Chapter 2

1057 Words
The supernatural beings were grateful for this support from Celestina. While Celestina was off helping people, her kids were rapidly growing up. Xavier understood his wife’s responsibilities and he made sure that he was there for their kids 24/7. “Are they asleep?” Celestina asked as soon as she entered their house. “Xan fell asleep a while ago, Christian waited for a while.” Xavier came and kissed her, laying her head on his shoulder. “Our son understands a lot.” “He has grown ahead of his age, all because of me. I wanted to help the kids and people who suffered due to their identity but I am not here to see my own kids and their development.” “You are working day and night to make this world a safe place for our pups, they will grow to understand this and you are going to be the best inspiration for them. That’s the help they will need most of all.” Xavier consoled Celestina. They stayed late talking about kids; Xavier told her every little thing about Christian and Xandria. He wanted to make sure his wife doesn’t miss out on anything. For the next week, she stayed in Fall River as Xandria’s 5th birthday was fast arriving. With every birth anniversary, Xandria was getting stronger and more sensitive to her environment whereas Christian was more focused on protecting his family from a very young age. Both kids were developing uniquely and it was sure that they were going to be very different in the future with a different destiny. The clock hit 12 indicating Xandria’s birthday. The little girl was waiting eagerly for her birthday and she was very happy as her mother was here as well to celebrate with her. “Mommy, daddy!!” Celestina’s heard her daughter’s squeals from the other side of the door. They chuckled and opened the door letting her in. “Happy birthday baby!” Xavier picked her up and kissed her cheeks. She hid her face in his neck and then stretched her hands towards Celestina. Celestina wished her daughter and hugged her tight in her arms. Celestina was about to put her down and get Xandria’s cake when a sudden earthed sound erupted, shaking the ground. Celestina held Xandria tightly and looked around to focus on the cause of such a sudden disruption. For 2 months, there hasn’t been any reported disruption in nature, but now this is especially on Xandria’s birthday; it couldn’t be a coincidence. “I will get Christian.” Xavier rushed to get their son while Celestina rushed outside to find out the center of the tremor. It stopped after a minute, the tremor and sound felt very near to their house. “What was it, mommy?” Xandria whimpered. “I don’t know baby… but we are here, you are safe.” Celestina was worried herself. She kept on caressing Xandria’s hair. “There is a castle mom,” Xandria said suddenly. Xavier walked out with a very annoyed-looking Christian by his side. “Where, Xan?” Celestina asked her. “Near the lake.” Xavier and Celestina exchanged a confused look. What was she talking about? Celestina’s phone rang; it was from Elijah asking her to come near the lake. “I can show you the way, mom.” Celestina didn’t want to take the kids there but Xandria kept on pestering them to take her to that castle. They reached the lake and Celestina’s eyes widened at the scenario in front of her. She turned her head to look at Xavier and the same expression of shock mirrored his face. Before this, the changes that occurred on the face of the earth or deep into the oceans were all natural like volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, hills, and mountains appeared but not a full-blown beautiful castle that didn’t appear to be of this world. Celestina’s major concern was how Xandria knew about this beforehand. “See there it is, Christian we can play here. I always wanted a castle.” Xandria chirped as if it was her birthday gift. Xandria was about to run towards the castle when Celestina held her. “Xan I need you and Christian to go with Grandpa, okay? You can come to the castle in the morning alright.” “But…” “Baby,” Celestina said sternly and Xandria lowered her head. “Christian, go with grandpa and get some sleep, okay baby? Your dad and I will be there to pick you both up after a while.” She kissed their head. Christian nodded his head and held Xandria’s hand following Adrian. Xavier had already called his parents to take the kids. Celestina and Xavier walked towards the newly appeared castle which destroyed the old wood house where they used to have their parties in high school. Celestina had great memories in that wooden house but now it was scattered on the ground. Elijah, Peter’s dad, and a few wolves were inspecting the castle from outside with torchlight in their hand. Celestina ignited a fire on the remaining lamp posts lighting the entire area. They all entered the castle. The interior didn’t look that affected except for a few scraps on the walls but the exterior of the castle was ruined, though there was no doubt that it was a beautiful castle. The humongous exterior was damaged completely which means no evidence was left whereas the interior seemed vacant. ‘Seemed’ Celestina could feel more but nothing could be seen through naked eyes. The paints were burnt; the lights were hanging with wires detached; it looked like the remains of a brutal war but none of that could hide the exquisite interior of the castle. Celestina put her hand on one of the walls to feel the energy of the castle but pulled back her hand immediately. “Careful.” Xavier held her hand and pulled her towards him. Sudden electricity passed through her body. “Something terrible has happened here, Xavier.” Xavier looked around in deep thought. They sauntered to every corner of the castle to find anything that could be helpful but it was all in vain. Celestina knew one thing for sure this castle was not ordinary and she must protect it at any cost.
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