A New Student

973 Words
Marinettes Point of View - My alarm beeped, and I flung out my arm and slid out of bed. I was very tired, but I didn't think that I'd be able to fall asleep without not being late for school. My whole body was sore, and I looked down at my thin night dress and shivered. I went to my bathroom and did my business, forgetting to put up my pigtails, thank goodness I didn't, because the hickey that Chat Noir gave me last night was hidden by my hair. I pulled on my clothes, and walked to school, for once, not late. I arrived at my seat, still half asleep, my mind fogged up to the events of last night, to see a surprised Alya, "Gurl, what happened to you, you look like you got no sleep last night, your hair is down, and let's not forget, YOUR EARLY FOR ONCE!" I glanced up, a thin film glazing my eyes, then put my head down, ignoring Alyas question. Alya didn't like this, as she kept poking my shoulder until the teacher walked in. It was Ms. T, a super mean substitute, I noted while pulling my head up. "Your teacher had to leave for personal issues." She said, or rather, screamed at us, "I will fill in for the rest of the week." I groaned with the class, nobody likes Ms. T. "Now, unfortunately, we have a new student in class today, which is another head to look after. Jessica, please introduce yourself." A girl walked in through the door, I squinted my eyes to see her, as they were still trying to shut. "Hi, I'm Jessica." The girl said, her voice having a strange accent, and her French sounding weird, almost as if she wasn't completely comfortable speaking it. I finally was able to focus on her. She was actually very pretty, she had brown hair, although the bottom of her hair was blonde and tan skin that looked very smooth and soft. "I lived in America, but moved here." She said, looking quite nervous. So that's where her accent is from. " Go sit up front, next to the kid with glasses, today." Hmm, that's weird, I was so tired that I didn't notice that Adrien, my crush, was absent. "Girl with the black hair," I looked up, as she was talking to me, "Be the one to show Jessica around." I nodded. The substitute took attendance while I fell asleep on my hands. "Ahh!" I screamed as a cold stream of water hit my face. "Don't fall asleep in class." I heard Ms. T scream at me. A few snickers were heard around the class. Ms. T continued to teach a lesson, that she had apparently started, to the class. A little fact about Ms. T, she doesn't like sending kids to the principals office because she thought that she was so good, that she can shape kids behavior herself. I was now wide awake. "Okay," Alya said to me quietly, "what happened last night, it looks like you didn't get any sleep at all." I sat there a moment, then the full realization of what happened last night hit me, I had slept with Chat Noir, like, really slept with him in that kind of way! "OH MY GOD!" I shouted, turning every head. I buried my face in my hands, my fingers burning from how hot my face was. I felt another squirt of water on my head, but this time I didn't scream or even look up. "Black haired girl!" Ms. T said, a warning. I was saved by the bell. I had slept through most of the lesson. I grabbed my stuff and started to race home, to the bakery, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't want to stop, but I turned around to see Jessica, looking nervous. "Would you mind if I ate lunch with you?" She asked, hope was obvious in her eyes. I didn't want to eat lunch, I didn't want to socialize, I wanted to sit in my room and think about everything, but knowing Alya, she would visit me, so I nodded and pulled Jessica with me towards my home. When I got there, I asked Jessica, "What would you like?" While gesturing towards the display full of sweets. "A few cookies will be fine." She said, pointing to the plate of cookies in front of her. I grabbed a few and handed it to her. "Isn't that stealing?" She asked. "No, I live here." I said while grabbing another cookie and stuffing it in my purse for Tikki to eat. "Cool!" Jessica said, munching on a cookie. I grabbed her arm and pulled her up to my room. I then face planted on my chaise. I looked up to see Jessica looking at my wall of Adrien pictures. "Who's he?" She asked. "Nobody." I said, sitting up and wishing that she would go away so that I could be alone with my thoughts. "Come on, you can tell me, I won't tell anyone." She continued, not giving up. I groaned, "He's the guy I've had a crush on. He usually sits where you sat today, I don't know why he's absent." I admitted. "Oh." She said, "Does he like you back?" "No." I said, mentally pleading that she would just go. She wasn't done yet, "Why did you shout out in class?" "Yes, why indeed." I heard a different voice and looked at my trapdoor to see Alyas head poking out of it. "No reason." I said, subconsciously brushing my hair back. "WHAT'S THAT!" Alya and Jessica said at the same time, pointing to my neck. I cursed under my breath. I had forgotten about Chat Noirs hickey. Alya came up to me, "Explanation now!"
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