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26th of April 2013: Day of the explosion 6:20AM. Mr. Max Dean – the CEO of frost-bane technologies answered his mobile which was ringing for the eleventh time in five minutes. “Yes” he shouted into the phone without checking to see who the caller was. “Seriously Max of all days you choose today to be late for work?” Max knew it was his friend Stanley from the voice first before the question. They had planned to be at frost-bane as early as possible so that they would oversee everything that was going to happen that day. Unfortunately for Max, his daughter was nowhere to be found and the launching of the technology was last thing on his mind. “I can’t man. I can’t find Holly I think she’s been kidnapped by that psycho who threatened us. God I was so foolish. I should have involved the police now I have gotten my daughter kidnapped.” The CEO of frost-bane was pouring into the phone. “I am coming over Max. I am on my way don’t do anything stupid okay. We would sort this out together.” Stanley was assuring his friend and offering help without the slightest idea that his house was literally about to be set ablaze. Ten hours earlier 10:30PM 25th of April 2013 Sam turned to see that the chandelier of the room where the party was heating up had crashed down on some unfortunate teenagers and he reconciled it to the gunshot they had all heard from outside. As he tried to picture the position of the shooter and why they were shooting at innocent children at a birthday party, a spree of gunshots was heard all over the house and the glass windows were shattered tearing their way through human flesh who were screaming and running for safety, just then Sam noticed a figure lying on the floor and was not moving as he was for he too had been lying on the floor as a means of protection and he presumed the figure he could now see clearly as he crawled over had been hit by a bullet. Sam discovered to his greatest horror that the figure lying helplessly on the ground having a deep wound on her shoulder was the daughter of the CEO of frost-bane technologies. He did not know if the source of the wound was a bullet or the flying pieces of broken glass but the girl was bleeding pretty badly. Just then an elderly man whom Sam judged to be the father of whoever was celebrating their birthday started ushering everybody upstairs “where it would be safe until the police arrived”. Sam reckoned it was time to leave when he looked over the broken window and saw some figures roughly about eight of them moving towards the front door of the house all dressed like ‘G.I Joe’s’ with mighty guns then distantly, there was also the sound of siren indicating police and ambulance. But he could not just leave the girl lying there. The men would most definitely finish her off so he applied pressure to the wound to arrest the bleeding and wished someone else was there to help out. Wishes do come true you could say because as he tried to lift her up not even sure of what to do after then, he heard a familiar voice in a whisper “what are you doing? Everybody’s upstairs” it was Rick and he too had seen the men who were now very close to the entrance of the house. “We can’t leave her here” Sam said. “I know but what is your plan? Those men would be in the house any minute from now and if we attempt to go upstairs to meet the others we would blow their hideout.” Rick was panic stricken. “That leaves us with only one option then.” Sam told him. “What option?” Rick asked. “Let’s go” Sam said. “Wait, are you mad? Go where?” Rick questioned. “Look I had locked the front door earlier with the key and they would create some noise in trying to get in. When they are at it that is when we would go out through the window. You first then I’ll pass her across to you then hopefully there would be a taxi when we get to the road.” “That is the most dangerous plan I have heard my whole life.” Rick said. “Do you know the how dangerous it was for me at the wave land the other day? And for what, you and your stupid fat boss hacked my football application.” Sam fired back at Rick. “Look I am sorry about that okay. It was...” the boys heard a loud bang at the door and they abandoned argument mode and switched to that of escape. “Go go” Sam whispered to Rick and in a split second, the boys were through the window and were hurrying their way through the street carrying a wounded girl – and not just a girl, the daughter of a very powerful and influential man. When they saw a taxi coming, Sam said to Rick – “I told you we would get a taxi.” It took all that Sam and Rick knew in the English vocabulary to convince the taxi driver that they were not kidnappers or rapists. Rick thought they were headed for price mall but when Sam asked the driver to pull over a few blocks before the mall, he asked what was going on. “We are going to dress the wound in my house.” Sam said. “What! are you crazy? Are you a medical doctor? Let me tell you in case you have not noticed. This is Holly. The daughter of the owner of frost-bane technologies and in case you are planning on spending the rest of your life in jail I am not. Rick said looking at Sam. “Hey listen up okay. You owe me big time first of all for deceiving and stealing my application so if you are afraid of someone sending you to jail, it is me. Now come over here and help me carry her. You can’t back out now. No way. We got into this together.” They paid the taxi driver who was still wondering what they were up to and carried Holly gently into the house where Jacob was already fast asleep. It was 11:35PM. Back at the house, the men had found them hiding upstairs and asked about Holly but she could not be found anywhere in or around the house so they left following a trail of blood that ended at the road. They were clearly after the daughter of the CEO of frost-bane technologies. Mr. Max Dean having no clue that his daughter was not asleep in her room and was at this time having a major injury around her shoulder, tuned in the network news to see why sirens were blaring in the distance. The voice of the reporter was clear. “There have been multiple reports of gunshot from a house where a birthday party was in progress and the shooters were in search of ms Holly the daughter of the CEO of frost-bane technologies. “What!” He exclaimed and rushed to his daughters’ room to see to his amazement that she was not there. He called 911 to report a missing person and was told to keep calm that they were already following a lead on the case. When Sam and Rick saw the news, they realised if they had not carried Holly off, it would have been a different story altogether. Sam asked Rick about his application and how it was possible that it was copied. Rick explained to him that the encryption pattern he used was outdated and his boss at the wave land had already advanced the new version so it was quite easy. They were having their discussion at the parlour when they heard some noise coming from the room where they had kept Holly after dressing her wound and removing the long piece of glass that was stuck inside her shoulder. It was a bad wound but luckily for her, it did not break as it stabbed her. They rushed inside the room and saw her sitting down on the bed looking at the injury. “Rick. Where am I?” she asked. Rick explained everything to her including the news that bad people were looking for her. She wanted to go home but was talked out it in the face of the danger that was lurking outside. “You were at the party” Holly addressed Sam. “Yes I was. Why don’t you lie back and rest. You have had a pretty rough night.” “Can’t argue with that” Holly said then added. “My father is going to be really pissed off I didn’t even tell him I was going out I think I should call him to let him know I am okay” she said. “That would be a very bad idea. For all we know these guys who attacked you could be tracking you even as we speak and perhaps he will be glad you are safe despite your... well despite your... (you know) behaviour when he sees the bad guys who were after you earlier tonight.” “What behaviour? I didn’t do anything strange to teenagers” Holly said with a weak smile while looking at Sam. “Well, can’t argue with that” Sam said. The silence was becoming awkward When Rick tapped Sam back into reality and they both left the room to allow Holly get some rest as well as privacy. “Can I ask you something?” Sam said to Rick. Just outside the door “Yes anything” Rick responded. “How did you get to know these Rick people?” “Well, it’s a long story.” Back inside the room, Holly was smiling broadly not minding her injury for she too had heard the question. She had felt like reaching out to grab this extraordinarily handsome stranger who had saved her life and hug him as Rick narrated his heroism to her. She felt bad for not asking after his name as Rick repeatedly referred to him as “this brave young man here.” At 7:00AM Holly was still fast asleep and Sam had no intention to wake her up. He felt she needed the rest. Moments later, they heard movement inside the room and waited a little to give her some privacy before going in. Just then Jacob woke up too and was still marvelling at the stranger in his house when he heard his brothers’ room open and his shock was complete when he saw a lady walking out of it with bandages around her shoulder. “Sam” he shouted. “What is going on here?” Sam explained everything from Rick to Holly and how they all ended up there. “So you mean you went to a party last night and left me all alone? What were you thinking?” Jacob was yelling not considering the fact that he was the smallest in the room. It was now 7:30AM and Holly cleared her throat amidst Jacob’s shouting and all in the room turned to her. “Hello little guy. I presume you are his kid brother. Please do not be hard on him he saved my life.” Holly said to him. “Okay and who are you.” “I am Holly and I really should get going.” So they drew a plan on how to get her home. Sam was to go out and get a taxi and bring it to the house where Rick would have applied a little disguise on Holly and then she would be taken back home. An approximately twenty five minutes drive. 
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