10. Prayers And Offerings

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CHAPTER 10 Prayers And Offerings She woke up around 5:30 in the morning. Feeling like a trapped little mouse in her Alpha's embrace. She gently lifted his arms around her waist and moved inch by inch to get out of bed. She noticed she's still naked. She was about to grab the edge of the blanket when she was yanked back to bed by Drake.  "Where do you think you're going my dear little witch?" He said in a deep voice.  "I need to prepare some tea and offer my prayers to our Goddess." She answered him while facing his chest. He cupped her chin and lifted it so his eyes could meet hers.  "Not until you satisfy me with a good morning kiss." He smiled.  She blushed and gently moved to kiss him. He doesn't wanna let go so he held her head and deepen the kiss. She went with his lead and when they both broke it off they are almost out of breath.  "Happy, my Alpha?" She asked sweetly.  "Definitely. My Luna." He answered back and he stole another deep kiss from her.  When she got up she went straight to the bathroom and washed. She went out wrapped in a towel and search for something she could wear. She chose a cream-colored baby dress that has lace overlapping the soft tule, and underneath it is lined with cream-colored silk. She looked innocent in her dress. He's feeling the heat again of wanting to just hold her. She went near him and sit on his lap and smiled.  "Care to share what's on your mind right now, Alpha?" She said with a seductive look on her face.  "I wanna tie you in bed and never let other men see you in that dress," he said while placing his hands underneath her dress. He felt the smoothness of her legs and went further to touch her. His hands reached her lace undies and his wolf is yearning again for more. But she stood up while her arms are still resting on top of his shoulders. She looked at him endearingly.  "Why does it feel like I don't want to object it in any way. I just wanna submit to every demand you would ask of me."  His hands still underneath her dress gently moved up to her waist and he pulled down her panties. He traced with his fingers her curves underneath and stood up. He towered over her and asked her to bend over. They mated again that morning and satisfied each other.   They were lying side by side on the bed and she was the first to break the silence. "I guess I'll go straight for my tea and breakfast." "How about your prayers to offer for the Goddess?" He asked, surprised that she would skip her ritual prayers.  "Well, we already offered her an intimate part of us to start of the day." She said and giggled. He chuckled hearing her reason. "Then we should do this every day to please our Goddess." He said in agreement. "Shall we go down for breakfast and coffee or tea perhaps?" He got up from the bed and helped her up. They both went to the bathroom to wash up before going down for breakfast.  When they arrive at the table, Gerald and the others stood up from their seats to greet them. Gerald saw the bite mark on their Luna's shoulder. He smiled at her and looked at his Alpha with a smirk. While they started eating Gerald cleared his throat and faked a cough a couple of times. Drake pretending not to notice it, tried as he could in hiding his smile. Gerald can't hold it off anymore and he spoke.  "Our dearest Luna, would you be so kind in giving me Leila's number?" He said meekly.  "Oh, why? You haven't got her number that time you were making her laugh in the receiving room of my house?" She saw his intentions immediately and decided to play with him.  "Luna, how come you..." and Gerald was cut off. "Gerald, I wouldn't be a high priestess for nothing." She smiled at him. "Come with me after breakfast and I would give it to you. Maybe you could be the one to update her of my current status here." She added.  Gerald's smile is from ear to ear upon hearing the task his Luna gave him. Drake on the other hand grunted. "Gerald were you able to relay the orders I gave you last night?"  "Yes, Alpha. Each scout has two warriors with them in making rounds for each post of our watchtowers. We haven't found any intruders yet. The last incident won't happen again." Gerald assured Drake. "May I ask what happened last time and how long ago was this?" Janine interrupted.  "Let's talk about it after breakfast. Besides you need to focus, you will be up against a lot of materials to read to get yourself equipped for the business." Drake said to Janine.  They finished breakfast and the three of them went straight to Drake's office. Drake pointed Janine to another desk at one corner of his office. "That would be your table for now so I could guide you with things you need to understand about the businesses in the East. You are free to use all the books and every reference that is on the shelf as well as those in the library." He said with pride in his collection of reference books.  "Okay, let me just get my lappy and other things I needed." She said and turned to leave the two men in the office.  "Take it slowly huh?" Gerald teased once his Luna has left them alone.  "Preach to me when you're crossing that bridge brother," Drake answered and laughed.  "Can Luna mind link too?"  "I'm not sure. Why?" Drake is curious.  "She's quiet most of the time, then says things that are connected to what you're just about to say," Gerald said analytically.  "Like what she said, she wouldn't be placed as a high priestess for nothing," Drake explained. Then they heard her soft footsteps. Drake immediately knows it is her as her scent slowly fills the room.  When she stepped into the room, she called on to Gerald. Then she threw him her phone. Gerald was surprised and almost failed to catch the phone and she immediately apologized.  "Sorry for making you catch, the only number listed on that phone is hers and Leo's. They are the only ones who know that number as well. That phone has no lock so you are free to access it." She smiled and directly went to set up her laptop on the desk Drake assigned her. She pulled out her glasses and started to look through the bunch of documents Drake placed on her table. "Is this all or you are just getting ready to add more to this pile?" She asked in a sarcastic tone. And the three of them laughed. 
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