4. Plans To The Unknown

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CHAPTER 4 Plans To The Unknown    As they have reached the entrance of the receiving room the group suddenly turned silent. Gerald braking off the silence by immediately greeting Drake. "Alpha, Priestess, I apologize for my actions earlier and as a sign of my sincerity, please accept me to become one of your guardians for a week or..." "No need for that, Drake has made some arrangements for me and we will be discussing it further by tomorrow morning. Besides you are his Beta, which is a very crucial position for your Pack being next in command." Janine cut off Gerald's sentence. As she was speaking Gerald noticed his Alpha's hand holding Janine's hand. He raised his eyebrow towards his Alpha.  "Gerald we should go and we still have to arrange other things back in the Packhouse." Drake met Gerald's gaze and mind linked him to bid goodbye for now. Gerald just throws a smirk at his Alpha and bid his farewell to Leila and the others. Leila leads the way, Gerald followed and the warriors too. Drake and Janine are walking behind them. When they reached the door, Drake still holding onto Janine's smooth little hands faced her. "My little witch, take care, for now, I'll be back for you by tomorrow. I'll send you a message to check on you later." And he raised her hand to his lips and gently kissed it. Squeezing it for a moment before he let go of her hand and winked at her. As her looks followed him to his car, she can't help but gasp at his handsome form. This sends shivers down her spine and makes her want to go after him and kiss him. This thought made her bite her lower lip. Drake immediately looked back to her as he felt the pull of Janine's want. As he caught her staring at him she blushed and he smiled endearingly at her before boarding his car.  She stayed mesmerized in front of the house while gazing at the cars until it disappeared further on the road. She was startled when Leila called her name. "Janine, what happened with the meeting?" Clueless as to why her Priestess is in a trance-like state she thought that Janine is having another vision of what might happen after making this arrangement with the werewolf clan.  "I have discussed with him what needs to be discussed about our Coven's current state and it seems he would be more than willing to help us." Janine quietly said.  Janine stopped being too close or endearing with anybody in the coven after her granny passed. Their people only know that her granny died of sickness cannot be healed. Little did they know that a powerful poison combined with a mortality spell was given to her granny. Only Janine has seen the hints of the poison in which the elders disagreed with her. The last time she has spoken with her granny, Janine was advised by her granny to be cautious of everyone in the coven as it is already too late for her to recover the poison and spell combined to ruin her body. She was instructed to keep the ancestor's grimoire safe and find help from the Pack who had been their long time nemesis. Drake's pack have long guarded the lands surrounding Janine's town and they hold a special grimoire which became a peace treaty to stop bloodshed between the two race. From there, they only competed in businesses. Janine has pure blood of the untainted magic and she has to survive to continue their ancestor's bloodline.  Leila and Janine went back inside the house. As soon as Janine stepped inside, she went to her office and she immediately took out her phone and check for any messages from her handsome Alpha. She's debating with herself if she should send him a message first or just wait. Yet again her body is defying her, she's already typing a short message to send him. "Hi! Any thoughts on what kind of precautions I should take right now? I forgot to tell you my granny died of poison and spell combined..." Sent. Then she placed it on her table and turned on her computer to input other information regarding their business report. She hasn't even started typing when her phone rang. "Hello?"  "Why do you have to just tell me now that you are dealing with poison and spell combined? I shouldn't have left you there. I'm coming back prepare your things, no buts." And the line was cut off.  Her mouth was left open as she was about to say something but was too late. She didn't know how to do decide on this and yet her creative imagination can, of course, help her in explaining it to the elders and leave them in charge of the town for a while. She immediately called on Leila to help her gather the elders so she can talk with them. Then she transferred the needed files to an external drive and picked up her laptop. She went up to her room to pack a few clothes and essentials. Of course, she made sure to bring her ancestor's grimoire leaving a decoy on the special altar. She was about to come down and meet the elders when she heard cars arriving in front of her house. She carefully went down the house glorious stairs with her small luggage. Drake immediately ran towards her to help her with it. He looked furious but his features soften as soon as he saw Janine smile. "Is it alright if you would join me while I talk with our elders as I will be leaving them in charge of the town?"  He couldn't help it and planted a kiss on her forehead.  "Anything for you," Drake said endearingly.
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