Chapter 4

320 Words
Third Person p.o.v.     Its now Saturday morning and Freya was sick with anticipation. She and Zion had been texting all week long and although she was a little less nervous about meeting a stranger, she was now worried that he wouldn't like her.      Quite honestly, Freya had already gotten attached since Zion had won her over with his charm. He had called her the past two nights and his voice was the most attractive sound Freya had ever heard. They joked and talk into late in the night, at least late for Freya.  Zion was also a bit nervous for their date tonight. After having gotten to really talk to Freya, he found out how innocent she really is. He was nervous because he oh so badly wanted to corrupt her and Zion didn't know how exactly that would go. Especially since he had actually started to grow to really like her.     Freya was so nervous all week that her performance at school was not up to her usual standard but she was so preoccupied she hadn't a second to care. Her parents, however, did notice and when she said she was going out that night, were very hesitant to let her.     "I never go out." She reasoned "and I promise to get all my work done. Its just one night." Freya begged. Her father was completely against the idea but her mom had faith in her so with a lot of convincing, Freya was allowed to go.     Freya had spent hours getting ready. First showering, then picking an outfit, and lastly make-up. All tasks that were very time-consuming. But by the end of it, her hard work had paid off and she looked gorgeous. Her long brown hair was now curled, her make-up done to perfection, and the red dress she wore, fit her body to perfection.      It was now only a matter of time before Zion showed up.
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