Chapter 2

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Hecta looked at him. “Do you remember our conversation outside?” she said looking at him and then Marcus. “What about it?” he said finally pulling his arm free. “I met every word of it too.” He said looking at Marcus. “Well do you want me to tell Marcus or should you?” Hecta said standing up, she was shorter than Victor. “I mean those were some fighting words outside.” She said walking around him. “I think you should tell him what you said. I told them to bring you here because I wanted to teach them a lesson.” Victor looked at Hecta and then at Marcus, he glared at him. “I just said I was surprised he was able to do what he did.” He said shaking his head. “I didn’t say anything that would warrant a fight or a death.” He said backing up from them. “You also said you watched as he struggled with it, but eventually got it. You were waiting for the right time to come in and take the credit.” Hecta said looking at him. “You wanted me to kill Marcus isn’t that right?” “Well yeah, since he sucks at everything. I would have kept control of Anabel, those Angels would have never gotten close to her. And the twins? I mean seriously you didn’t expect them to go after the twins before Anabel?” he said shaking his head looking at Marcus, he could see Marcus was getting angry. “And you thought you could just take his place?” she said stopping in front of him. “Like nothing ever happened, like I wouldn’t know you weren’t even a part of releasing me from my prison?” she said picking him up by the throat. “No please Hecta I would have come to help, but Marcus doesn’t work with everyone.” He said trying to plead his case. “I’ve even asked Marcus to help him, he pushed me out the door and told me to get lost?” “Yeah, I would do something like that,” Marcus said crossing his arms. “If I had my way you would have been dead when you came around after Hecta was released.” He said looking at Hecta. “Don’t kill him, we might need him with the Angels.” Hecta looked at Marcus. “I wasn’t the one that was going to kill him.” She said releasing him. “I will leave his death in your hands.” She said walking back to the chair and sitting down. “Thank you Hecta,” Victor said shaking his head. “I will help Marcus with whatever he needs.” He said looking at Marcus. “You better, or you’ll be in the graveyard,” Marcus growled. “Go with Dremis and find Tristan, bring him back here, if you don’t bring him back I will expect you to be dead.” He said looking at Hecta. “Now!” They disappeared, Marcus walked over to Hecta. “I thought you were going to kill him.” He said kissing her. “I was going to say let me do it, but you already know things I want to do.” “Yes I do, and you better not let me catch those demons off your messing my plans up.” She said picking up her punch. “We need more stock of the blood, this punch is starting to get to me. I don’t think it’s working anymore either.” She said putting her hand to her head. “I have the worst headache.” “I will get some more, I’ll add some extra blood to it as well,” Marcus said walking away from her. Hecta waited and waited, Marcus took a while, but he returned with a few cups. “Sorry it took so long the merchant doesn’t want to sell to me anymore.” He said shaking his head. “Maybe we should pay him a visit.” She said taking a drink of the punch. “This is much better.” She said taking two more drinks before she set the drink down. “Perhaps,” Marcus said looking away from her. “If you think you are up for it, but I think you should stay hidden, Angels are looking for you.” He said walking towards a closet and pulling out a hood. “This should fit you.” He said handing her the robe. “Alright let’s take a stroll,” Hecta said putting the hood on. They both appeared at the market. “Um we can recruit here, there are plenty of slaves that would rather have what we want to offer than to suffer like they are.” She said looking around. “Of course, but we have to worry about them being Angel blood, you know those are the worst to try and turn,” Marcus complained. Hecta didn’t say anything she saw someone she thought she knew. He ran through the crowd, and he wore a hood. “Track that man, I want to know who he is.” She said pointing at the man running. “I got him,” Marcus said disappearing. He reappeared a few minutes later with the man fighting him. He pulled off his hood. “Jerden,” Hecta said. “You aided them, you also aided me. I could use someone like you.” She said touching him, he pulled away from her. “I would never work for you Hecta!” he growled. “What you did to that girl, I could never be a part of that.” He said spitting at her. “It doesn’t matter.” She said waving him off. “Soon you won't know anything but what I tell you.” She said looking at him. “I am bringing the rest of the group here so I can weaken Anabel and silence her for good.” She said looking away. “This place will be a lot darker, a lot better.” She laughed. Jerden continued to struggle in Marcus’ hold. “Do you want me to put him in the dungeon for now?” he said looking at Hecta. “Yes, and then come back here. I want to see if I can find some things I think we’ll need if there are Angels here.” She said looking around. “Go now.” Marcus disappeared. Hecta walked around looking at the different things they had, she didn’t find anything she wanted. She wanted to take a break from Marcus, his thoughts were starting to make her head hurt. He wanted her to rest, he wanted her to do this and that, but she wanted to do other things, she wanted to be around the realms to see what she missed. “Hecta, I thought I felt you awaken,” Daniel said coming into her view. “What are you doing out here by yourself, you do realize you have a big prize on your head?” “Daniel?” Hecta half-smiled. “Yeah, I figured someone would put a price on my head, go ahead and try and take me down, this mortal I’ve taken control of is very powerful.” She said shaking her head. “What are you doing here, I thought you hated this place?” “When I heard from Victor I thought it would be a good idea to come and check things out.” He said looking at her. “I’m not disappointed I made the trip, you looking for an army I’m assuming?” “Of course, you do know me quite well.” She said touching his face. “Are you interested?” “Depends what your plans are?” he said looking around. “Marcus still your right-hand man, or did you get rid of him finally?” “I’m still here Daniel,” Marcus said appearing. “Are we going to have issues again?” “Maybe,” Daniel said looking at him. “Let me think about my options, I’m game.” He said looking at Hecta. “There are a few realms I’d like to take control of, I might need your help?” “Oh, will you now?” Hecta said looking at Marcus. “The vampire realm again?” she said half-laugh at Daniel. “Yep.” He said. “But this time I have a feeling it will be easier since you’re awake, and things are a little different now since I have a feeling your power is a lot stronger.” He said looking at Marcus. “He’s welcome to come and help too.” “I don’t do vampires,” Marcus said rolling his eyes. “But the vampires might be something we should take on. We need to clean them up a little, we’ll have to arm them this time, otherwise, we’ll have a mess again. “We better go, the Angels are here,” Daniel said grabbing onto Hecta’s arm and pulling her in another direction, Marcus followed them. “I don’t want them seeing you, you still do not have all your power. I will come by later tonight with Victor.” He said before disappearing. “I don’t think taking over the vampire realm is wise,” Marcus said taking her arm. “We do have to leave.” He said as they reappeared in their lair. “Quiet, we will do what I want us to do.” She said shaking her head. “If you cannot handle it, I will go at this alone.” She said looking at him. “I need you to relax a little, I’m not going to be doing it anytime soon, I need to rest. I’ve only been here for a while.” She said drinking some of her leftover punch. “As long as you know that you have to rest.” He said sitting next to her. “I think there is some magic we can do to make this easier on you so you are not so weak.” He said opening the book. “But we have to wait until Dremis gets back, I cannot begin to understand your curses and magic.” He said putting the book back. “I know there is magic, but I don’t want to rush things either.” She said looking at him. “We might have to do something, I just don’t know what.” She said looking away from him. “We will get the twins, and then we will gather the group, we will take care of your issues with Anabel, then we will take on the vampire realm,” Marcus said looking at her. “Unless you want to do the vampire realm first, and then the group?”  “I want you two to find the group and bring them here, Jerden was stupid when we came here, I am sure the others will follow.” She said getting to her feet. “I am going for a walk, I need to do some thinking, I have a plan I need to figure out.”
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