Episode 1

1134 Words
Lucas's Point Of View, "Hello all students, this is your first class at this college and I am sure you are all very excited about your new college. I want every student to enjoy their student life. But do not ignore your studies. You will enjoy your year, but later if you miss your studies, then you will regret it. So, I want you to do both. Enjoy your life and study hard. Both are possible. You can enjoy life while studying hard. So I am thinking that I made clear my point to you, wishing you excellent luck with your future guys, enjoy", said the principal to us and we all just clapped for him. I know that what he said was true. I know everyone thinks that college life is so much fun, and that is true, but not a hundred percent. People just tell us half part, the other half part no one tells us. We feel that when we come here. I know that today's students are following different kinds of trends. They think that being cool is a new trend, but honestly, that is not true, being. Being kind is cool, but no one follows that. Well, let us leave all this. I am Lucas and this is my first day at college. I am also pretty excited about my college. I am a footballer and I want to make my career as soon as possible. I want to fulfill my dad's dreams, he wants to see me as a police officer, and am sure I will do that soon and I will make him feel proud of this, but I know that my journey would not be easy because competition is pretty tough and I have to defeat everyone if I want to win this, so I am kind of ready to do anything. I will make that happen for sure. Well, it was my first class at my college but my class teacher was late and I do not really like it when people are not punctual. I am a student but I am very punctual. I do everything at the perfect time and people who are late, I just do not like them. I am not saying that I hate them, but still, it is really hard to adjust to them again. So now, on my first day, my first class teacher was late and I am getting angry. That is not fair at all. I am feeling so annoyed and irritated. Ten minutes had already passed and there was no sign of any teacher. So I was just thinking that there is no way that I can waste my whole hour here waiting for my teacher. Everyone is busy here gossiping and I do not want to be a part of this. So I just took my bag and got up from my seat. I was about to go out but just then a beautiful girl walked inside, her head was bleeding a little and she was looking like a little mess. It seemed like she had an accident or something. She should go to the doctor instead of coming here. I just tried to ignore her and made my way out but. "Where the hell do you think you are going", I heard a voice and that was the sweetest voice I have heard ever. I stopped instantly and turned my head to see her if she was talking to me, and I found she was looking at me with wide, angry eyes. "Are you talking to me", I asked her. And that is when I noticed her, she had a pair of green eyes, she was so pretty. "Or what do you think who else is leaving the class", she asked me, and I just looked at her with wide eyes. I was kind of confused. What the hell was she talking about? Before I could say anything, she just cut me off. "Just go back to your seat, now", she said to me and walked inside. What the hell was that? She's got to be kidding me. She went inside and wiped her face a little, drank some water, and took a deep breath. I was just looking at her with wide and confused eyes, I was kind of not able to process this. "Hello, good morning class, I am sorry that I was late. I had a small accident. So my name is Ava Williams and I am your literature teacher for this year", she said to the class, and the whole class started clapping and whistling. She was so damn pretty and I just do not know how to take my eyes off her. She is really something and I am just thinking that she does not look like a teacher. I just thought that she was a student here. "Do you want me to give an invitation letter to you so that you can come and sit back at your place", she said to me and the whole class started laughing at me. I did not feel bad at all. I was still so busy looking into her beautiful eyes. How come she is so pretty? I did not say anything but went back to my seat and sat there silently. "So, first I need to know who really wants to know literature, who wants to know it deeply. You guys know that literature is something so pure and I want to know who is sitting here just for fun. Who is here for fun? He or she can leave this class right now, no offense", she said. I liked the way she made herself clear. But I was so f*****g shocked when not a single student got up from their seats. I mean, I know that college is fun and I can say that there are a lot of people who do not have any connection with literature but still sit here because of her. She is so damn pretty, but my eyes are stuck on her head, which is bleeding slowly, and the way she is ignoring her pain, that is something great about her. I mean, I just never know that I will ever think about any teacher, but to be honest, she does not look like a teacher at all. "So what about you Mr, who were leaving the class, huh", she asked me and I was just looking at her with a dumb face and wide eyes. "Are you talking to me, miss Ava", I asked her and she was looking at me with wide eyes, and then she just changed her expression instantly. "Of course, I want to know what you think about literature", she asked me. "Well, I think, literature is love".
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