Chapter Seven - "First date"

1551 Words
Avalon’s P.O.V “Are you sure this isn’t too slutty?” I asked looking at myself in the mirror. “Yes, I am sure for the hundredth time Avalon.” Luna giggled. I was dressed in a tight red dress that stopped mid-thigh. I am not gonna lie it showed my curves great, but I usually do not wear dresses that are any shorter than my knees. “I know I am sorry. I am nervous, what if I make an i***t of myself? What if he was right and I am not cut out for whatever it is he wants? Maybe I should cancel? Do you think I should cancel?” I started muttering out. I have never felt this nervous about anything in my life. Luna came over to me, placing her hands on my arms, looking at me. “Calm down Avalon, you will be fine OK? Does he really get to you this much?” She added. I nodded, realising how pathetic I was being. It is only a date. He is only a man. “You will be fine just don’t be taking too much of his crap OK? Stand up to him.” She said. “I will try, though that is hard to do with his eyes staring at me, they do something to me. I swear I feel like I am under some sort of spell when he looks at me.” I said. Before anything else was mentioned there was a knock at the front door. I looked at the clock seeing it was only Six- Forty-Five P.M. He was early. No! I am still not completely ready…darn! I started panicking a little. Luna laughed at me, shaking her head before getting the door. I rushed back to my bedroom, pulling my shoes on, and grabbing my bag. “She will be with you soon,” Luna said “OK.” I heard Landon reply. “See if I find out you are an asshole to her tonight I will not think twice about coming over and kicking your ass Landon, got it?” she said, a sternness to her voice. “Yes, mam.” He replied. I was taken back with the way he responded to her, maybe she scared him earlier. I found a small giggle falling from my lips before I gave myself the once over in the mirror and making my way through. The sound of my black heels clicking against the floor made him look up at me. His eyes trailed my body from head to toe, paying special attention to my bare legs that were on show to him. I see him fist his jeans as his eyes finally meet mine. He licked his lips, the darkness back in his eyes. I could feel the heat on my cheeks rise with the way he was looking at me. “Hi,” I whispered shyly, pushing my hair behind my ear. Landon cleared his throat, straightening himself up, the serious look appearing on his face. “Ready to go?” he asked with a small hint of a smile. “Yes,” I whispered out. I could feel Luna looking at me. I turned to face her, to find her looking between Landon and me before giggling, shaking her head and walking away. “You kids have fun now. And Landon, remember my warning.” She said disappearing. As soon as we were alone Landon reached for me, pulling me into him, pulling me hard against his chest. “What are you trying to do to me Avalon?” he growled out. “What, what do you not like it?” I asked, chewing on my lip nervously. I do not know why his opinion should matter to me but right now it does. “You look very sexy Miss Avalon. Though I don’t know what I think about the other men that are going to be looking at you.” He said, darkness flashing across his eyes for a moment when he said the last part. Other men? What makes him think other men will be looking at me? I am not that special. I am still trying to work out why he is interested in me, never mind other men. “I am sure no one will be looking at me, Landon. I don’t even know why someone like you looked my way.” I whispered quietly looking away from him. I hear him curse under his breath and it was far from pleasant. He placed his finger on my chin, making me look up at him. He looked kind of mad which confused me. I have not done anything to make him mad at me have I? “This will not do Avalon. You will stop thinking so low of yourself starting from right now OK? You are beautiful, sweet, and pure, many men will be interested in you. I don’t want to hear you saying anything like that about yourself again OK?” He said, the authority back in his tone. “I…I can’t help the way I think about myself, Landon.” I stuttered out. “You need to learn to stop it isn’t healthy. There is nothing wrong with you.” He sighed, running his hands through his hair seeming annoyed with me. I looked up at him, getting lost in his eyes once again. He reached, placing his hands on my cheek, using his spare hand to grip my hip, holding me against him. My breath caught in my throat, my legs becoming weak again. He reached down, pressing his lips against mine, kissing me quickly, pulling away and putting a distance between us. “You will have plenty of men watching you tonight but only one that will be getting close to you will be me. Now come on, don’t wanna be late.” He said walking out the front door and I followed behind him. I caught up with him quickly, as soon I did his hand landed on the small of my back, leading us outside to what I am assuming where his car was. He never spoke a word to me. We arrived at his car, Landon opening the passenger door for me, letting me climb in and closing the door before running around to other side and getting in himself. Landon started the car, one hand stayed on the steering wheel and I see the other one coming towards me, placing itself in my bare thigh. I whimpered, closing my eyes over and resting back against the seat. His fingertips were tracing light shapes on my thigh as we headed to our destination. My breathing was heavier than normal, my skin where he was touching feeling like it was burning. I slowly opened my eyes, looking in his direction. His attention was on the road but there was a smirk on his lips, he knows exactly what he is doing to me right now. “Does me touching you turn you on Avalon?” he said in a husky tone. I stayed silent, not wanting to answer his questions. He already knew what the answer to the questions was. When I never answered, he squeezed my thigh, making me moan. “Avalon answer me?” he growled at me. “Yes.” I whimpered out. “I know, I just like hearing you telling me,” he said a small chucking. We pulled up outside Ezra’s, one of the hottest and expensive restaurants in the city, somewhere I could never afford which made me feel uncomfortable. “We are eating here?” I asked shocked. “Yes. I only eat out in the best restaurants Avalon. Why do you seem bothered by this?” he asked turning to face me. “I am not exactly used to places like that Landon. I cannot afford places like this one to eat.” I sighed. “That has nothing to do with it, Avalon. As long as you are with me you do not pay for anything. I won’t let you and if you can’t accept that then this is never gonna work.” He stated matter-of-factly “The choice is yours.” He added. How do you even respond to something like that? He sat there, staring at me intensely, waiting for my response to the question. “Can we see how the night goes then ask me?” I managed to mumble out. “Fine.” He said switching the engine off. We both climbed out of the car, the valet taking the keys from Landon. He wrapped his arm around my waist, keeping me close to him as we entered the restaurant. I could see a lot of woman look at him as he entered which never surprised me, but he never paid any attention to any of them. We made our way to the front of the house, heading towards the girl that seemed to be telling everyone where their seats were. “Table for two?” he said, no emotion to his voice. “Yes Sir, right this way.” She smiled sweetly, ignoring the fact that he was utterly rude to her. She showed us to our seats, Landon sitting down, and I followed. “Thank You,” I said giving her a small. She gave me a small nod, smiling back at me before heading off, telling us she would send someone over. I looked around; the place was amazing. It was full of class and beauty. I smiled as I did, mesmerised with the place. I turned my attention back to Landon, who was watching me, an amused look on his face. I brushed it off not wanting to react to his amusement. That was one other thing that told me I really do not belong in places like this, the way it amazes. I guess if I decided to do this thing with Landon, I would need to get used to it all.    
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