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NOAH'S POV There she stood my life, my angel, the woman I would die for and I thought she never looked more radiant than she did carrying our child.  I knew the baby was mine there was no doubt in my mind.  I get up and walk up to her and grab her beautiful face and place my lips on hers she invited me in and I deepen the kiss I slowly pull away.  "Please, Shelly don't cry I'm here.  I'm here"  I slowly kneel down in front of her and place my hands on our child and rest my cheek against her beautiful swollen belly and cry.  I know my girl better than anyone almost better than my own brother her twin her best friend.  I may have thought when I first saw her why Shelly Why but when I kissed her I knew why.  She wanted to give me my future the future she thought meant more to me than her a future she thought I would hate her for if she took it away.  She doesn't realize this is the future I was working for.  This was the future I envisioned for us after the first time we made love.  I look up into her tear streaked face and say "You have given me the world my love this. us. is all I ever wanted."  I heard movement from the kitchen and that is when I saw him my little brother the only other man that holds my dear Shelly's heart and trust and I pull him down in to my arms in front of our girl and say "thank-you for taking care of our Shelly lil' bro how's it feel to be an Uncle"  He smiles at me and says "great" As I stare into my Shelly's eyes I stand up and lift her into my arms and tell my lil' bro "we need some time" and start to climb the stairs to my room I notice the door is open so I walk in and kick the door closed behind me and gently lay her on our bed.  I glance around the room and notice that it looks like she is staying here.  I look into her eyes and then it hit me.  I remember meeting her new stepmom before the summer ended.  All she cared about being a status symbol I was pretty sure that this was not in her plans.  Yet, I was having a hard time wrapping my brain around the fact that she was here and not at home.  I lift up her chin and ask "Hey baby where is your dad" and she started sobbing I couldn't even speak I just kicked off my shoes and climbed in next to her and held her until she cried herself to sleep"  I slowly and achingly pull myself away from her and head downstairs to get some answers from my family that I know are home now thanks to my lil' bro. I had to go for a ride.  I wanted so desperately to punch something or someone in particular.  A man I grew up loving a man that just like my father I wanted to live up to a man I never thought would do this to his own daughter.  I will never forgive Max for abandoning Elle like this and taking Brad away from her.  I rode to our place so I could clear my head before I went back to her.  I didn't want to upset her and make her ill while she is carrying our child.  I must have been sitting there for hours I didn't realize I left my phone back on the bike.  When I got there I had 5 missed calls from Shelly and Lee was calling me now when I pick-up I hear "damn it Noah where the f**k are you Shelly is making herself sick she thinks your in jail or lying in a ditch somewhere get home now before we have to take her to the hospital again. I jump on my bike kicking myself for worrying her.  Lee had told me that after Max left and told her to never contact him or Brad again she made herself so sick she was in the hospital for a week because they thought she was going to lose the baby.  What had made it worse that b***h had called Elle a w***e to her face and Max did nothing to stop it for the first time in my life I wanted to hit a woman.  Ahhh I need to calm down.  Imagine Shelly imagine that sweet, soft voice telling me to look at her now breathe slowly.  I am so glad it still works.  While away at school I didn't have Shelly to talk me down when I got mad.  That first time my roommate told me to just let her go that maybe she was seeing other guys and sleeping with them I wanted to do was kill him then I heard her voice in my head and when I pictured her sweet face and did what my memory told me I calmed down.  That technique kept me out of a lot of fights on and off the field while I was away.  I pull into the garage and run into the house and I see Shelly lying on the sofa with my mom placing compresses on her forehead begging her to calm down that I was on my way back.  I rushed over to the sofa and skidded to a stop dropping to my knees and say "I am so sorry Shelly baby I was at our spot trying to calm down after I was filled in I left my phone on the bike I will never let it happen again I am right here Shelly look at me now breathe nice and slow."  she chuckles and reaches up to brush the hair out of my eye's and says "I'm ok. now will you just hold me"  As I pick her up and hold her in my arms I feel her slowly start to relax.  My mom says don't move  she checks Shelly's blood pressure breaths a sigh of relief and says "Thank God it is normal."  
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