chapter 9

1050 Words

Today is the day that we had decided we were going to tell Cole about us. In all honestly I am actually pretty nervous. Before all of this mess had started we were actually the bestest of friends and I am scared that this news would actually be the end. I was in the bathroom getting ready when I had finally decided what I wanted to do with my hair. Soft curl should do for today so I reached for under my bathroom sink where i placed all my hair products when i noticed a box of tampons unopened. Straightening my spin so dam quick I looked at myself in the mirror, a few seconds later I bolted out of the room to grab my phone. f**k f**k s**t f**k no no no no no. How the f**k did a whole fucken month pass by that quick. Double checking the calendar on my phone to make sure and yup this is f****

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