Episode 2

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Lucas's Point Of View, "Yes, I want to know what you think about Literature", she asked me and I just jumped for a second. I was verging on trying to digest she was talking to me. She was bold and pretty and I am thinking that I am having a crush on her right now. She is so damn pretty and it is so hard to keep my eyes away from her. "I think literature is love", I said, and a big smile came on her face. That smile was something special, it was cute, rare, and heart-taking. "That is great, that means we are gonna love these upcoming classes", she said. And she started the class. The whole class was listening to her very carefully with big smiles on their faces and somehow it surprised me. I mean no one in this college takes their classes, it is so strange, it is all for her. Gosh, I must say that she is worth it. I could not resist staring at her. I was looking at her the whole time. She was so good at her skills too. She was teaching them so nicely. I mean, yes, it was obvious. She was a lecturer. She meant to do this, so she is doing this amazingly. "Okay class, so that it is for today. I will see you the next day. It was a great start for you all. I wish you good luck for the whole semester and you will all stick with me", she said, and the bell rang and she left the class. I quickly grabbed my things and I followed her behind and that is when I stopped her. She looked at me with a raised brow and I just forced a smile on her. "I think you need my help, miss Ava, if you please allow me", I said to her and she looked at me with even more confusion. I just held her hand and took her toward the medical room. I had already taken a tour of this college so I knew about everything. I knew she was trying to get her hand free but I was holding it a little tight. "What do you think you are doing, Lucas", she asked me. I looked into her eyes and instantly looked away. I can not handle this. "I am doing what I should do, you are still so careless. Your head is bleeding, Ava, and you are just ignoring it like it is nothing. I can not take this okay", I said to her. And now she was trying to get rid of my hand even more, but I did not let her go. "Oh, as you care, huh, I am fine Lucas, just let me go, okay", she said to me. I just held her hand even tighter than before and I took her inside the room and closed the door. "I do care okay, and I can not see you in the pain", I yelled at her. I saw how her expression changed and she just tried to get angry but failed miserably. "Shut up Lucas, just shut the f**k up, I am fine and you better let me go, someone will see me here", she said. And she was making her way out, but I held her hand. "I can not let you go like this, let me do this and then you are free to go, okay", I said and pulled her hand and made her sit. I started wiping her head. The blood was dry but the wound was still fresh. She cried in pain and I saw her eyes were teary as she was trying to be strong in front of me, but I know very well how exactly she is. She is still the broken doll-like she used to be. "Why do you do this, Lucas, why the hell do you not leave me alone? Are you still not satisfied? See me in pain or you still want to see me in misery, huh", she said and tears fell from her eyes. My heart was in pain to see her like that. I did not want that. I never wanted that. I wanted her to be happy, but I just failed her. I messed up a big time and no matter what. I can undo what I already did. "Shh, do not talk, please", I said and I applied some ointment to her wound and bandaged it. She hissed in pain, but more if she tried to control herself and not make any noise, but I just heard it. I just knew that she was in pain. I always knew, but I still chose to ignore this. I know she will never forgive me for this, and I deserve that. "Seems like you are done, now let me go", she said, and she got up from the chair. She wiped her face and made her way out, but I was there again holding her hand and she just closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "What the f**k do you want from me now, Lucas? Why can you not let me live peacefully now? Why the hell are you back now, why", she yelled at me and tears rolled down her cheeks. "I want to talk to Ava, can you please give me a chance", I asked her and she just pushed me away. "I have nothing to talk to you about now, and stop following me. I can not do anything for you now. So you better let me go now", she said, jerked my hand away, and walked out of the room. I just took a deep breath and followed her out. I did not mean to trouble her. I just want to make her happy. I know very well that she is upset with me now and maybe angry with me, but I know she still wants me. She still likes me and I can make up with her again if she allows me. I know it is not as easy as it sounds. I hurt her so badly in the past and maybe she will never forget this, but at least she can amend her rules for me. If I try hard, then I have hope that she will understand me. "Oh, here you are, miss Ava. I was finding you. I heard from the students that you were hurt. Oh god, seems like you had a bad day, let me see". I saw a guy who touched her head and she just smiled. "Oh it is nothing, Mr. James, I am fine, thank you for your concern", she said with a smile on her face. Now, who the hell is he? I just can not handle one more obstacle in my life. It is already too much for me. He looks handsome and somehow better than me. Or maybe I am just thinking too much. What the f**k, why the hell am I thinking about a guy? I do not care about him, but all I can see is that he is so close to her and that is something I can hardly stand. "Ava, you will always be careless like that, your head is bandaged and here you are saying nothing happened. That is one habit I really do not like about you. You are hurt, you want me to take you to see a doctor", he asked her, and I felt that my blood was boiling and my veins were popping out of my skin. Seems like someone is having a death wish. "James, can you please stop being so concerned about me, it is just a scratch, I am fine, and I really mean it okay, I am all good, just stop all this caring too much and all", she said and laughed hard as they both just looked at each other and laughed again. Since when she started laughing that much, what the hell is wrong with her? "Okay if you say so, but please just take care of yourself, okay and if you need any kind of help, just remember that I am just one call away from you, okay", he said to her. She just looked at him and nodded her head and smiled at him and I noticed the way he was looking at her. I could see how much he is into her. He loves her, damn, he is crazy for her. And she is so stupid. She has no idea about it, as always. She never knows that she is getting herself into trouble. I was angry and rage was clear in my eyes. She was smiling at him all the time. And here I was so f*****g burning in the fire. It is harder to handle than I thought. "Okay, so I will see you later, Mr. James, I gotta go", she said to him and he just nodded his head with a big smile on his face, making me angrier than I was.
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