
Rebellious Princesses

kickass heroine
special ability

Dare To Be A Teen - Meet My Hybrid Girl Writing Contest

Sequel of The Bad Boy Sang My Song- Xandria and Evaleen just returned from practice, they both got in the basketball team and Xandria was telling her about all the facilities, sports, and upcoming games. Evaleen was already feeling a little excited with Xandria’s cheery nature and her bubbly voice for the future games. Her eyes turned when she smelt a familiar musk and there he was dressed in tight training gear, water droplets dripping from his hair. Evaleen gulped looking at Christian and suddenly a guy came and high-fived him,

“Nice game back there, Blackwood.” Evaleen’s breathing stopped and he quickly turned her head away from him.

“What did he say?” Evaleen asked herself but Xandria heard it and followed Evaleen’s eye line.

“Ah, here is my stupid brother, and the guy you are seeing, Christian,” Xandria said with amusement. Evaleen frowned trying to remember when she had heard the name before. “He looks like a stud but, trust me, he is a dork. I don’t know what you see in him.” Xandria joked about her brother; Christian heard what his sister was saying and passed a glare to her. Evaleen snapped out of her thoughts and turned to Evaleen.

“Wait, is he Christian…Christian-Blackwood?” Evaleen tried hard to say the word.

“Uh-yeah.” Now, Xandria was looking confused.

“So that makes you Xandria Blackwood, daughter of Xavier and Celestina,” Evaleen whispered to herself but Xandria’s supernatural hearing heard all of it.

“Yes, baby in flesh and blood. We don’t like to be known for our mom and dad’s identity but it’s kind of inevitable around here.” Xandria shrugged, Evaleen’s heart rate started to increase and she wanted nothing more than to get away from her new friend. “Hey, are you ok?” Xandria put her hand on Evaleen’s shoulder to see what’s wrong with her. Xandria stepped back suddenly. Evaleen saw Christian approach her from the corner of her eye and saw Xandria’s freaked-out expression due to her irregular heartbeat. She sprinted out of there without uttering a single word…..


Christian ran in the direction Evaleen sprinted to, whereas here Xandria was too stunned to move from her position. She knew Evaleen was not a human but that heartbeat was exactly the same as her mother when she was human. Xandria remembers it as it was the first sound she heard when she was born, but that only belongs to a tribrid. What was she? With all the problems rising around the world, another tribrid coming to existence can cause a huge disaster, she can’t risk the lack of information becoming a weapon against them. Xandria was ready to leave the school premises and rush home and was actually thinking about talking to her mother about her changes when she got interrupted by the person who she wanna be around but also annoys Xandria is every occasion, Fayette Monet.

“Fayette, I really don’t have time for this.” Xandria tried to move to her left but Fayette blocked her way.

“And where is our little princess running to?” Fayette’s group was behind her, many were exchange students and others were pick-me girls of the school. Fayette got along with the popular group of the school as soon as she came to Fall River high school opposite to Xandria who liked her old friends better; exactly like her mom who liked a tight-knit group but her bond with Fayette had caused her to lose many arguments but today she wasn’t having it. Xandria wanted to get out of there without hurting anyone. “I thought maybe we could go to the cafeteria and have lunch.” Fayette’s voice turned unbelievably sweet. Xandria frowned at the sudden change but then she heard the patter of her heartbeat. Fayette was lying to her, definitely conspiring something.

“I said move,” Xandria growled and pushed Fayette to the ground. Her eyes started to flicker between blue and yellow. Before anybody could see, she rushed to her car avoiding the feeling of heartbreak, due to Fayette’s lie.

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Chapter- Prologue/ Blurb Sequel of The Bad Boy Sang My Song- Xandria and Evaleen just returned from practice, they both got in the volleyball team and Xandria was telling her about all the facilities, sports, and upcoming games happening in the school. Evaleen was already feeling a little excited with Xandria’s cheery nature and her bubbly voice for the future games and her future in Fall Rivers. She was really looking forward to having normal teenage years in Fall Rivers and she wasn’t going to let anything or anyone ruin it for her. Her eyes turned when she smelt a familiar musk and there he was dressed in tight training gear, water droplets dripping from his hair. Evaleen gulped looking at Christian, his eyes also turned to look at her and suddenly a guy came and high-fived him, “Nice game back there, Blackwood.” Evaleen’s breathing stopped and she quickly turned her head away from him. “What did he say?” Evaleen asked herself but Xandria heard it and followed Evaleen’s eye line. “Ah, there is my stupid brother, and the guy you are seeing, Christian,” Xandria said with an amused and duh tone. Evaleen frowned trying to make sure she heard her correctly. “He looks like a stud but, trust me, he is a dork. I don’t know what you see in him.” Xandria joked about her brother; Christian heard what his sister said and passed a glare to her. Evaleen snapped out of her thoughts and turned to Xandria. “Wait, his full name is Christian…Christian-Blackwood?” Evaleen tried hard to say the word. “Uh-yeah.” Now, Xandria was looking confused. “So that makes you Xandria Blackwood, daughter of Xavier and Celestina,” Evaleen whispered to herself but Xandria’s supernatural hearing heard all of it. “Yes, baby in flesh and blood. We don’t like to be known for our mom and dad’s identity but it’s kind of inevitable around here.” Xandria shrugged, Evaleen’s heart rate started to increase and she wanted nothing more than to get away from her new friend who was becoming so close to her. “Hey, are you ok?” Xandria put her hand on Evaleen’s shoulder to see what was wrong with her. Xandria stepped back suddenly in shock. Evaleen saw Christian approaching her from the corner of her eye and saw Xandria’s freaked-out expression due to her irregular heartbeat. She sprinted out of there without uttering a single word….. *** Christian ran in the direction Evaleen sprinted to, whereas here Xandria was too stunned to move from her position. She knew Evaleen was not a human but that heartbeat was exactly the same as her mother when she was human. Xandria remembers it as it was the first sound she heard when she was born, but that only belongs to a tribrid. What was she? With all the problems rising around the world, another tribrid coming into existence couldn’t exactly be good news; she can’t risk the lack of information becoming a weapon against them. Xandria was ready to leave the school premises and rush home and was actually thinking about talking to her mother about her changes and about Evaleen, that’s when she felt her mate for the first time. Xandria’s head whipped towards the girl who was entering the room with an impeccable outfit, Fayette Monet. It felt like her heart stopped, her thirst got in control and time stopped moving, it was like the entire world stopped spinning and only her mate existed in her eyes. *** Celestina and Xavier defeated the biggest threat to the world and threw Serene in the pit but would such a huge event have no consequences? Decades after the defeat of one of the most dangerous beings that ever walked the planet, various beings, and mythical creatures start to re-surface the earth. Did the death of Serene Open the box of Pandora? There were many questions starting to rise in the supernatural world and due to Celestina’s presence in Fall Rivers, it was becoming the center of attracting all kinds of danger threatening the balance established by the real tribrid for almost two decades. The story revolves around the consequences following Serene's death. The Blackwood- Lucius Legacy, ancient creators of supernatural entities, Fall River, and all whole different dimensions come together to maintain the balance and defeat the evil. What will be the future? A new tribrid has come into existence and is hidden from everyone. Is it Xandria or Evaleen? All these questions will be answered. There will be tons of twists and turns, betrayals, thrillers, and suspense coming on the way, so brace yourself.

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