Chapter 3

1247 Words
Sierra I rolled out of bed and yawned. With Colin away on business, I could sleep in peace. I put on my robe and wrapped it around my waist, securing it. Stepping into the living room, I glanced around the room. My body still ached from where Colin punished me before he left. Why couldn’t Colin be more like his brother? Soft and gentle. I let out a sigh when I heard a knock on the door. Stepping towards the door, I looked through the peephole. Gunner stood on the other side. I opened it and said. “It’s after nine, Gunner.” He met my gaze and gave me a small smile. “Can I come inside? We need to talk.” “Sure. Look, if this…” “It’s not about that.” He said as I let him inside. I folded my arms over my chest and asked. “What’s this about? If you’re here to lecture me on Colin, you can leave now.” “Colin… h-he’s dead.” I slapped him across the cheek and hissed. “Don’t lie! He’s just away on business. I saw him just this morning.” “Please, Sierra. I just came from the hospital. It was him… murdered.” Gunner’s voice was full of sadness. “You mean to tell me, you actually did it. Y-you… killed him?” I didn’t want to believe this gentle man did it. Gunner cupped my face and whispered, “I didn’t. Please, tell me you believe me.” “I-I believe you.” I looked into his eyes and brought my hand to his cheek, making him suck in a breath. He closed his eyes as I cupped his cheek and whispered to him. “Gunner, open your eyes. Why can’t you look at me?” “Because, if I look at you… I’ll kiss you. You have no idea how much I adore you.” “Gunner, what’s stopping you?” I leaned forward, brushing my lips against his. “Sierra… not like this.” He begged. I could see the hesitation as he opened his eyes. He was fighting the temptation to kiss me, but something was holding him back. For two years, he’s begged me to let him take me away. Now that Colin was gone, he was questioning my actions. I pulled my hand away, only to get gripped by the back of the neck. “f**k, Sierra. Do you know how badly I want you?” “Take me, Gunner.” “I can’t.” “What’s stopping you? Am I too damaged for you?!” “No, you’re too good for me. I’ve wanted you ever since I watched you marry my brother. I was forced to watch him break you in two. I do want you, but you and I know this isn’t the right time.” I reached between us and loosened the knot of my robe, letting it fall off my body. “Please, Gunner… kiss me.” Gunner crushed his lips against mine and kissed me. It was full of desire and need. It wasn’t like Colin’s kisses. His were rough and forced. This kiss was gentle, but yet a little bit dominant. Gunner pulled away and pressed his lips against me again. This time he was more gentle as he molded his lips expertly. “Gunner…” I moaned in his mouth as he lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist. “Sierra, god I want you so bad. I’m aching for you.” “Take me. Now.” Gunner took me to the guest bedroom and laid me gently on the bed. I pulled away and cradled my face as he whispered. “You’re gorgeous, Sierra.” “Gunner, wait a minute.” “What’s wrong?” “I-I need to tell you something.” Gunner pulled back and frowned. “Tell me, Sierra.” “It may be nothing, but a man was lurking in the neighborhood today. At first, I thought he was just lost, but then… h-he kept staring at this house.” “What did he look like?” “He was Hispanic. Tall and looked like he had a tattoo. I wasn’t close enough to get a good look at it, but I think he might be dangerous. I have to ask. Was Colin involved in something dangerous?” Gunner slowly nodded and cupped my jaw. “You need to come to stay with me for a while. Just until I know this blows over. I have reason to believe this man is the one who killed him.” Gunner got up and paced the room. He turned to look at me and said. “Pack a bag. I’m taking you home with me. Just the necessities.” I grabbed a backpack from the closet and shoved a few shirts shorts, nightgowns, and panties and socks inside the bag. Quickly, I changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I pulled on a pair of boots and slung the backpack on my back. “Gunner, I’m ready.” He turned to me and slid his arm around my neck, leaning in. “Just when I think you can’t get any more beautiful, you blow me away. Come on, let’s get you out of here.” “Am I in danger?” I bit my lip as we stepped outside. “I’m not sure. That’s why I’m getting you out of here. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure nothing happens to you. Ever again.” Gunner slid onto his bike and smiled as he handed me a helmet. “Come on sweetheart, put this on and hold onto me.” I put the helmet on and slid on the motorcycle, wrapping my arms around his waist. He started it up and took off towards his place. I laid my head on his back and sighed. Just minutes ago, I was underneath him ready for him to take me. Now, I’m on my way to his apartment to hide from a man that may or may not want to hurt me. When we pulled up to his apartment building, he shut off the bike and groaned when he saw a slender blonde leaning on the building. She popped her gum loudly and rolled her eyes. “Bringing home trash, are we?” “Jasmine,” he hissed, “I’m not doing this with you. When I tell you to leave me alone, I f*****g mean it.” “You’ll come around, Gunner. Sooner or later, you’ll realize we belong together.” Gunner pulled me closer to him by the waist and whispered in my ear. “Don’t mind her. She’s just pissed because I don’t want her.” “Who do you want?” Gunner stopped and cupped my face. “I think you know exactly who I want.”
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