Chapter 2

1500 Words
POV Miracle I sat on the windowsill, wrapped in my favorite blanket, staring out my window at the rain. It was raining, as usual. That is all it did here for nine months of the year. I fought hard to stop the tears from falling. My heart just ached, and I didn’t know why. I always had issues with my emotions being out of my control, at times. I had no reason to be sad, I was content. I had a simple life, a simple job, and a simple studio apartment. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for me. I felt my beloved cat Pumpkin brush up on my dangling foot. I looked down and smiled at her, she was the reason I could push myself through these moments. The unconditional love that she gave me. The love that I craved from my parents. I reached down and picked her up, cuddling her in my blanket with me before I stared back out the window at the park across the street. When I noticed a figure staring straight at me. They just stood in the rain with no umbrella like the others walking through the park. It gave me a creepy feeling. They had to be tall around six-foot, with broad shoulders. It must be male with that body structure. I couldn’t make out any details on his face, his hair looked to be long but I couldn’t really tell. Maybe he was just admiring the Victorian artwork on the outside of the building. I watched the man for a few more minutes before deciding it was best if I moved away from the window. It was giving me an uneasy feeling. Besides, it was time that I needed to try to get some sleep. I have a double shift tomorrow and I knew I needed to rest. I curled up with Pumpkin on the couch and switched the TV on. I picked a crime show, which was probably not the best show to watch, considering I was still shaken by the man looking up at me. But I was too exhausted to switch the channel. I slowly drifted off, with pumpkin purring in my ear. Till I was awoken by pumpkin’s claws digging into my skin, and she was hissing at the door. I could hear people talking outside my door in hushed voices. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, so I got up and tiptoed to the door to look out the peephole. When I heard a gruff man’s voice say, “We have to follow the Alpha’s orders no matter what you think of her smell.” Then I heard a loud growl, like a wild animal. Which made me freeze in place. What was outside my door, then I smelled the most intoxicating smell, vanilla and caramel mixed together in perfect harmony. I felt like I was in a daydream, my whole body relaxed. I moved closer to my door and looked out the peephole but didn’t see anything. Maybe I was dreaming, or delirious. The smell was fading, I was full of anxiety, and was suddenly sad, with tears beginning to form in my eyes. I felt like I was mourning a loved one. I opened the door to make sure no one was outside my door when I saw an envelope taped to my door. I grabbed the envelope and shut and locked the door. I was scared to open the envelope, so I sat down at the table and just stared at it. It was pink, and had my name, “Miracle Grey”, written on the outside of it. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to my best friends, Sam, and Ronny. I explained the whispering and loud growl outside my door, and that an envelope was left taped to my door. Sam replied that he would be on his way over. Ronny wasn’t too enthused at being woken up at 4am, but he was obliged to be on his way also. I put on a pot of coffee before I jumped in the shower. I hurried to get ready for work as I waited for Sam and Ronny to arrive. Sam used his key and let himself in while I was still dressing. Then I heard Ronny walk in, rumbling about being woken up by Sam. When I returned to the kitchen, they both looked up at me in shock. “What?”, I asked them. “Mira, your eyes are glowing”, Sam said. “What are you talking about, the envelope is there, stop playing around”. “Go look in a mirror if you don’t believe us”, Ronny growled. I walked into the bathroom, and before I could turn the light on, I saw my eyes glowing a soft pink color in the mirror. I turned the light on, and I could still see the glow. What the heck was going on with my eyes? I started to panic when Sam walked up behind me and put his arm around my shoulder. I took a few deep breaths, then looked in the mirror again and the glow was gone. I looked at Sam, then in the mirror again. I was in shock, did I just imagine that? “That is just weird Mira, I don’t know what to say, did you use some new makeup or something?” Sam asked me. I shook my head No. We returned to the kitchen and sat at the table with Ronny, who was still in a grumpy mood. “Let’s get this over with, open it up Mira so we can see what this is about”. I grabbed the envelope and opened it, pulling out a letter”. A faint smell of the vanilla and caramel that I smelt earlier was on the letter. A calming washed over my body from the smell. Miracle, You are in grave danger. The council knows that you exist and have sent out their best warriors to bring you and your sisters back to them. You need to run and hide. I will find you soon to explain everything. Ezra I looked up from the letter at Ronny and Sam sitting across from me. “What kind of joke is this, Mira?” “You dragged me out of a hot dream for this nonsense?” Ronny asked me with a stern glare. I couldn’t believe he thought I had made this up. I was in shock that he would think I would play a sick joke like that. “Ron, she didn’t do this, look at her face. We need to find out who did it though,” Sam said with a chuckle. Who would do this was the question, but I heard that growl, like a wild animal, and that wonderful smell. My alarm started to buzz, crap it was almost time for me to open the café. I jumped up to feed Pumpkin and brewed myself some more coffee, time to get this double shift over. Only two more days before the Halloween getaway with Sam and Ronny to New Orleans. I could feel my anxiety brewing, just thinking about being out mingling at bars. I was so anti-social, I liked everything low-key. But Sam assured me that I needed to branch out and meet new people before I started at the community college in the fall. Sam looked at me, shaking his head. “You are going to be late again Mira.” I hurried to the bathroom to finish getting ready for work. When I returned to the kitchen, Ronny was still looking over the envelope and note. Sam was quiet as he stood staring out the window. I stood there for a moment admiring his perfection. His perfectly pulled-back black hair shined from the streetlight that was shining into the window. His green eyes with a hint of blue always looked like they were sparkling, then his perfect caramel skin. Sam just had that look of perfection, but I wasn’t his type, he liked the boys. But that was our secret. Sam’s family would never approve if they found out. “Hey Sam, I got to go, you can lock up.” Which snapped Sam back to reality, “Mira, does this guy look like he is staring up here?” I stopped in my tracks; did he just say someone was staring up at my apartment? Ronny and I rushed over to Sam, and the same man was standing in the park looking up at us. This couldn’t be the same man. Was he the one that left the envelope on my door? I didn’t know what to think or even say. Plus, I had to get downstairs to work. “No, Sam, he is probably just admiring the art on the building. Sam nodded as he and Ronny followed me out the door.
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