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Artemis Gray I was going over the plans I was to present to the stakeholders’ tomorrow, I was nervous but I had done this a million times before but they didn’t like the plans I presented last time so I was hoping this time it would be different. “Babe, aren’t you done yet? It’s getting kind of lonely laying alone in bed.” Zoey Dunn, my girlfriend pouted. “Zoey this plans need to be perfect!” I snapped. “Why are you getting mad at me?” Zoey asked. “I’m not baby, I’m just under a lot of pressure.” I sighed, “I need to make sure it’s perfect.” Zoey, who was wearing one of my shirts, walked up to me and rubbed my shoulders, “maybe it’s because you’re tense,” she kissed my cheek, she rubbed my neck, “stressed,” she kissed my neck, she run her hands on my chest, “and too tired to think.” I sighed, “you know what you are right. The meeting is at nine, I have enough time tomorrow morning to look at it when my mind is well rested.” I rubbed her arm that was rested on my chest, “what would I ever do without you to pull be back down?” Zoey chuckled, “you’d probably over work and wind up dead.” I stood up and carried her, “thank God I have you.” I said as I took he to bed. The next morning, I was edgy and snapping at everyone at the office, it wasn’t anyone’s fault it’s just that with every idea that I came up with didn’t seem too different from the last one. “Brianna, could you come in here please?” I asked. Brianna Sullivan was my assistant, “yes Mr. Gray?” “Is there any way you could help me come up with new plans?” I asked at this point I was desperate. “Unfortunately I can’t help with that.” Brianna responded, “but when we were trying to hire the new COO, they were each asked to draft a plan which they thought would benefit the company, I could bring you those.” I looked at the time, it was about seven minutes to ten, “I don’t have time to go through someone else’s plans or draft a new plan. And why haven’t we hired a new COO yet?” “The best candidates were put on your desk; you were to pick one that was the best fit.” Brianna replied. I sighed, I knew running a company would be stressful but not this stressful and it didn’t help that I didn’t have a COO. “Brianna, get me those plans that the COO’s drafted, I will buy myself sometime and I would hopefully hire a new COO by next week.” “I’ll get them for you, sir.” Brianna left and so did I with my plans that I knew the stakeholders would hate. I entered the conference room and I projected my plans, I explained them as best as I could but I would sneak a glance from time to time to see how the stakeholders reacted and it wasn’t positively. “I think that would be enough Artemis,” one of the stakeholders said while I was in the middle of presenting. “But I’m not done yet.” I said. “I think we have seen all we need to.” He said. I turned off the projector and took a seat. “I’ll be the first to say that I know that the plans aren’t exactly what you’d hoped but I can do better.” One of the men cleared his throat, “Artemis, we have been working with this company for a while now. We were happy when your father handed you the reigns, a fresh new blood that would bring about new perspectives to the company.” He complimented me giving me hope, “but of late your work has become redundant and it circles around the same thing, you need to widen your horizons or maybe try working with your brother. It’s a family business and your family should help you when you need it.” I took a deep breath; I didn’t want to lose my temper in front of them. They wanted me to ask my brother for help? The same brother who has cut himself off from the family when my father wouldn’t let him run the company the way he wanted? “Gentlemen, my father saw it fit that I run this company, and ever since I took over the company has made much more profits than it did when my father ran it. Asking me to ask my brother for help is insinuating that I can’t run this company which I have done perfectly for the last year.” I stated sternly leaving no room for argument, “but I hear what you are saying, I will have new plans drawn by the end of next week. Let’s meet then.” I took my laptop and walked out of the conference room. I went to my office and I breathed a sigh of relief, I mean I was able to stand up for myself but I was sure one of them would go and talk to my father about my ‘rude behaviour’. Immediately I took a seat, my father called, ironical if you think about it. “Who came complaining to you?” I asked immediately I answered. “Does it matter?” My father asked. “Of course it does. I’m the one running the company now and if anyone has a problem they should address it with me and not you.” I said as I looked for the files of the candidates for the COO’s. “They are older men who are still getting used to dealing with a younger man like you. Of course they will complain but as long as they are making money that’s all they’ll do.” My father, Kenneth Gray, said. “How about you enjoy your retirement and let me handle the company.” I said as I looked the plan that was in front of me. It was amazing, it was different but still within the scope of what I was looking for. It was signed, Maeve Thompson. I looked for her name in the candidates but it wasn’t there. “Brianna could I have a word with you please?” I called her into my office. “Is there a problem?” She asked when she entered the office. “Why isn’t Maeve Thompson one of the qualified candidates?” I asked as I looked at her plans, she seemed so talented. Brianna was deep in thought, “oh I think I remember her, she didn’t qualify as she didn’t have any experience with the job and we were only looking for people with at least a five-year experience.” She explained. “I think she is talented and I want her to get the job. Could you have her set for an interview as soon as possible?” I asked as I admired her work. “I’ll have someone call her and set an appointment.” Brianna replied then she walked away. I couldn’t believe it; it was like the universe was speaking to me. It was letting me know that I was exactly the right person for this job, and if this Maeve was as good as it seemed, we would be destined for great things. I did look at the plans of the other candidates but none of them matched the one for Maeve. I guess experience isn’t always the best teacher, I thought. I had already set my sights on a new COO, so now I could focus my mind on the other paperwork that needed my attention and it was a lot. I guess time flew by, there was knock on my door, “enter!” I yelled as I kept my eyes on my work. “Glad to see you finally grew up and now you work like an adult.” Carson Kelley, my best friend since high school was standing on the door. I looked up and smiled, “don’t you have your own company to run?” I asked as I gestured him to come in. “I do but I also have a friend who I haven’t seen in a long time that I need to come and get a cup of coffee with me.” Carson said. “Let me finish up here then we can go.” I said, “how is your love life? Still a player?” I asked with a chuckle. “I am too busy to focus deal with a relationship. What about you? Still with Aria?” Carson asked. “No, we kind of broke up a few months ago. I’m with Zoey now.” I said as I finished my work and turned off my computer. “Aria’s best friend?!” Carson asked shocked, he then chuckled, “you have some balls dude.” “You knew I always liked Zoey but Aria was more direct than Zoey.” I clarified. “He, I’m not judging.” Carson answered as he raised his hands in defeat. “Now let’s go and get some coffee, it seems like you have so much to catch me up on.” We went to this small coffee shop that was still open, “I tell you those stakeholders are stubborn, I was drowning. The stakeholders need fresh new perspectives and I don’t have any. But there is this girl who came for an interview who seemed to have what I’m looking for.” I told Carson. “Excuse me, could I get you gentlemen anything?” The waitress asked. “Two black coffees please.” I replied. “So, you are going to hire her to steal her ideas or work with her?” Carson asked as his eyes followed the waitress. “I don’t know yet. We’ll see once she comes for the interview on Monday.” I answered. We shared a few stories with Carson, he told me what he had going, about how much his life rocks. We did agree not to stay strangers and to keep in touch more often, I left a good tip as it seems we kept the waitress past her working hours. I wanted to go home but the coffee had only hyped me up and I thought of dropping by the bar and maybe catching a few drinks before going home. I drove to a bar I heard off but never actually been there, I entered and took a seat next to the bar, I looked up and it was the waitress. Recognition flashed in her eyes and she smiled, she had the most beautiful smile, “we meet again, it seems like fate keeps bringing us together.” “Or coincidence.” She said with a smile, “what can I get for you?” She asked. “A shot of tequila and keep them coming.” I said as I looked around. “Tough day?” She asked. “You have no idea.” I said, “the coffee didn’t help.” She served me a shot of tequila which I chugged, she was beautiful despite the disco lights and it felt so easy to talk to her. She was a good listener and seemed to know a lot about what I did and provided a few insights I didn’t mind implementing if I remembered them considering my state. I was talking to her, when some random guy came and sat beside me taking her attention away from me by trying to talk to her. “Hey man. The lady was talking to me.” I slurred in my words. “I just want to order a drink man.” The guy said and I don’t remember what exactly transpired but I was about to enter into a fist fight with the man when someone stopped me. “How about you and I get some fresh air?” It was Maverick, my brother. “Maeve you good?” Maverick asked the lady at the bar. I didn’t hear her respond though. Maverick took me outside where we sat for a while not speaking. He finally broke the silence, “I’ll call you a cab to take you home.” “Thank you.” I answered and he walked back inside. Just as the cab arrived, the lady at the bar walked out, “you’re still here?” She asked. “I was leaving my cab just arrived.” I said but I was too drunk to walk to the cab so she offered to help me. We both entered the cab, the next thing I remember we were both kissing passionately behind the cab. “Let’s go to my place?” She offered. I wasn’t really thinking straight so I accepted. We were making out; I could feel how strong our connection was stronger than the one I had with Zoey. I could have stopped it but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to. Not long we were in her bedroom and I guess I thought there was no turning back.
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