Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 The five-star Marriott Hotel lights illuminated the streets below leaving everyone with eyes of wonders. All sorts of luxury vehicles were coming and leaving with drivers and passengers dressed in the latest trend. The women were sumptuous like princesses from a postmodern medieval time. While the men were like prince charming; waiting to conquer the heart of the damsel. As she walks into the steps of the hotel, Sarah fell a little out of place. This was not her environment, sure she could mingle with the rich, she knew all the etiquette, knew how to act but the thought of meeting new people always made her shy and she would rather keep her mouth shut then pronounce a single word. On the outside, she appears calm and collected but, on the inside, she was a nervous wreck. She felt a slight pressure on her hands, looking down it was Anna who looks just as nervous as her. "I don't know how you manage to talk me into accompanying you, but you owe me big time," said Anna Taking a deep breath, Sarah rid herself of her nervousness and said "let's go, we'll get to live this night once in our life, let's do this and get the heck out of here" "Are we allowed to wash our eyes on those fine specimens?" said Anna as a tall handsome man wearing a black tuxedo, and hair the color of white sand, eyes like those of the skies pass by them" "Dayum" whispered Sarah "he is so cute" as if the man knew the ladies were talking about him, he turned toward them and smile showing his perfect white teeth. Both girls lost their breath and without wasting time ran toward the main entrance of the hotel room, living behind them curious stares. Once inside, they were directed to the ballroom where the event was been held. Upon entering the double set of doors, they were grace with a sight that so far, they've only seen in movies. The room was painted in this golden color, the chandelier lights reflecting on the women's pieces of jewelry illuminated the room like the stars in the dark sky. Laughter ring everywhere, servers dressed in black and white were going up and down with their trays serving what looks like delicious sweets and champagne. Women and men of all ages of different races were conversing among themselves. It was a spectacular sight, the girls were left in awe, giggling they look at each other and hand in hand, proceeded further into the room. A glass of champagne was handed to them by one of the waiters, as they sip it, Sarah took her time memorizing every detail, from the decorations to the well-arranged tables with many delicious delicacies, the waiters and the sumptuous guests. Both girls kept to themselves, going about the room not introducing themselves to anyone. Their eyes and ears were doing the whole work. Thirty minutes into the night and they had enough information to write a book. They stop by a corner and were happily chatting away but failed to notice the eyes that had been following them since they entered the building. As he stood in the shadow of the stairs, with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a glass of champagne, he swept the ballroom; watching the arrival of the guests. He had to admit, the committee of the banquet did an excellent job, and he was impressed. The theme of the night "Renaissance" gave a picture of the medieval time with a touch of the modern world. In his invitation card, it was written: "to commemorate a new beginning and advancing into a bright future." He could understand that with the advancement of the G&C Corporation, technology was about to evolve into a new level. Thus, the reason for the banquet, he was sure that some new gadget was going to be presented tonight. That didn't faze him, for sooner or later whatever was going to be presented will only be used in destroying an already on the verge of destruction world. He hopes they presented it soon so he could leave as soon as possible. As much as he felt comfort been in the shadow, he knew that eventually, he had to go down. He raised his champagne glass to his lips but froze just as the glass touched it. For at that very moment his eyes landed on a very beautiful flower that had just walked into the ballroom entrance. She was holding the hand of another woman that looks just as stunning as her. She was wearing a red and black ball gown dress, the top was made as a corset exposing her elbows and neck, while the bottom was puffy. Her partner was wearing this Basque waist greenish dress. Both dresses were identical in shapes and fitted their owners perfectly. But it was their stunning beauty that froze him. It was not his first time seen an African American woman, but... He felt a hand tap his shoulder breaking him out of his stance, pulling his eyes away from the marvelous lady; he turned his attention to the one who had disturbed his admiration. His friend Guillermo Monteiro had this bright smile as they look at each other and before they knew it, they were in each other arms laughing like crazy. Guillermo and he had been friends since they were in high school. Both had gone to a mixed boarding school in Scotland made, of only rich kids. His time in there could have been bad not to say worse, but thanks to Guillermo there was never a dull moment. They met in the wood, Guillermo was trying to sneak off to go to town and he happened to be in the woods that night lying on a tree observing the sky when he heard a noise. Just as Guillermo was passing right under him, he jumped and held him down, but of course, Guillermo fought back. They wrestle on the ground for 5 minutes before they were separated by a guard of the school. He was trying to play the hero at that time. He remembered while they sat outside of the principal office waiting to be called in, he asked Guillermo what he was doing sneaking in the woods. Guillermo was reticent to say anything but did admit that he was going to town to hang out in a well-known club downtown of the city. When Guillermo had asked him, he had replied that he was gazing at the sky, to which he was laughed at. "Listen, buddy, I can tell you are bored, how about we team up you and me, this is a shitty school and just like you, I don't like it. I can tell you can hold your own, I have no friends here, how about it?" he remembers those words clearly, they shook hands that day and since then has been inseparable. It has been months when he last saw him, and he sure as hell missed him. There was one thing about Guillermo that no one knew about, he was Italian and head to the biggest well-organized mafia organization ever known to the world. It has been one year since his father placed him on power. Guillermo has made fury into the underworld, creating fear even in the heart of the cruelest boss out there and those older than him. "Guillermo my friend, has it ever been told to you, not to sneak up on me" "You have lost your touch young one, the man I knew before would have already sneaked a knife in my throat" "Don't think I have lost my touch Guillermo; I was just merely distracted" "Must have been some distraction for you to be totally out of it" Turning his head toward the entrance, he was disappointed to see that the beautiful damsel was no longer at the door and was probably lost in the crowd. Turning back to his friend who was also following his line of sight "They were a beautiful sight weren't they, wonder who they are" "You saw them as well" "Of course, half of the room had their eyes on them when they entered, took all my will power to pull my eyes off of them and knock you out" "I didn't need to be knocked out; you know. Seems like this night may not be too boring after all, shall we go down and spy around" "Look who is talking, hadn't I talk you into staying, you would have been 10 hours away already, you owe me" "You owe me more so; consider that as an advance on what you owe me" "That's a dirty deal, you rook" "All deals are deal as long as it has a value; you know that better than me" "Yeah right, cheater" Both men were laughing as they descended the stairs, attracting attention to their figures. With their hair slick back, both were wearing black tuxedoes. Guillermo had brownish hair, with grey and black eyes, thin nose, small but wide lips with a long yet round face. While he had black hair, dark brown eyes, not so thin nose, full wide lips, a round face. He had a bit of facial hair on his cheeks, countering his lips and chin. Both exuberated power, you could feel it a mile away. They were eyesore, fit models. They knew their effect on others and always made sure to use it at their advantage. As they reach the last stairs, they were quickly swamped by women of all ages, like pro's they manage to escape, their eyes looking for one thing, the women they had seen at the door. It didn't take them long to spot them. Both ladies were going through the ballroom like butterflies in the spring. They saw them stopping by a group of people and pretended to converse among themselves, but was listening to the group conversation. For thirty minutes, they observed them and for thirty minutes they repeated the process. Targeting a group and remaining there for more than 10 minutes before moving along. "Looks like we have a couple of spies among us" whispered Guillermo "Looks like it, got to give it to them, they haven't made one faux pas" "Yes, got to hand it to them, if one is not observing they would be passed on as normal ladies enjoying the ball, while it is an entirely different story?" "What do you think we should do, should we intercept them?" As he asked the question, he saw the ladies heading to a corner; he watched the one in red and black taking a deep breath and smiling at her friend. By the look on their faces, they had gotten whatever they needed. The ladies swept the floor with their eyes, for one minute there, he thought their eyes were going to meet, but some waiter at that very moment decided to bump into her. He watched her smile at the waiter who had become red as he excuses himself. She had a comforting hand on his arms, for a second there, he wished it was him the waiter "do they even notice the attention they bring upon themselves" said, Guillermo It was true, the girls have attracted the attention of every single man in the room and the scorn of many women to which they seem oblivious to. All of a sudden, he felt the sudden urge to protect her from those eyes, a reaction he did not understand. Why would he want to protect someone who was just someone, she could even be a governmental spy? Yes, he could call her a spy, for it was the work of a pro spy in action. Whatever they were both looking for, he hopes they find it. As if hearing his thoughts Guillermo said "we should probably leave them to their demise, if one pays attention, they will both be caught, but then again why don't we watch their back just for the fun of it" "My friend I was thinking the same thing" with that said, both men kept their eyes on the ladies. What troubled them the most was the ladies innocent look, for almost a second there they almost removed their initial thoughts, but hanged on into it just to be on the safe side! No one could be trusted after all.
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