Here we go

1837 Words
After what felt like an eternity plucking, poking and prodding, Katie finally proclaims she was done. I tentatively make my way over to the full length mirror she set up to have a look. I take my time, partially because I was afraid of how different I’d look, but mainly because she had me in giant heels I could barely walk in. *Wow you look amazing! Talk about a killer second impression* Ruby whispered building my confidence. She’s right - Katie made my eyes smokey so the light blue color really pops, and she slicked some sticky gloss on my lips which makes them look even more full. She has me wearing a light blue sundress that is both low and short - showing more skin than I have ever done in public before. She insisted I wear nude strappy sandals that accentuate my long legs. I stare at how different I look and pull at the hem uncomfortably. “Are you sure this is appropriate for school??” She laughs and waves me off “girl you look amazing - and it’s hot out so a dress will be comfortable. Plus I’m wearing something similar, I’m not going to steer you wrong. I like you,” she smiles genuinely at me and I decide to trust her. I turn towards her and stumble over my shoes. “Ok but I can’t walk in these - I’ll keep the dress on but I’m swapping for flats or I’ll never make it to class in one piece.” She laughs. “You’re probably right.” I kick off the heels and slide into my white converses. They actually don’t look bad with the dress, much to my relief. A bell goes off loudly and it makes me jump. Here we go.. Katie links my arm as we grab out bags and head to class. I quickly learn that mornings are spent combat training and afternoons are spent on normal school subjects - math, chem, physics, English, etc. I’m thankful my first class is algebra, at least I’m starting with something I’m strong at. I pick my usual seat in the middle off to side by the window - away from the front where the teachers call on you, away from the back where the popular kids slack off and off to the side. Out of sight, out of mind. I immediately turn to look out the window to the forest. Watching the wind toss the leaves around against the clear blue sky. I realize how beautiful it is and how lucky I am to be in a place surrounded by nature. Suddenly I get chills and my mind flashes to my dream. I can almost feel his breath and kiss on my neck. My hand instinctively grabs my mark spot when I’m literally shaken out of it. “Earth to Jade??” Katie’s hand is on my arm and I realize my breath is a bit choppy, I’m flushed and I’m starting to get aroused. She grins at me knowingly. “Just a reminder we’re all werewolves here so we can hear and uh smell eachother easily when your.. mood changes,” she says very quietly. Wow how embarrassing - I bet the other students can tell I was getting aroused. What is wrong with me?? They’re going to think I’m some horny uncontrolled she-wolf. I mentally scold myself. I turn even more red and mutter a thanks to her for the warning, glancing around. She shakes her head laughing. Thankfully the students are loudly chatting amongst themselves so I don’t think anyone noticed. My eyes stop at the familiar pair of blue eyes glued to me. Xander is sitting at the back of the class wearing a smirk - he obviously noticed. I see the girls sitting around him follow his eyes and see me - sending death glares my way. I drag my eyes away from his gorgeous face before things get worse. Freaking hormones - I’ve got to get a hold of myself. A short stubby hairy man who I hadn’t noticed hushes everyone. Relieved for the distraction I see he’s put a number of equations up on the board. I mentally start solving them as he begins class with an introduction. Nothing challenging or new here. “For those who don’t know me I’m Mr. Renalds, your algebra professor. I’m told we have a new student to the school so I was hoping you’d be able to stand up and introduce yourself, Jade”. My cheeks turn pink again - jeeze will I ever not be embarrassed? I stand up awkwardly and my chair falls over behind me. Of course. “Uhh hi - I’m Jade. I’m from Glen Ellyn not too far from here. This is my first year at the academy so I don’t really know what to expect yet.” I scramble to get my chair back up and try to sit back down. “Not so fast my dear! We don’t get a lot of new seniors - would you do the honours of coming up and attempt to solve an equation?” I nod reluctantly and make my way up to the front of the class. Mr. Renalds stays facing the class as I pick up the whiteboard marker and get to work. “Now class I know we haven’t gone over this material yet but part of the fun is trying to solve things with what you know. Try to deduce the answer, learn how to think through complicated problems and then working together to get it completed if you don’t know - this is important in all aspects of life. Once you get stuck Jade we can work through it as a class togeth- “ he stops when he turns and see that I finished the first equation and was already almost done the second. “My my you’re fast! Why don’t you stop there - I didn’t realize you’d be so advanced.” I flush again. “Sorry I thought you wanted me to solve them.” I hand him the marker even though I’m only 1 step away from finishing the second equation and hurry back to my seat. “Nerd alert!” One of the girls around Xander hisses and there’s some laughing. She’s stunning with long black hair and bright red lips. Man even wolf high school can be the worst. Mr. Renalds chooses to ignore her “Of course I’m happy to see you’ve done it, it was just unexpected as this is new material we haven’t covered yet. What academy did you say you came from again?” I sigh. Whelp so much for staying anonymous. “Um.. I went to Glen Ellyn High.. it’s not an academy it’s just a regular - err human high school,” I stutter. The silence is palpable. “Are you even a wolf?? How did you get in if you aren’t in a pack?” The annoyingly beautiful she wolf spat out. “Now now your senses are better than that Harmony - surely you can smell her wolf,” Mr. Renalds cut in quickly. “Jade let’s talk after class - the rest of you pay attention so you can catch up.” I sink into my seat. I guess that could have been worse. I glance over at Harmony and see her reach her hand out and stroke Xander’s arm in a familiar manner. Ruby growls in my mind. *Down girl - what’s gotten into you? We don’t know him?* I ask her *There’s something about him Jade.* she replies and settles. I spend most of the class staring out the window, glancing at Mr. Renalds when appropriate so he doesn’t think I’m being too disrespectful. I took AP algebra last year so this material is very old for me. I guess it’s good to brush up on some basics though. The bell rings and I nearly fall off my seat in surprise. More chuckles. I sigh and wait for everyone to leave before going to talk to Mr. Renalds. I notice Harmony hanging off of Xander as they leave together, I think I catch him glance back at me but I drop my book and look away. Why can’t I get a grip?! “So Jade - I’m sorry I wouldn’t have called you out had I known you’d be so uncomfortable with it. You’re very advanced at this for your grade. How would you feel about some extra assignments that might be more challenging for you?” He asks. He has kind eyes so I try to relax a bit even though I hate being singled out. “Yah um I completed AP algebra last year - I didn’t expect to be this far ahead though. It’s my favorite subject.” I qualify my statement even though he didn’t ask. “I see. Well give me a bit of time to come up with some extra material for you. In the meantime the class is mandatory to graduate so you’ll still have to attend. Please try to participate as you can and I’ll make sure not to single you out too much in front of the others. As you can appreciate many wolves are more focused on the combat training than math, so the class is actually a little behind where a human high school would be. You’ll be very far ahead in most of your classes. Have you had any combat training?” “Not formally - I did some martial arts growing up but I suspect wolf training is very different” “Ah yes - well you’ll have your work cut out for you there, at least you won’t also have to worry about your grades on top of that.” He smiled “I also spent much of my life with humans while I was training to be a professor so I know how different things can be coming into a pack of wolves. I’m here if you need someone to talk to.” I smile and mutter a thanks to him before leaving and running into Katie waiting for me at the door. “Damn and I though I was smart! You’re something Jade,” she bumps her hip into me and we make our way to the next class. The rest of my classes were pretty uneventful, thankfully. By the end of the day I was starving so Katie and I made our way to the cafeteria. Mountains of food to choose from greeted us - all of it smelling delicious. Hmm I could get used to this! I went for steak, salad and a generous portion of mashed potatoes, Katie went for a seafood pasta and went to get us a seat while I grabbed a water. I emerged to the tables when Harmony cuts me off backed up by 3 girls all glaring at me. “Not so fast nerd!”
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