Chapter Six - Maybe it is for the best

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Avalon's P.O.V “You still not heard from him?” Luna asked sitting down next to me on the sofa. I filled her in on EVERYTHING that has happened since last night. She was as shocked as me when I told her everything. She was like me she knew it would be best to stay away but at the same time, she understood why I would be drawn to him. “Nope and I don’t expect to either. It is for the best anyway. I don't think he is the right type of guy for me to give everything to when all he wants is s*x and something to claim as his.” I said. “Yeah, you are probably right. From what I have heard he has always been a bit of a control freak not in a violent way though, more protecting what’s his.” She said. “I am sure he will have no bother finding someone else to fill my spot.’ I said. “Do you want to hear from him? Be honest?” she asked. “Yes, I kind of do but he made it clear I am not cut out for whatever he had in mind.” I shrugged. Before she could answer me there was a loud knock at the door. The two of us looking at each other confused, none of us expecting anyway. Luna jumped to her feet, heading to the door, and looking through the peephole. “Um, Avalon its Landon.” She said looking over her shoulder at me. “What?” I asked. Luna opened the door. “What do you want?” she snapped at me. I giggled to myself, my best friend always has my back and she will not take any of his crap. “I need to speak to Avalon.” He said sounding annoyed. “Nope. You were an asshole I am not letting you see her.” She said standing her ground. I knew he would not be pleased with the way she was talking back to him, but she will not give a damn about that. She would kick his ass no bother if she had to. “Excuse me? Luna let me talk to her Goddammit?” he hissed the frustration clear in his voice. I sighed, rolling my eyes before jumping to my feet and heading to the front door. I stood behind Luna, Landon sensing me there. He looked up at me, in return, I glared him. I see his jaw clench slightly and his eyes change again. “Luna it’s OK,” I said. “I am just right over there.” She smiled at me, “And you Landon you act like an asshole again I will not hesitate to slap you one.” She warned him. He looked a little scared when she said that. I giggled, finding it all very amusing. Luna headed back to the sofa and I stood in front of Landon, “I thought you were done with me?” I said. He never responded instead he grabbed my wrist, pulling me out in the hallway and pressing my back against the wall. “I was, but now I am not.” He growled stepping in closer to me. “And what makes you think I want anything else more to do with you now?” I replied confidently when really my hands were shaking, and I was nervous. “Your entire demeanour is telling me, Avalon.” He said. “What do you want Landon?” I asked. “You. I planned on staying away, I really did because you are too sweet and naïve for someone like me Avalon. I tried staying away but I could not. I am very drawn to you, Avalon. I can’t stay away, no matter how hard I try.” He said, I swallowed hard, his words causing butterflies in my stomach. I do not understand it…understand why he is interested in someone like me. “But you said it yourself...I am not cut out for this and I think you are right.” I stuttered out, “I don’t get it, Landon, you can get any woman you want.” I added. He stepped into me, resting his hand at each side of my head against the wall. The same desire I have seen a lot in his eyes over the twenty-four hours. “I know I can but right now I want you. I tried convincing myself there would be no point.... that I would ruin you. I tried to convince myself that you will not know how to please me but none of that worked cause when I have something in my head that I want it stays there until I get it.” He replied his front pressing against my own. I moaned at him being close to me again, my hormones jumping all over the place. “ sorry for what I said earlier.” I stuttered out referring to the words that made him walk away from me. I apologised cause no matter how much I tell myself this isn’t such a good idea my body and mind are fighting against each other. I knew my body was gonna win over my mind, I could feel it deep in my gut. “Forget it just do not think that low of me again Avalon. As I said I take care of what is mine even though it is only physical relationships I get into. I still make sure I look after the person that is pleasuring me...that I am pleasuring.” He said. I nodded, biting on my lower lip as his eyes burned into me. He smiled when I did this. “I shall pick you up at seven Miss Avalon Ok?” he said. “Yes,” I mumbled out. I thought that was gonna be the end of it, that he was gonna walk away but he had other plans. He grabbed my hands in his, pinning them above my head against the wall, holding them in place before reaching forward and pressing his lips roughly against mine. My entire body responding to him. I groaned against his lips, his tongue running across my lower lip and I parted my lips giving him what he wants...full access to my mouth. I moaned loudly as his tongue found mine, my hands gripping tightly onto his as between my legs started pulsating. I was trying to stop my knees from buckling underneath me. He must have sensed it cause he removed his hands from mine, sliding them down my body. He took my thighs in his hands, lifting me from the ground, his hips pinning mine against the wall. “So, f*****g sexy.” He mumbled against my lips. I snaked my arms tightly around his neck, making sure to stay upright. He rolled his body against mine, his hard-on grinding straight against my core making me hiss in complete pleasure. My heart was pounding in my chest, the pulsating between my legs getting harder and my breathing soon turning into pants. I was in a state of Euphoria with only him kissing me. He pulled away from lips, his own breathing uneven. He kept me upright against the wall, slowly opening his eyes to look at me, they were close to black and his face flushed. I fell silent, to breathless to entire body feeling like it was on fire. “I should go.” He winked putting my feet back on the ground, “Be ready for seven sweetheart, and if all goes well maybe we can continue this.” He smirked kissing my cheek and walking away confidently. I stood there, trying to wait for my body to calm down before I headed back. My lips were swollen and tingling, and I was breathing at a rate I never knew existed. I slowly made my way into my apartment...a hot mess. “Um, what the f**k was that?” she smirked, “I came out to check you were ok, but you were somewhat occupied.” She added, “I...I... mmm...What was the question?” I managed to mutter out. “Girl you are in trouble if he can make you this way with only a kiss.” She said smirking. “You think? Luna I never thought it was possible to feel this way because of a man.” I sighed throwing myself on the sofa. “You need to get used to it cause don’t think he is going anywhere. Just be careful OK?” she said. “I will...promise. Will you help me get ready for my date? I have no clue what to where especially going out with a man like Landon.” I said. “Of course. Come on you can borrow one of my dresses.” She smiled grabbing my hand and leading me through to her bedroom. “Are you going for classy or seductive?” she smirked. “Um...I don’t know what you think?” I asked cluelessly. “I think classy yet sexy. I don’t wanna give too much away and don’t want him thinking things will be happening tonight.” She said. “Ok,” I said agreeing with her knowing she would do what was best for me. I do not know how I am gonna handle this date.    
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