I need you

2021 Words
Bella wants to plan a surprise party for her brothers. Soon it will be their eighteenth birthday. They are in their final year of school. She will ask their friends to help her. Blake Jordan is their best friend, and Bella waits until she can get him alone. She looks at the handsome guy. Wow, no wonder so many girls drool over him. He is really hot! She walks to him, where he is sitting alone in the gym. He is busy tying his shoes. He sees a pair of beautiful legs appear in front of him. He smells her perfect scent, and he knows it is Bella Stevens standing in front of him. What the hell does she want from him? He has tried his best to stay out of her way and not come close to her. He knows if he gets to close to her, he will not be able to hide his true feelings for this beautiful princess. He bets she knows about his father and thinks he is like that bastard. "Hi, Blake," Bella says. He looks up, and his heart skips a beat. He can never let her know how he feels about her. "Well, look if it isn't the Stevens's princess. What do I owe the honour of you talking to me, princess?" Blake says with a sarcastic smile on his lips. "Umm, I wanted to ask you a favour," Bella says, not knowing what she did to get this rude reception. Is he mad about her and Clare not getting along? Is he in love with Clare and now taking it out in her for always humiliating Clare? "How can I help you, Your Highness?" Blake asks. He sees the confusion on Bella's face, and he hates himself for doing it. He can not allow her near him. He does not want to know what she thinks of him. He may as well hurt her before she hurt him. "Wow, why are you so rude to me? Is it because Clare and I fight all the time?" Bella asks. She feels a bit hurt. "What is the princess not use to someone talking to her in a bad way?" Blake says. "Sorry, I bother you, Blake," Bella says, walking away, tears flowing down her cheeks. Blake looks at her, and he feels bad. "Bella, wait. I am sorry! I am in a terrible mood and should not have taken it out on you," Blake says. He runs after her, and as he touches her arm, he feels the electricity flow between them. Bella feels it as well. She looks up at Blake, and she knows he is fighting his feeling for her. But why? "Blake?" Bella asks. "I can not, Bella, as much as I want to, I can not let you be part of my f****d up life," Blake says, hugging her close to his heart. He will allow himself this one moment with her in his arms. He needs to let her go, but he does not want to. Why is life so unfair? "Blake, I will not let you go," Bella says. She knows she can get hurt, but she is willing to take the chance. "Bella, do you know about my mother and father?" Blake asks. "Yes, but you are not your father. Blake, please give yourself a chance. I am willing to," Bella asks him. Her eyes are tearing up again. Paul and Clark are watching the whole scene. They knew her sister was planning a surprise party for them and wanted to know what to expect. Paul almost wanted to hit Blake when he made Bella cry, but Clark held him back. He is glad Clark did. He knows Blake is very insecure, and him hitting blake would have made it worse. "Bella, I can't. I promised your brothers I would never touch you. They are my best friends, and I can not disappoint them," Blake says. This time Paul and Clark walkout from their hiding place, and their arms are folded in front of their chests. Blake lets go of Bella fast. He does not want to anger his friends. Bella goes and stand in front of Blake and looks at her brothers. "We are together, and there is nothing you two can do about it!" She says, looking at her brothers with an angry look on her face. "Oh, we are not here to break you two up, sis," Clark says. "Yeah, we are here to make sure out friend makes the right decision," Paul says. They already told Blake he has their blessing. What the hell is wrong with Blake? Why doesn't he want to be happy for once in his life? "Leave us alone!" Bella shouts at her brothers. She knows Blake is scared as hell to fall in love and being hurt like his mother. He is afraid she will think he is like his father. She needs to put all Blake's fears at rest. Tammy walks in. She sees the whole scenario. She takes a flip knife and holds it to Clark's neck. "You heard my girl. You two get out!" Tammy says as she holds Clark from the back, the knife pressing against his neck. Clark smiles. He grabs Tammy's arm. He is much stronger than her, and the knife falls to the ground. "Sorry, Bella, I tried to help. Clark, you are a bloody bully. Let go of my arm!" Tammy says, but Clark smiles wickedly. "Nope, you tried to kill me, so you will have to pay for it," Clark says. "Clark, please, Tammy did not mean harm. She was trying to help me," Bella says, worrying about her friend but still holding Blake's hand so he can not run away. "Don't worry about Tammy, Bell. Take care of Blake," Clark says with a wink to his sister. Bella is relief she knows Clark will do nothing to Tammy and will not report her to the principal's office. Clark picks Tammy up and throws her over his shoulder. She tries to kick and bite him, but he gives her a smack on the bum. "Ouch, you bloody bully," Bella hears as they walk out, leaving her and Blake alone. All of a sudden, she is shy. She knows she needs to have the courage to win this guy. "Blake, look at me," She says. Blake is looking at the door as if he wants to walk out. "What, Bella? You live in this perfect world where everyone is happy. Your mom and dad love each other. You have two amazing brothers. I, on the other hand, has nothing I can offer you. My mon is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. My father is f*****g every young woman he can lay his hands on. Do you think I am any better than him? What if I tell you I slept with more girl you can count on your fingers?" Blake says, trying to shock Bella and let her leave. He can not stand the shame. "I will tell you. You are lying. It is not the Blake I admired and was secretly crushing on for years. Yeah, my brothers did not even know. I crush on you since you first came to our house," Bella says. "Bella, really? Did you like me all this time? You don't think I am like my father?" Blake asks. "Nope, you are not like your father at all. I watched you over the years, and I think you never really did all those things people said you did," Bella says. "To be honest, I was waiting for you to grow up," Blake confesses. "Really? Did you like me too?" Bella asks she has used up all her courage. She needs to hear from him that he likes her as well. "Bell, I loved you from the first day I saw you," Blake says. "Blake, I loved you for a long time," Bella can not help to say. "Bell, I am joining the army when I finish school. Will you wait for me?" Blake asks. Bella is shocked. Why will he join the army? "Why, Blake?" Bella asks. "I can not work with my father, and I does not want him to pay for my university. I need you to understand, babe. Will you?" He asks Bella. Bella is close to tears. She knows they will be apart for a long time at a time. What if he finds someone else? "I will wait for you, Blake. You have to promise one thing though, if you find someone else, you will tell me," Bella says with tears in her eyes. She can not think of life without Blake. "I won't, but I promise you I will tell you if it happens, but you need to promise me the same thing," Blake says. He loved Bella for a long time, and he knows he will never cheat on her. She, however, is young. She may find someone else, and what will he be able to do? He knows what it means to join the army. He will be away from home for months, maybe years, apart from the ones you love. He also knows he needs to do it for himself. He needs to be away from home for a while. He needs a long break from his parents. He loves Bella, but he even needs to make sure she will be faithful to him. She is beautiful, and he knows there will be temptations. He needs to know she will wait faithfully. He also knows it is unreasonable to ask her this. "Blake, I know you want to test me, but one thing I can tell you. I have been in love with you for so long no one can steal me away from you. I also know that you need to get away from your parents and I will wait for you. If it takes two years, I don't care. I understand," Bella says, close to tears again, but Blake has made up his mind he needs this time to find himself. Tammy is carried to the boy's bathroom and taken inside. Clark locks the door from the inside. He does not care who wants to use the bathroom. This f*****g sexy badass girl needs to be taught a lesson. He presses her against the wall and starts kissing her. Tammy panics. She can not give in to this sexy guy just like that. She does not even know if she really likes her! She does what she knows will hurt him the most and will let her go. She tries to kick him in the balls, but Clark knows that she is a badass. He anticipated the move. He blocks her move and smiles against her lips. "Nice try, sweetheart," He says, still smiling. He likes this badass girl. She is really a challenge and something else. "Let go of me, Clark Stevens. I am not one of your girls," Tammy says. "I do not have girls. As a matter of fact, I do not even have one girl," Clark says. He kisses her again. Tammy feels helpless, being held by this big young man. She starts struggling and tries to get out of Clark's hold. He holds her tighter and kisses her harder. She gives up but refuses to kiss him back. At last, Clark let go of her, and he opens the door to the bathroom. Tammy glares at Clark as she walks out of the boy's bathroom. She is furious at him. Clark laughs. Paul is standing against the wall, his arms folded in front of him as she storms past him. Clark comes walking out casually. He is smiling. "You really pissed her off, bro," Paul says. "I know, but it was fun," Clark says. "You like her?" "Yeah, I do, but she is so damn hardheaded. It is going to be a challenge to get her,"  Clark says. He and Paul walk to their next class. Both of them have a smile on their faces.
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