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25th of April 2013. One day to the explosion. Jack was looking at his computer screen and was agitated because from all indications, frost-bane was going to finish its project, launch it and wreak havoc on the entire planet. The disaster was just one day away and Jack was getting things in place that could brace him in the event that his dreams were going to be actualized. His one thought was with Sam whom he hoped was safe wherever he was. He could not help but wonder what Sam was looking for the other day at the wave land and prayed he got out safely. He was engaged in bracing himself not knowing that someone had already mobilized a small group of individuals to help him ruin frost-bane technologies as much as they can to either delay the destruction of the world or prevent the completion and launching of such a technology. His name is Scott.             Scott was the one who had ambushed the CEO of frost-bane in his own car and tried to warn him about the danger he would expose the world to with the launching of his new technology as well as his friend Mr. Stanley whose house he threatened to burn down if he did not stop his friend from unleashing chaos to the world. Scott was in his early twenties and like Jack he too had been seeing rather strange things in his dreams all connected to frost-bane and the evil they are creating up in that scary looking building of theirs. He keeps seeing repeatedly, a world that has been shredded apart by an explosion that opened strange portals allowing monsters, evil creatures, and zombies into earth who were killing innocent survivors of the explosion. Interestingly, some human beings were gifted with extraordinary abilities. The sight of monsters and zombies walking freely on the earth, killing people and turning them into themselves was not a joke for Scott and he was intent on eliminating this nightmare before it sees the light of day.             Now, as frost-bane was just one day away from unleashing this chaos to the world, Scott could not depend on luck to stop frost-bane and he had gathered a small team to work out a plan to stop them. His team was made up of three people. Bob, Timothy and Grace who was the only female in the team. They were all teenagers and they all shared the conviction that nothing good was going to come out of the artificial space that frost-bane was building and they saw the destruction of this technology before it is launched as a duty to humanity. Scott was going over the plan to make sure everyone knows exactly what they were supposed to do as any mistakes in their operation could spell doom for all of them. He (Scott) was already on the most wanted list of the CEO of frost-bane after their impromptu meeting and after he had foolishly let the man see his face when he turned back to berate him more and claimed not to know that he (the CEO) had a daughter.             Bob, one of Scott’s team member who had some knowledge of mechanical engineering was to temper with the generator that was supplying power to the entire building. When this was done, Timothy and Grace who would by this time have sneaked into the main building, where the launching of the artificial space was to take place would then move in while everyone would be busy investigating the power shortage and damage whatever connection that could be found and sneak back out. Scott the team leader would create the distraction that would allow the rest of his team mates to move into position. He was counting on the fact that it was going to be a big day for frost-bane and as such the management would be very much interested in showing the world what it has wrought rather than in security and that would be their green light and the salvation of the world. “Any questions” Scott asked his team after the briefing. “Yes” Grace said. “What if someone gets caught?” The party was already on the way when Holly got there and there was so much catching up to be done. Music was blasting and Deborah, Holly’s friend the host was having a great evening and a ‘one of a kind’ birthday party. “Why are you just coming, you have missed a lot” Deborah playfully scolded he friend. “Had to fix some stuffs back at home and my dad is way over his head about the technology he is launching tomorrow.” It wasn’t easy for Holly getting out of the house because her father had suddenly become a security officer walking around with a g*n and investigating every sound around the house. But like every human being, he had to take a break and the was the time Holly sneaked out ignoring everything she had been told about minimizing movement at least until after the launching of the technology at frost-bane. But there she was at a party that her father and a stranger had disapproved of and was having a good time with her friend. “What could go wrong” she had said to herself and dived into the heart of the party. Sam having discovered that his real football game application was somehow hacked for obvious reasons because he had not shared any link to any webpage nor transferred the game to anyone not even Jacob his brother yet he could see his game all over the internet and advertisements of it was on every social media handle. At first he thought it was a joke until he saw Jacob playing the game with his mobile phone. “Where did you get that from?” he asked. “I downloaded it from the internet shortly after you shared the link.” “Jacob I did not share any link anywhere and unless you have messed with my computer I can see no other way you could have gotten that game into your phone.” By this time, Jacob had exited the game and logged in to show his brother where he had downloaded the game from. “But that’s not possible” Sam told his brother. How could... then he stopped and thought of his time at the wave land and the way Rick had suddenly became uneasy and fidgety just moments before the installation was completed. Surely his application was copied and Rick knew all about it and said nothing. His flew into a rage and started tracking Rick because for what is what, he could never get to the man who had done the installation but since Rick was the one who took him there, perhaps he would take the double blame and the trouble he was going to unleash would come down hard on Rick. Sam tracked Rick and found out that he would be attending a party at some girl’s house and saw it as his perfect opportunity to get back at Rick so he got ready, invited himself and went into the house as others did. He was not stopped at the door or asked any questions before he got in because there was no one at the door to do that and there he was enjoying the music and free drinks awaiting the arrival of his wave land ‘friend’. The house was filled with teenagers except for Deborah’s parents who were already getting tired of the noise from the sound systems. Just then, Sam overhead a little conversation between two girls thus: “Your father is going to relax all our nerves tomorrow then his invention is launched.” One of the girls said. “Yes indeed, I just hope everything goes well with that.” The other girls said. Sam then figured out the girl that spoke last was the daughter of the renowned scientist Max Dean who was going to amaze the world the next day with his invention – the artificial space. Sam could not help but stare at her again. She was slender and was exceptionally beautiful with perfect curves and all. He was still staring at her when without warning she turned towards his direction and their eyes were locked for few seconds. Sam looked away and the girl likewise turned back to her friend and continued their conversation. Sam was at this time, tapping his foot to the sound of the music when he saw Rick walk into the house. “About time” he said, charged towards him without wasting anytime and grabbed him by the hand. “Hello there you cheat” Sam said angrily while looking directly into his eyes. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you apart right now” by this time he was holding Rick by the throat and meant everything he was saying and Rick could acknowledge that himself. “Well because if you do, you would end up in jail probably for the rest of your life.” Rick said with a spectre of humor and this infuriated Sam all the more as he tightened his grip on Rick’s throat. “Take it easy man” Rick beckoned, starting to see the seriousness in the situation and was pulling at Sam’s fists that were glued to his neck with every last muscle he had. “What is going on here Rick?” Sam immediately released his prisoner and the two boys turned to the direction of the voice. Sam recognized the face of the girl that was moments ago in a conversation with the daughter of the CEO of frost-bane technologies and she was the one who had asked the question and there she stood, with her friend the daughter of the renowned scientist as he had seen them earlier and he could not stop stealing glances at the beauty. “Hello Debby. We were just umm practicing” Rick said jokingly trying to ease the tension. The fact that Rick finds a way to joke with almost everything annoys Sam a lot but he was thankful that Rick had that gift and was using it at present. “And who is this” the girl asked nodding towards Sam’s direction. “Me! Haha” Sam laughed having absolutely no idea of what to say “I am... well you see... I just came to... I am a friend of Ricks’ and I was just telling him something” Sam stammered partly because he did not know what to say and largely due to the fact that standing not up to a metre away and staring at him, was the daughter of Mr. Max Dean whom he had only ever seen on television. “Are you okay Rick?” the other girl asked. “Yes I am fine let’s go” he said and he threw his arm around her shoulders and they walked away and he could hear him wishing her a happy birthday as they walked slowly then the daughter of the CEO of frost-bane technologies passed by as well and Sam was confused whether to say “hi” or just keep quiet and as she passed him, he thought he caught a smile on her lips. Sam stood there and wondered what to do next and tried his best to re-enkindle the anger he had so as to confront Rick again but the thought of the daughter of the CEO of frost-bane technologies smiling at him would not permit him. Women have a way of complicating thing you might agree. Sam decided to go home having resolved to get Rick some other time and as he got to the door, a gunshot was heard followed by screams.  
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