The First Meeting

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Mathew ‘s POV Nathan, I yell. Finding my last pair of underwear in the freezer frozen in a big block of ice. I’m gonna kill you pup. You have push me too far this time with all your pranks. Oh, come on bro Sasha says putting her hand on her brothers back. Learn how to take a joke. Sasha these were my last pair of clean underwear. Stay out of it anyways it doesn’t even concern you. Whatever you say Alpha! She states sarcastically. If I wasn’t a good little sister though I wouldn’t tell you that the omegas gathered the laundry this morning and you know they start with yours first. She grins while waving her hand after me walking off. Nathan comes running in the kitchen and I clothes-line him. Sending him flipping through the air. landing on one of the couches in the living area. Ouch! He groans. Dude that’s just mean and uncalled for. he says jokingly, still trying to poke the bear. Or should I say wolf. Serves you right you little twit. Stay out of my s**t. Ok, ok, fine I’ll leave you be, but you’re still coming tonight, right? We all need to blow off a little steam. Darren’s mate asked him to meet her at this secluded bar, on the outskirts of Marlow to finish moving her stuff to the pack lands tonight. I won’t let you little turds go getting into trouble so of course I’m coming. Awesome! Nathan shouts while putting his hand up to high five me. No! I state. Walking off towards the back part of the house where the omegas tend to the laundry. Jilly! I state walking in. she runs to give me a big hug. What’s up cuz? why are you out here? She asks. You, sweet, wonderful ladies don’t happen to have my laundry done yet do ya? I ask. As a matter of fact, I just put your load in the dryer almost an hour ago. looks like it has about fifteen minutes to go. Nate playing tricks on ya again? She asks. Ya. Mutt needs to learn his place. She snorts out laughing. Oh, come on big bad alpha. you used to love pulling pranks with Nate. What happened? You know what happened. I turned twenty-two, still no mate. Dad is gone now, to top it all off I am responsible now for it all. no more horsing around. Oh Matt. she sighs. placing her hand on my arm with pity filled eyes. your allowed to enjoy life too with your responsibilities. I do understand though, don’t worry. I have a feeling you will find her soon. I hope so! He states. I can’t seem to focus anymore or control my temper. I’m twenty-seven for goddess’s sake were not meant to be without our mates for this long. We should have found her already. Years ago. we won’t last much longer. We will go crazy. I’ll pray the moon goddess sends her soon. She says with a smile. I’ll bring your clothes up as soon as they are ready. Thanks Jilly. I said. I turn headed back to my office. I need to get some work done before tonight. As soon as I walk into the bar, I smell the most intoxicating sent of vanilla. My wolf is on edge. Begging to be let out. He screams mate, mate, mate. Time and time again. Then my eyes find her. She is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. She has curves in all the right places, gorgeous brown hair down to the middle of her back. Then our eyes meet. I can’t seem to make myself move. All I want is to have her in my arms. To mark her and make her mine. Then I notice they guy she is standing with in the middle of the dance floor. He takes her by her shoulders saying hello! shaking her a bit to get her attention. Our eye contact breaks in that moment. Then I see the worst thing imaginable. He tilts his head and pushes his lips on what is mine. My wolf goes crazy. Nate, Darren, Brendan, Billy, and Joel immediately all grab onto me knowing what is about to take place. Dragging me back out the door as Lindsey comes running after Darren to check on all of us. I am fighting to stay in the room at this point. Throwing punches at whoever dares to try and keep me from my mate. trying to tear my way threw to her. She is mine he can’t have her. I shout. The boys finally get me outside and as the realization finally hits me, I can’t stand the pain. My wolf says mate loves another. My heart breaks in that moment shattering into a million little pieces. I scream ripping off my clothes, shifting and taking off into the woods. I run for hours. I know I can’t outrun this pain but damn it I’m gonna try. My beta Nate, has been trying to reach me for the last hour to see if I’m ok. I know they are all in the woods trying to stay near in case something goes wrong. They will never be able to catch up with me though. At this point I have no clue where I am. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going as I started running, I was just trying to distance my self from the pain. I slow coming up to a clearing and look around, I sniff the air and scope out the area checking for any dangers. When everything seems to be on par, I walk to the lagoon and drink. I lay at the bank looking down into the water at my reflection. My wolf is huge. Four times the size of a regular wolf. I see my glowing dark green eyes reflecting back at me. Why? I ask my wolf. why would the goddess allow what is ours to be with someone else? What have I done to deserve this much pain? Has the moon goddess forsaken us? What am I gonna do? My wolf starts in at that point. Mate doesn’t belong to anyone but us. we will show her that. I will not role over like a dog and not fight for what is mine. We will watch her. see what she is like. Keep an eye on her, and safe from danger. Then we will make our move. I hear footsteps approaching the lagoon. Its obvious it not my pack or rouges they are being too noisy. It must be humans. I hurry to the tree line wanting to catch a glimpse of who is coming. When that boy merges out of the tree line holding my mates hand it is everything, I can do to not snap his neck. I scoot further back into the tree line concealing myself completely and watch, my beautiful mate with another. My anger is rising fast. This boy has nothing on us. Says my wolf. Mate will see that. Mate will feel the pull. Soon. He states. Good because I can’t stand watching much more of this. When they get up to leave, I follow, mind linking Nate I advise him of my location, my plan and their new duties for the next few weeks. Mate is top priority. No one would dare go up against the blue crescent moon pack if they wanted to live. No one would dare challenge me. However, mate doesn’t have our sent, or mark, we have not mated with her yet. I tell my wolf. That puts her in danger. He rumbles. The next morning the same guy picks her up and leaves. as I follow them discreetly I notice how uneasy he is around her, how she is unsure of him. Don’t count me out just yet I started to say as the strange boy kisses her yet again. It infuriates me to the point I have to get some air. I take off back to the lagoon to think. When I get there, I go get a drink and sit down at the bank. Talking to my wolf and hashing out a new plan I don’t realize she has come through the clearing until she steps on a stick. The sound startles me, and I jump into a defensive stance and then dart to the tree line when I see it is her. I don’t want to scare her but I’m not sure how much longer I can stand to be away from her. I don’t understand how a young female wolf can be so oblivious to her surroundings. She never even noticed my aura back at the lagoon, or at her house. Actually, the past couple of days I have even let my sent be blown her way, but she seems just not to notice. I know she isn’t human I can smell her sent so what is going on? I have followed mate the last few days. she is so beautiful, and charming, and smart, and. Ok yes, I know I can see and hear her too. Pay attention my wolf commands. We have to have her I tell my wolf. I know he answers me. After the longest week of my life my wolf and I decide to follow threw with the plan. She is coming to the lagoon a lot lately and we have decided to show her ourselves but at a distance. We don’t want to scare her then I will find a way to meet her in human form. As she sets off back to work again tonight, I decide to go hunt. The boys and I meet up near the lagoon and have our fill. Finally, the night is over and its time for her to be off, so I head back to her house. She arrived home not even five minutes after I had run back up to the tree line that begins in her back yard and wraps around the right side of her house. I sneak around just in time to see her fumbling with her keys looking for the right one and hear her say gotcha and plunge the key into the hole. I hear the lock click. She pushes her way threw the door and closes it behind her heading up stairs. I watch threw her bedroom window as she pulls her work shirt off and shimmies out of her pants. She stands at the window looking out at the forest in a daydream. Her phone chimes and she is snaped back into reality. she walks over to her nightstand and picks it up. I see her put her thumb nail in her mouth and bite it. She contemplates something and then texts back and puts her phone back down and walks into her bathroom, I hear the shower start and I hear a loud bang coming from the back yard. I immediately am ready for anything as I walk over to see what made the loud noise. When I peak around the corner, I see a yellow and orange cat dart from a trash can into the tree line. I laugh to myself and relax a bit heading back to the tree line I look up to see my mate holding a shirt in front of herself standing there gawking at me. Her eyes meet mine and I instantly melt forgetting that I am in wolf form and have just exposed myself. Out of no where a hear a car horn honk and a screech. She tears her eyes away from me quickly to see what all the commotion was, and I make a break for it diving into the tree line. She looks back to the place where I was standing, and I see a look of disappointment cross her face. She turns and goes back to her shower, and I lay there in the tree line and wait for her to finish. When she come out of the bathroom in just a towel, I can’t help but wonder what it will be like to hold her in my arms night after night with that perfect body pressed to mine. She turns her back and throws on some loose clothes and a hoodie and heads back down the stairs. When she comes out the front door and is locking up the house her phone rings. Hey Jacob, she said answering the phone. No, I have some errands to run how about we have an early dinner say four-thirty ish I hear her say. Ok sounds good I’ll see you there and she hangs up the phone. She gets in her car and drives off I run threw the tree line keeping her car in site all the way up to the edge of the forest where the little town starts. I shift back into my human form grab some clothes the guys had hidden in an old hollowed out tree a few days back and I continued running to keep up. I caught up to her in the grocery store. She got her basket and started plucking things off the shelfs. I’d watch her picking things up look at them decisively and then place them in the basket. After about an hour worth of shopping I was starving so I grabbed a basket and started placing a few items in while trying to keep up with her. After I had grabbed some bread, I looked up to see where she was, and she had vanished. I started panicking. That’s when my wolf chimes in. calm down matt I can still sense her presence she is just a couple isles over checking out the chocolate. I breath a sigh of relief and finish grabbing some meat, mustard, pickles and of course the tater chips. I rounded the corner to go and find my mate. Her not being in my site drives me crazy. When I crashed my cart into another cart while I was half paying attention to what I was doing. Oh, I’m so sorry I say as I look up to meet my mates’ eyes yet again. I stand there dumb struck lost in those beautiful eyes not saying a word. Her hand flies to her mouth and covers a gasp. I mentally break threw at the gasp. I’m so sorry miss. Clumsy me. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. You’re not hurt, are you? I ask her in concern. N n n n no. she finally manages to say. I’m matt I say. she looks me up and down, dumbstruck as I am holding out my hand to shake hers. She looks to my hand and stares at it for a minute. Coming to her senses she says oh I’m sorry I’m joe. nice to run into you again! Again? I question. Yea I um. I think I saw you the other night at the bar, right? she questions. Oh! Yeah. I say. I didn’t expect her to recognize me. I love that she does though. We didn’t stay long I tell her. we were just picking up a friend. I say. Never taking my eyes off her. So, you come here often? I ask her. She looks shyly down at her basket and says yep, every Saturday after work. I chuckle lightly at her blushing self she looks delicious. Kool, nice little place. Yea she says nodding. what about you? she asks. Come here often. Me? I question. No not really. Just in town on business. I state. Oh, she sighs disappointedly. She goes to grab her cart to start moving again. I act quickly. So, I hope you don’t think this to forward of me. could I possibly take you out joe? She stops and contemplates just for a minute. You know just so I can officially try to make up for running you over with my cart. I chuckle. Um ……. Sure ok. she says. Ok awesome I say how about tomorrow night. I ask knowing she has already made plans for tonight. Ok yea sounds good she says trying to sound nonchalantly. She takes out a piece of paper from her purse and a pen and writes something on the paper and hands it to me. I look down at it. Its her phone number, and address. Thanks, I say sticking the paper in my pocket. She smiles and says ok well ill se you tomorrow night. walking past me and looks back and smiles saying bye. When she has turned around, I jump 4 ft off the ground hi fiving an imaginary Nate and chuckling at myself for acting like such a kid. I check out and head outside waiting for her to get in her car and leave I sit down at the tree line and make myself a sandwich. I link Nate and advise him. I need to get back to the hotel and get some work done so he needs to take over watching after joe. He meets me at the grocery store in his joggers about the time she is coming out of the grocery store. I have a date tomorrow night I smile at him. Congrats he said slapping me on the back. Yea I need to get some work done though he states can’t afford to lose the businesses now I say heading in the direction of the hotel.
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