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ALPHA KEENAN Marrying Kayla was never part of my plans but as per Goddess’s wish we ended up together in a marriage that I was not into, or maybe I was not just ready to commit because I still wanted to enjoy my life before marriage, I felt like it was too soon. I felt like what I had for her was puppy love, I was head over heels in love with her and I couldn’t wait to get married to her, she was my dream girl, she had everything I ever wanted in a woman but a year into our marriage things changed and I started seeing her differently, not in a bad way though. I enjoyed every bit of our marriage, I was tickled pink, but I just started losing feelings for her, she was pretty and all that, nothing had changed about her but I guess my beast was out again, all I wanted was the white bimbos and the omega slaves, I was destined for the bad boy kind of life and not stuck with someone forever and I guess that is why I couldn’t keep up with my wife Kayla and in the long run, I decided not to act anymore but to just show her that I didn’t care anymore. Don’t get me wrong though, it felt okay for me to do what I did, that is what I was made of and she knew all that before she fell head over heels in love with me, one thing for sure is that she was in love with me and that is the reason she stayed back and never for once tried to divorce me, which of course wouldn’t happen because I was the one to pull the plug and not the other way round. I walked past her room and peeped through the keyhole to see what she was up to, but unluckily for me, the door was open, I ended up falling over in her room. “And what are you doing peeping through my door, what do you want?” She asked, arms crossed over her chest. I loved to see her mad, it made me horny “You look beautiful, I was just checking on you to see how you were doing, and damn, you look exquisitely beautiful today, I hope you don’t mind me popping up in your room,” I asked with a sly smile and she shook her head then got back on her phone. “Since my opinion doesn’t matter, I won’t comment. You rarely come to my room, unless you want something, are those hoes not enough for you?” She asked with a straight face and I sighed, she was trying to get back at me and I was not going to let her ruin my mood for the day, I was to meet Ashford in his club in a few minutes and what I needed was peace of mind. “Okay, I don’t even know why I came in, I guess I just missed you,” I said trying to gauge her reaction. “Since when did you start missing me, I thought I was not sweet enough for you, those whores and the omega slaves you keep banging in our matrimonial bed are not satisfying you enough?” She asked and I sighed deeply, shook my head walked to the door, looked at her then smiled, she had yet to see my true colors. “I don’t want to talk about my s*x life with you Kayla but I hope you get someone to bang your brains out, it seems like the dry spell down there is making you lose respect for me, I am your husband, the Alpha of Silver Dawn Pack and I deserve some respect. “You lost that respect the moment you started sleeping around, now will you please stop making noise for me and head to whatever place you were going to before you started snooping your nose in my business? I am sure you had somewhere important to be.” She said unbothered and I smiled. “I guess the latter wins, I will see you tonight, I have dinner plans with my parents and as usual, you have to be there,” I said but she didn’t reply, I didn’t bother talking to her, I walked to my car and drove to the club. At the club, I was welcomed by Ashford who had been waiting for me, “Man, I even thought you were not coming, what happened, you are so late and the girls have been waiting for you.” He asked as we exchanged a manly hug. “I am sorry I am late but here I am, better late than never, where are the hoes at, I am in a good mood tonight,” I said and Ashford laughed it off, we walked to the club, it was fully packed but we had a special table. “Hey, Keenan.” A lady said as she approached me and gave me a light kiss on my lips I smiled as I jammed to the music, which was deafening but that is how I liked it, ear-splitting and loud. “This is the kind of life I have been looking for all my life!” I shouted as I sipped my drink, I was already tipsy, I was surrounded by ladies who were dancing on my laps, sniffing the cocaine on the table, the loud music and the blinking lights set the mood right. I don’t know how long we had been partying, Ashford patted me on my shoulder to remind me it was getting late. “Man, I thought you said you had dinner plans with your parents, it is almost ten.” He said and I looked at my phone confused, true to his words, it was around 9.45 PM. “I am sure they will understand why I didn’t make it, I am sure Kayla represented me well, I said unbothered and Ashford shook his head. “Why do you always treat Kayla like that, I mean that lady deserves a lot more than what you are doing to her, you are lucky she chose you, she could have rejected you.” He said and I smiled, I knew he had a thing for her. “She has no say in this and maybe you should go be with her because I don’t care about her anymore, she is not as exciting as she used to be and I know she chose me because she has been crushing on me for a long, I did her a solid favor, I have a meeting later in the night so, I think we should party for sometimes before I head back home,” I said and he shrugged, he knew better than arguing with me. At around eleven, I was tired and I asked Ashford who was still sober to drive me home, but we ended up at his place, I had to attend that meeting whilst sober, so I took a quick shower and took some pills to help me calm my nerves down. “I have to go, man, I am running late and I don’t think I can afford to be late,” I said as I quickly rushed out of his house, I didn’t need my car for the errand so, I just walked to the road and took a quick path to the woods, close to my packhouse. *** KAYLA ROCHELLE Keenan did not make it back to the family dinner and it is not like I expected him to anyway so, I ended up having dinner with his parents, whom I hated to the brim, they always sided with their son, of course, which was expected and despite his actions, they always saw me an obstacle in their son’s life. At one time while I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water, his mom walked by, “You know when you feel like my son is cheating on you and is not giving you the kind of attention you want, you can just walk away and divorce him, no one is forcing you to be with him, he is an alpha and that is how alpha male behaves, you should have done your research before foolishly falling head over heels in love with him, no man is faithful so, you will just have to live with the fact that he is an alpha and alpha males are supposed to depict the essence of being strong in all aspects.” She said and as much as I hated to hear that from her, I knew she was right. I was watching my favorite show on TV but I was not comfortable, I needed to get some fresh air. I knew Keenan was probably f*****g some random w***e where he was. I walked to my room and picked a hood, I put it on and took my headphones, in the woods is where I always calmed my mind. I explained to the guards that I needed to get some fresh air in the woods and they shouldn’t be worried about my whereabouts. I was seated on a log of a tree while I hummed to my favorite jam but something caught my attention, the rustling of leaves and I could smell the presence of other people in the woods aside from me. I stealthily walked deeper into the woods and something else caught my nose, I could smell Keenan from afar but I couldn’t fathom the other partner he was with. I moved closer until I saw them, he was standing with two other unknown accomplices. I tried to listen to what they were talking about but I couldn’t get all of it, and if I moved closer to where they were they could notice me, so I kept stealing glances at them hoping to get what they were talking about. “I think there is someone else here, were you followed when you came here?” One of the guys asked Keenan and he looked around to confirm the speculations. “This will work only if we do it quickly before they come back.” One of the guys and I were confused for a moment, I wondered what they were talking about and whom they were talking but since I didn’t want to storm in a teacup, I remained glued on the spot, curiosity taking the better part of me and clouding my judgment, I knew Keenan was up to something but I was yet to know what and why. They spent almost ten minutes discussing in low tones and Keenan occasionally looked around suspiciously, it was like he noticed someone was watching them or he was just looking to confirm no one was watching them. “I suggest we change our meeting place, I feel like someone is watching us, or am I being paranoid? Were you followed when you came?” I caught one of the guy’s unfamiliar voices. “No, I came here by foot all alone and I didn’t come from the Parkhouse, so no one followed me, I am sure about that but for us to feel the same, I think you should make this work as soon as possible, I don’t want to be sneaking around like a high school teenager, I have paid you well for this task, so I expect you to fulfill your end of the bargain, make it work before they come back unless you want to worsen things,” Keenan said and my mind whirled around, I didn’t know whom they were talking about but I had my doubts. As soon as they were done with their meeting, they started walking towards the other end of the woods and dispersed with each one of them taking a different root, I knew I had little time to get back home in time, so I slowly sneaked through the woods so as not to make my presence known, I ran all along to the packhouse, I didn’t want Keenan to beat me up to it. When I got to the packhouse, I sneaked in through the back door and went to my room, heaved a sigh of relief when I found out Keenan was yet to get to the house but I knew he would walk in any minute. I filled the bathtub with some warm water poured myself a glass of wine, put on my favorite playlist, and stepped into the tub. A few minutes later, I heard the keys jingle and I knew it was him. He walked up to the bathroom and stood by the door, while holding the frame, he asked, “Why are you in the bathtub so late in the night? How long have you been there?” “I don’t know, half an hour, maybe thirty minutes, I can’t remember plus I don’t think I need a reason to enjoy a warm bath, where have you been?” “With Ashford and the girls, enjoy your bath, I will be in my room upstairs.” He said and walked away. He just lied straight to my face and that confirmed my suspicions, he was up to something and I had to find out what before it was too late.
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