7. Guarded Walls

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CHAPTER 7 Guarded Walls When every elder left the room she called on to Leila. "Leila, I'm sorry I won't be able to take you with me as you are needed to stay here and watch over and take care of our house. I promise to come back with a little something for you." Janine said in a low tone of voice as she has treated Leila as a sibling although she had been keeping distance most of the time for she is unsure of who to trust in their Coven. Leila looked at her teary-eyed, knowing that Janine might take long to go back as she can sense the uncertainties of emotions Janine is showing right now. She smiled and just nod her head at Janine. "Take care Mi'Lady." She said. Leila leads the way to the front of the house and made sure Janine had boarded the car safely. She bowed as Janine wave her goodbye from the window of the car.  "What seems to be the matter?" Janine faced Drake in the car as they are seated side by side.  "Nothing." Drake just grunted his answer. "Gerald, may I ask you a question?" She turned to look at Gerald.  "Uhm, sure Luna. What is it?" He asked back. "When are the times that your Alpha is acting like this? Together with the pouting of his lips." Then she giggled cause she can't hold it anymore. Gerald tried to hold it but his Luna's giggle is infecting that he broke into a laugh while looking at his Alpha's image in the rearview mirror. "I never have seen him act like that Luna. Only you made him act like that." He said trying to control his laughter. Janine blushed with Gerald's answer to her question. She turned again to look at Drake. "Do you know how cute you are doing that your face? I don't know what I did to make you have that expression on your face but you have to tell me so that I could do it again." Then she giggled again.  Drake couldn't help it any longer and he smiled. He held her hand and kissed it. "I just don't feel nice seeing that Leo held your hand and kissed it." He said in all honesty while looking into her eyes. She can feel his passionate gaze and she couldn't stop herself from touching his face. He cupped her chin and dip his head low to kiss her. As much as he doesn't want to stop, he knows that Gerald might be distracted. So he pulled himself from the kiss. "I just don't want anybody else to touch you that intimately."  "Jealousy. Possessiveness. Traits that are essential to guarding something of importance to you." She said in a bedroom voice. He was unable to control his wolf with the desire to claim her lips once again upon hearing her voice that way. When they broke off from the kiss both of them are catching each other's breath. "Am I your mate?" She asked him. "None other than my dear." He answered. "As you know we are only attracted to our mates as this is imprinted in our every cell. I am still considered lucky to have met my mate after all these centuries that have passed." He said smiling at her. She sighed seeing this handsome smile at her. She felt herself blush and she leaned her head to his chest to hide it. "Can I take a nap, I feel tired from all of that happened this morning. I'm sorry for ruining your schedule today." She said and closed her eyes. He adjusted his position so she can be comfortable. He buried his fingers in her long wavy hair and kissed her head.  "It's nothing to worry my dear, I am willing to move everything for you." He whispered and he could already hear her steady breathing.  They arrived at the packhouse as the sun was already setting. Drake carried her to his room though he prepared a different room for her, he just brought her anyway as he wasn't planning on to make her stay in a different room. As he lay her on the bed, Janine opened her eyes dreamily and asked, "We're here already?"  Drake just nodded and couldn't resist the temptation of the beauty beneath him. He kissed her passionately. She kissed him back and bit his lower lip. This made his wolf uneasy as he may be unable to control himself and devour her more. Her hands ran through his back, feeling his muscled body on top of her. Her mind is asking for more and Drake could feel this pull from her. He manages to broke off from her kiss and embrace. "You need to rest. We'll be having dinner later on." He said lovingly to his mate and he got up from his position. His wolf is becoming more uneasy knowing that she is asking for more. He just turned around and took a change of clothes and went straight into the bathroom. He tried his best to cool off his heat there. "The pull has weakened, she may have fallen back to sleep," Drake said to his self. minutes later as he turned off his shower. He heard her voice from the room. Wondering who is she talking to. He went out immediately from the bath with only a towel wrapped around his waist.  Seeing his muscular body the first time, Janine got distracted from talking over the phone. She unintentionally bit her lip and tried to swallow hard. She was startled when the voice at the other end of the line called her name. "Oh! I'm sorry Leo. Like I said we just arrived in his house and I'm trying to rest before dinner. Please check on Leila for me. Thank you." And she immediately hung up the phone without waiting for an answer from Leo.  "Drake, I just called in so he could pass on the message to the others that I arrive safely here with you," Janine explained. "I understand. But why did you call him instead of Leila?" He asked. "I know you heard me committing to calling him today." She said calmly. "Would you feel much better if you are by my side when I give updates to the elders?"  He doesn't know how to respond to the question, as she hasn't confirmed yet if she does accept becoming his mate. This being involved with a human is perhaps really complicated. The Goddess might be up to something. He thought. Without realizing, Janine stood up to come near him.  She touched his face, then wrapped her arms around his waist. "I know that you are also having mixed emotions. I accept to become your mate, but can we take this one step at a time as this is something new to me." She said while burying her face on his chest.  He returned her embrace and said "Yes we will take this slowly my dear. I just couldn't help feeling jealous with the attention you are giving to another man."  After hearing this she looked up at him and smiled. She pouted her lips asking him for a quick kiss, which he found cute and irresistible.
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