Chapter 1

550 Words
PoV Miracle Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Miracle Grey. I am 17 years old and live on my own. I graduated high school early, so I could leave my parent's house. I was abandoned by my birth mother on my parents’ doorstep when I was just a few days old. Or so they thought that I was just a few days old. But I was a month old when I was abandoned. No one knows who my mother was, only my parents’ maid had seen her briefly. The maid didn’t speak English, so details of what my mother looked like were very vague. I assumed that I looked like her, at least I daydreamed that I did. My parents didn’t have any children at the time, even though they had been trying for years to conceive. So, they thought I was the answer to their prayers to have a child. But as it turns out, five years after I was left on their doorstep, they were able to conceive twins. That is when I first felt like I did not fit in with my family, sure my parents loved me, but they didn’t look at me the same as they did the twins. Which hurt so much, but I loved my parents and the twins. The first five years, my life was pure bliss, just like in a fairytale. I was the sunshine in my parents’ eyes. Growing up, the twins could do no wrong. Ya, you know that type, I am sure. I loved the twins, but they always blamed everything on me, and it has always been the twins against me since the time they started walking. But over the years, I have grown to accept that I did not fit in. I vouched to one day, find answers as to who my biological parents were, and why they left me on Grey’s doorstep. Growing up, I had “friends”, but only two of them were really my friends, Sam, and Ronny. The others just acted as my friends due to my family, “The Greys”. My family was well known, they had money, and owned businesses. Well, they own practically half the town. That is why I chose the apartment that I lived in, and the job that I worked. If my father did own them, I wouldn't be able to work and live truly on my own. I would always feel like I was receiving special treatment due to my father feeling guilty for not loving me as he did the twins. I worked as an assistant manager in Gina’s Café and rented one of the studio apartments above the coffee shop. My apartment was small, but it was enough for Pumpkin and myself. I made enough at the Café to cover rent and all the necessities. And I was able to put away a little each month. I had a plan to save up enough to go search for my birth parents. I always felt like someday I would have the answers that I needed, and I would finally fit in. Something was missing and I needed to find out what that was. And I would find out what that was and so much more.
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