The rebel

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Dressed in a black leather jacket, jeans, a tank top and black biker boots, she gets off the Harley. Sherley's adopted daughter is a rebel. She always was, since she was five, and Sherley adopted her. Tammy was abused as a young girl and ended up at the hospital with broken ribs and a broken arm. Her mother and father abused her, and she ended up in the hospital when she was five. Sherley and Billy could not let her go and decided to take her in. She was a rebel, but she soon learned to trust them. They are about the only people she trusts, besides Bella and Nina. She is a year older than Bella. It is her first day at the new school. Billy and Sherley decided to put her in the same school as Bella and Nina. She was expelled from her last school when she fought with another girl, who called her names. She is beautiful with her black hair cut into a short bob. She has beautiful green eyes. She also has an attitude that says, 'Don't mess with me.' As she takes off the helmet, maybe of the young boys around her stares at the dangerous-looking girl. She is beautiful, but she spells trouble. Nina sees Tammy where she is standing with Paul. Paul is holding her hand. He did not even notice the new girl like all the other boys. He only has eyes for Nina. "Tammy! You are here!" Bella says as she walks over to Tammy and hugs her. Tammy never goes out, so she never came to visit Bella. Bella always visits her, and they are great friends. Bella knows Tammy is a bit of a rebel. She also knows Tammy is hiding the hurt she feels behind the tough girl attitude. "Hi, Bella, yeah, I got expelled again, so my parents had no choice left but to sent me here," Tammy says. "Well, you will like it here because Nina and I are here as well," Bella says. Nina walks up to them with Paul still holding her hand. Tammy looks up at Paul. Wow, he is sexy. She won't mind kissing him. Then she sees another Paul standing with a group of boys. So there are two of them. She knows Paul is off-limits. He is Nina's guy. She will never hurt Nina, but the other sexy one is still available. She knows the Steven twins from seeing them in magazines and newspaper when they go out with their parent. Oh, well, Clark Stevens is way out of her league. She can only dream. She looks at Bella and smiles. She is planning on staying and try not to give Sherley and Billy so much hell. They love her like they love their own children. The thing is, she never feels she belongs anywhere. "We will have to see, Bella. Let me make it through the first day here without killing anyone," Tammy says, smiling. She and Bella did not get along at first. She thought Bella was a spoiled little princess. Bella was afraid of her at first until one day, she and Bella got into trouble together. She was about ten years old and Bella nine. She got mad at Bella a started wrestling her in the mud. They were both covered in mud when Sherley came out. Sherley knew Tammy started the fight. She knew Tammy did not get along with other children, but Bella took the blame when she saw Tammy would be in big trouble. Tammy was surprised. No other kid ever stood up for her before. They both were in trouble, as Bella's parents got outside as well. "We were not fighting, mom and dad. We were playing wrestling in the mud," Bella said. "It that the truth, Tammy?" Sherley asked, looking angry. "Yeah, we were just playing, mom," Tammy said and looked at Bella. Bella took her hand and held it as if they were the biggest friends ever. "Look at how dirty you are, Bella!" Valerie shouted. "Sorry, mom, it was so much fun. We did not mean to get this dirty," Bella said, looking at Tammy. Bella started laughing, and Tammy could not help laughing as well when she saw Bella's face covered in mud. Since that day, they became friends. Later, when Bella came to visit, she would bring Nina with her, and the three of them became best friends. Tammy and Bella walk into the school building. Bella shows her where the office is so Tammy can get her schedule. Bella waits for her and shows her where her first class is. Tammy goes into her class and goes sit right at the back. She always sits in the back. She does not like too much attention. A break time, Tammy goes to the cafeteria, and Bella calls her. She goes to sit with Bella, and the two of them starts talking. Clare walks in and looks at Bella. She is still mad at Bella as Bella is the reason she and Paul broke up. "Oh, look, Bella has a new charity case!" Clare says. Tammy is ready to get up and hit the b***h in the face with a fist, but Bella holds her back and smiles. "She is just nasty because nobody cares about Clare anymore, Tammy. Ignore her," Bella says. She looks Clare up and down and is happy none of her brothers wants anything to do with this Cheerleader b***h. "Oh, really well, let me tell you something, Princess. Your brother may date that loser Nina, but one day I will be your sister in law," Clare says. "Keep dreaming, Clare," Bella says. "You will see!" Clare says and walks away to where Blake is sitting with Clark and the popular boys. Paul and Nina are sitting at their own table, chatting and laughing. Clare knows she better not try her luck with Paul or Clark right know. They are still mad at her. She dared to stand up to their little princess sister! "Hi, Blake," Clare says and tries to flirt with Blake. Blake is as handsome as the twins. He is tall, with dark hair and dark brown eyes. He is well built as he likes to gym. Blake looks up at Clare. He used to date her on and off, but lately, he has lost all interest in flings. He looks at where Bella is sitting, talking to the new girl. He knows she is off-limits. Her brothers will never let him near her. "Hi," He says and looks down again. He is not in the mood for Clare. "Mind if I sit here with you?" Clare asks. "Yeah, I don't want to talk to you right now. Do you mind leaving our table, please," Blake says. Clark looks at his friend. What the hell got into him? Normally Blake would jump at any opportunity to flirt with a girl. Clark looks at Blake's food. He has not touched his food, and he normally has a big appetite. "What is wrong with you, bro? Are you sick?" Clark asks. "No, I am going to the bathroom," Blake says. He is not himself lately. He is in love with Bella Stevens, and he knows he does not stand a chance. Her brothers will never let him near her. He has a bad reputation when it comes to girls. The thing is, half of it is not true. He walks out, leaving his food untouched. Clark gets up, following Blake. Blake was always the twins best friend. He sees Blake walking to the gym and starts hitting the boxing bag. Something is bothering Blake. He knows his friend. Did Blake's mom and dad fight again? They are known to fight a lot. Blake hates going home sometimes and will spend the night in his car outside the house. His friends do not know about those nights, but they have seen his parents fight. "What is wrong, bro? You know you can always talk to me," Clark asks Blake as he walks into the gym. "Nothing okay?" Just leave me alone for a bit. I need to blow off some steam," Blake Jordan says. He can not tell his friend he is in love with his sister. Clark will most probably never invite him to his house again, or worst end their friendship. Nobody knows about Blake's trouble at home. He always keeps up the charade. He pretends to be carefree and that he does not really care about anything. Nobody knows how much he hates his father for having one affair after the other. Nobody knows how sad he feels when he hears his mother crying herself to sleep every night when his father does not return home. Nobody knows about the fights his parents have the night his father is at home, and he prefers to sleep in his car as he can not stand hearing them fight and his mother begging his father not to leave his family for a younger woman. Clark looks at his friend, and he sees some sadness in his friend's eyes. Blake knows he has fallen in love with the wrong girl as well. He will never get to know her as she is the sister of his best friends. He is sad, and he is hurting. He looks up and sees Clark has not left yet. He was hoping Clark will leave him alone. He is thinking of joining the army after school. He does not want to join his father's business as he hates the man. "Blake, you can talk to me," Clark says. Blake loses it. "What does it help me talking to you? I am in love with the wrong girl! I can never get to know her as she is the sister of my best friends. I do not want to lose my friendship with you and Paul. I can not help how I fell about Bella. You don't have to worry; I will never make a move on her. I know she is off-limits!" Blake says, and Clark looks at his friend in surprise. Paul has also walked in as he was also worried about Blake. He heard what Blake said. "Who says she is off-limits? We will allow you to date her as long as you do not hurt her or use her," Clark says. "Clark is right. You know we know you best of all, Blake. We know half the stories about you are not true. We also know you will never cheat on her. Listen, bro, people talk. We know how much you hate your father for what he is doing to your mom," Paul says. He was only joking with his friend when he told him hands of Bella. Of all the boys in the school, he would trust Blake more than anyone with his sister. "You know about that bastard? He is not my father! I refuse to acknowledge him as such. One day I will get my revenge on him. I will never date Bella, although I am in love with her. I can never date her. What if she sees what my father is doing to my mother? She may think I am like him! I can not bear her thinking of me in that way. Thanks for the trust you guys put in me, but I have made up my mind after I am done with school. I will join the army," Blake says, and the twins look at him in shock. Blake's father is wealthy. One day Blake will inherit the businesses of his father. Why would he want to join the army? "Why would you want to join the army?" Clark asks his friend. "For one, it will piss off my father, and secondly, I can not stand working with him by his side. One day I will return, and I will avenge my mother's suffering because of his infidelity. The old man will pay for what he did to my mother," Blake says. He looks at the twins. I never knew they knew about what his father is doing and how it is affecting his mother. People talk, and they can not keep their noses out of other people's business. Does Bella know? If Paul and Clark know, then he guesses she knows as well. He will never be able to face her. She never talks to him. She must think he is like his father. He will show all of them one day that he is not like his old man, but for now, he will have to suffer in silence and never let Bella knows how he feels about her. "Please, don't tell Bella that I like her. I will not have anything to do with her. I promise you," Blake says as he gets up and walks out. He tall for his age. He is strongly built and very handsome. His brown eyes are emotionless. He combs the black hair that fell on his forehead out of his face with his fingers. His life is a mess, and all he can thank for that is his father.
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