. Jack seriously wanted to glare at the man. Each one of those pizza boxes cost at least three hundred dollar notes so what is he bringing out a dollar note for? The man noticed the grievance look Jack was giving. He became a little pissed off and stalked towards Jack. Jack gulped and walked backwards. The man got to where he was standing and gripped his collar before raising him off the ground. “I will give you just five seconds to get outta this place. If you dare come back with the cops, I'll surely get out of jail and haunt you. Do you understand?” Jack nodded vigorously. He couldn't even speak out of fear. The man released and he stumbled before rushing to the bike. He immediately sped off before the man even started counting. As he left, he thought,“ God! Jack, you are such a coward.” He couldn't help but frown at that thought. What could he have done? He couldn't possibly have stood up to that hefty man that was twice his size. “What if I lose this job? How am I gonna cope?,” he mumbled to himself but then remembered that it was the manager's fault. He practically forced him to go and deliver the pizza even if he didn't want to. So the manager shouldn't blame him, right?. ******** He watched as Ella smiled at the guy and his face turned taut with anger. Her smile just like the ray of light brightening a dark world. Who is that guy and why is she smiling at him like that? He looked around the college and suddenly thought of something. What if she is already dating someone or she is in love with someone. Well, he will just make the guy disappear from her life cause she is his alone. He isn't ready to share her with anybody. He was so engrossed in looking at Ella that he didn't notice the intent stares of the college students especially the female students. Who wouldn't want to look at a piece of eye candy? He is looking so hot and matured in the biker's outfit. The girls can't help but murmur and wonder while trying to figure out who he is. Ella waved goodbye at the guy and started walking towards his direction. He heaved a sigh of relief as the guy left. But it was quickly replaced with a frown. She didn't even notice him as she was about to walk away. She was just gonna walk past him and he couldn't let that happen so he called out,“Vicki...” She immediately paused her movements as she turned around to look at him wondering who he is. No one except Jack knows that she bears that name, so how did he find out? “Who are you?,” she asked with a curious look. Her face twisted into a frown as she scrunched her nose cutely. He couldn't help but feel disappointed that she doesn't remember him. Yeah! She was still young back then when they saw each other for the last time. But to have forgotten about him so soon is really a little bit annoying. He hid his annoyed expression with a smile and she noticed just then that he has dimples. In fact, the deepest one she has ever seen. Well, Ella has a soft spot for dimples. The female students watching him couldn't help but sigh and cheer as his face brightened even more cause of the dimples. “I'm Mike. It's so nice to see you again,” he told her. Ella stared at him. His name actually sounds pretty familiar. “Don't you remember me? I used to come over to your place to play. Jack is my friend. My mom also stays as block 2A,” he explained and Ella finally smiled. She only has faint memories of the older guy that used to come and play with Jack when they were little, she doesn't really remember him that well. “Hello, brother Mike. Nice to meet you too. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. How do you do?,” she asked him sweetly but Mike's face turned sour. She just called him brother. Is he just like a brother to her? Like does she only see him as a brother and nothing more?
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