The Dream

1165 Words
Joe’s POV I open my eyes and I am standing at that same lagoon. I can hear the crickets chirping, see the lightning bug floating in the breeze, I even see a fish jump up out of the water to catch one. Then I hear footsteps behind me. Its that same man. The one from the bar that just disappeared. He was still wearing the same jeans but was shirtless. He walks towards me, and I am frozen. Standing there drinking him in like a cool glass of water. Then he speaks and it comes out as a growl. “Mine “. I wake up drenched in sweat and tangled in covers. I tried to worm my way out of them. Thud. “ouch” I scream out as I just lay there and try to catch my breath. What a dream! Damn what a body! I finally untangle myself from the covers and head to the bathroom to pee. I finish my business and grab my toothbrush. While I am brushing flashes of this mystery man begin to play in my mind. When I finally come back to reality, I am standing Infront of the mirror mouth half open with my toothbrush in the sink. Geez I have got to get a grip on myself. I rinse my tooth brush off and put it away. I grab my brush and start brushing threw my hair and then throw it up in a messy bun. I wash my face and moisturize then apply some chap stick, mmm smells like vanilla. I through my batman t-shirt on and a pair of blue jeans and grab my hoodie and head downstairs. Grab my keys off the ring, and out the door. As I turn to lock my door, I hear a car pull in the driveway. I turn to see Jacob’s car sitting in the driveway. Hey, I say as he is climbing out of the car. Hey, thought I’d take you to get your fix and then to your car so you didn’t have to walk. Thanks, I say. we pull in at star bucks and he orders two double smoked bacon and cheddars, two Grande’ vanilla latte one with 3 pumps of Carmel, and two pumpkin Danishes. Tis the season he says grinning at me. Thanks, I say as he hands me my order. You know me so well. The ride was a little uncomfortable the 1st mile or so down the road, so Jacob turns the radio on while I am lost in my thoughts daydreaming of those intense dark brown eyes and amazing body. That’s when the song hits me. Can I have a moment of your time. Yes, fist pump as I sing along. Maybe you talked to much and you were asking for it. You can blame bad luck, but you were asking for it. As we pull up next to my car, he turns down the radio. “So.” he says pausing. Look Jacob I started, and I could see he was holding his breath. Last night was amazing I continue I just need some time to sort out all my feeling and take this very slow. I think I wanna give this a try, but it scares me. So, let’s make a promise ok. Were going to be honest with each other about feeling, and situations and try to take the others point into consideration. Most important of all if this doesn’t work or its just too weird, we go back to being just friends. I state. You really had a good time? he asks. Dude focus! I say. Right! He says. Got it. Agreed. I have some errands to run so ill text you later ok. I say. ok he says hesitantly, put the car in drive and slowly pull out of the parking lot. I get in my car and smack my hands on the steering wheel. Ugh I need to figure out who this mystery man is and why he is plaguing my thoughts and dreams I say to myself. I shut the door and start my car. Then it hits me. The place Jacob showed me last night that’s where my dream happened. You need to figure this out. I give myself a pep talk, turn my car off and get out. I walk out towards the path that Jacob and I took last night and look down the trail. Uh not sure going wondering in the woods alone is this smartest thing to do I say talking to myself. Oh, come on ya big baby what do you think’s going to happen? The big bad wolf is gonna eat ya. I say sarcastically to myself. Still a bit hesitant I tell my self ok and walk on into the edge of the forest following the trail. I finally start to see the bridge in the distance. So, I quicken my pace excited to be back in this magical place. Suddenly I hear a tig snap from my right side off in the forest. I stop in my tracks and turn to look in the direction the noise came from. With my heart racing I stare threw the trees expecting something to jump out and get me at any moment. I stand there for I don’t even know how long waiting, looking from tree to tree. Searching for. I don’t even know what I am search for I say to myself. There’s nothing there. I walk into the clearing and reach the bridge. When my hand connects with the handrail its like a chill run threw my body and I feel as if someone is watching me from behind. I quickly turn around and stare. At nothing once again you’re just freaking yourself out. I tell myself. I continue to walk over the bridge and go and sit down under the tree Jacob and I sat under last night. I sat there for hours. In my own head. Reminiscing last night. how we instantly connected eyes, how he stared at me and how that made me feel, how I seemed to be lost in a single moment. How freaking hot he was and how bad you wanted to jump his bones my inner monolog sarcastically. Shut up I tell myself shaking my head. What is wrong with me I state. I mean it’s not like I haven’t seen or talked to hot guys before. Yea but those guys weren’t for you my inner monolog say. my stomach growls and I check my phone for the time. Omg I have been out here in my own head for four straight hours. That’s enough I tell myself besides it’s not like I will ever run into who ever that mystery guy is anyways so stop obsessing. Of course, you will I tell myself he will find us. At that I leap to my feet and say I am starving let go get something to eat.
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