
1092 Words
Unknown~ ~ Few Months Ago ~ The Tv cackled in the background with his favourite scene played on repeat. "The human Centipede" said the scientist. He was gaping at the screen, still fascinated by the process unaware of the muffled screams and rattling of cages. Whimpers joined the screams, he reached out and thread his fingers through the hair of his oldest experiment. His pet cowered in fear and he laughed, eyes still glued on the screen. No one knew this side of him, it was like he was alive. He glanced at the newspaper, a photo circled in red felt-tip. This was good. He smiled to himself. Now he just needed what they said in lingo, he paused and looked at the ceiling of his basement and then let out a grunt “Twink" and he laughed his sinister laugh that made those screams quite. In the background his cellphone rang and he made his way up to his superior life. He looked in the mirror His hair slicked back in the shade of dirty blonde. His blue eyes lost life and turned a shade of sickly grey and he smiled his professional smile that popped his right dimple. He straightened his three piece suit and picked up the phone. Humming to himself he made his way out of the mansion and chose to drive his convertible. He sped through dark woods, but a certain figure made him stop. His eyes went ablaze. Maybe this wasn't a bad day after all. He pulled up to the side and saw a deer struggling to walk. This could give him the last ounce of publicity and take the suspicion of FBI off of him. He jogged to the deer and gently picked it up, ignoring the blood ruining his best suit, he drove straight to his auction. Calmly he picked the deer up and composed himself. He shook his head and ruffled his hair, in a beat he burst inside and started screaming for a doctor. This was all a part of his master plan. He knew the surgeon was supposed to be in here. The crowd went wild, flashes went off as the cameras captured his nonchalant act. A man ran towards him and he smirked internally, he quickly ran his eyes over him. Soft earth brown hair, clear skin, sharp jaw, piercing green eyes and bow mouth. He was more handsome in person the pictures hadn't done him justice. He made his voice frail “Please….S-save this life” he begged. There was a flair of flashes again as his eyes watered and the surgeon took the deer from his hands and placed it on a table. He screamed with a deep dominian voice “There's a black briefcase in the backseat of my Volkswagen, someone get it quick” and he pulled out his keys and threw at it at a waiter who scurried off. He went and placed a firm yet soft hand on the surgeon's shoulder and made himself audible enough and spoke with a quivering voice “I found this helpless creature on the side of the road trembling and struggling to get up, my only instinct was to bring this fawn here” The surgeon looked over his shoulder with a deep frown set on his face and nodded, he went back to cleaning the wound of the deer with paper towels and napkins. His fingers were now bloodstained, his posture was relaxed. He was quick and efficient in his work. He was a perfect fit. As he got his briefcase he did a simple suture process until an ambulance arrived. He was star struck by those sutures. The image flashed in his mind and a pleasant shiver ran through him as the doctor turned around and smiled sweetly at him. He snapped out of his mental daze and smiled back and pulled the doctor into a surprise hug. He hugged back and the sound of flashes rang again. Finally. This was going to be great. This was a top-notch gala that raised awareness for un-curable diseases like HIV and of-course he gave the funding for the grants to those doctors who lead the most promising researches. He spotted a familiar face, he was surely on the list. He admired the man from afar, he had had the pleasure of getting treated by him once. He saw a pair of hazel eyes turn towards him and he smiled. He turned his attention to the surgeon who was talking to a group of professors, Enough hiding, he said to himself. The time to hunt was coming soon and he could just get addicted to those emerald eyes but lifeless, staring back at him. He'd keep this one. He'd make it worthwhile. The only setback was that his prey was definitely popular amongst the media. Those green eyes turned to him again and those dainty fingers beckoned him closer. Enticing. While nearing, he passed a mirror, with a quick glance he checked his form. The eyes that stared back at him somehow seemed alive. He blinked twice and recessed back to those lifeless form everyone here would refer to as rather charming. He neared the man, and the surgeon smiled at him. "How do you handle all the attention?" he asked him, his voice amused and desperate. It made him chuckle, "Why are you laughing, Sir?" He couldn't tell him that the fact that he was imagining him on his knees begging for his life was making him laugh like that. "You will get use to it, Enjoy it while you can." He replied to the doctor. A hand wrapped around the surgeon's arm, and a blonde bob appeared over his shoulder, "Forgot about me?" "No, not at all Bumble Bee" He teased, "Hey!" the woman playfully smacked the surgeon's chest. "Let me introduce you, Sir This is my girlfriend, Alicia Stokes." The woman shook his hand and with a shake of her head told him that she wasn't, he likes teasing her as it ruffled her up. The woman was indeed beautiful, soft caramel blond hair, gray eyes. "I already know who you are Sir, I am really grateful to meet you!" He smiled his charming smile and a soft blush dusted her cheeks as he brought her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss. There was an announcement, the gala was starting, with a last look at the surgeon and a wink to his lady friend, he went off to find his way backstage. Showtime.
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