Chapter 3

930 Words
I woke up on a bed in the cabin. Taugue was in a chair in the corner. Mom was nowhere to be found. "Where am I?" I ask. Taugue jumps out of his chair and is at the side of the bed almost instantly. "You're still in the room. I only set you on the bed." he says. I lift the blankets to see the markings and notice there's an over-sized shirt on me, after a few minutes I realize it's Taugue's shirt. "Why am I in your shirt?" I ask hesitantly. "I didn't want you to be cold and I didn't want to mess with your clothes." I go to lift my head and this sharp pain hits my eyes and my entire head making me wince in pain. Taugue looks around the room growling as if someone hit me and he was going eat them. "Taugue, I'm fine. I just have a headache." I say. "Where's my mom?" He looks at the door and it slowly opens. Mom, in her wolf form, walks in and jumps on the bed. The bed shakes and I whimper in pain. Taugue lets out a whimper-ish growl. My mom growls at him then looks at me. I look at her and she crawls closer to me. "Are you ok?" I ask. She nods. "Good, cause we need to get on the road. We are expected there in a few days." I go to sit up but my mom growls at me. "What?" I look at her. She looks at Taugue. "Mom, he's the one." I give her a look of sympathy. She gives me big, wide eyes then looks at him. She growls at him and jumps off the bed. He whimpers and cowers down out of respect. Mom gives me a stern look then walks out of the door, pulling it closed with her paw underneath. I look at Taugue. "Can I have my clothes please, and some ibuprofen?" He nods and walks to where my clothes were lying. He hands me my jeans first and looks at me. "Do you want help sitting up?" he asks. "No. I think I've got it." I say slowly starting to sit up. The sharp pain shoots back into my head and I fall back onto the bed whimpering in pain. He looks at me and asks again. "Do you need help?" I let out a small growl then nod. I don't want him seeing me partially naked, mate or not. I let him help me get my jeans to my knees then push his hands away. He looked at me curiously but I just nudge him away, I don't want anymore help. I flipped the covers back over me and tried pulling them the rest of the way up. I push through the pain until they reach up halfway on my thighs. If this is going to work, I need to stand up. "Help me up." I hold my hand out so he can help me stand but all he does is stand there looking at me. "Help me up." I say again. He finally grabs my hand and helps me stand. When I'm standing I almost fall back onto the bed because of the pain but Taugue quickly wraps his arm around my waist. I lay my head on his chest till until the pain eases up to where I can stand straight. I go to pull my jeans up but Taugue stops me. Before I can protest he grips the belt loops of my jeans and pulls them the rest of the way up. "I could have done it myself ya know." I say, leaning back and sitting on the bed. "I'm aware but I didn't want you to hurt yourself doing it so I did and you don't look nor sound in pain so I think I did the right thing." He says smiling like a little boy who just made a score in a soccer game. I look around for my shirt which is on the edge of the bed where Taugue left it. I reach for it only to get growled at by something I couldn't see. I growl back then only to realize it was Taugue growling at me. I look at him. "What? Am I not aloud to get dressed in my own clothes so that you can have yours back?" I say in an irritated manner. I'm so tired of him trying to boss me around. It's gotten on my last nerve. He might be my mate but he is not my boss. I grab my shirt and stand up turning my back to him. He whimpers and touches my arm. I growl at him and he pulls away. I tug off his shirt and slip mine on. I turn, toss his shirt at him, then walk out of the room. It doesn't surprise me that he followed, but the consistent whimpering behind me was getting on my last nerve. "Stop with the whimpering, Taugue. Its getting annoying." I say as soon as I step out of the house and start running. He stays close behind but doesn't exceed an eight foot radius which kinda creeps me out a little. As soon as I've made it about half a mile I stop and take a break looking for Taugue, but who I see isn't Taugue. "Hello, Shae. It's about time I get to see my daughter after all these years." My father says as I stand there looking into his eyes from 5 yards away.
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