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Sun filtered through the curtains waking her up, she stretched and smiled. He'd visited her last night and they'd shared more kisses from heaven. They'd sat up late talking, cuddled on the couch in Amelia's sitting area and just spent time together. It was everything Amelia had hoped for and more. She couldn't keep daydreaming though. It was the day of the Red Party and Amelia had a lot to do. She had to check over all the aesthetic aspects along with a few other women and Dominick had to play politician with all the guests, especially the Alpha's. The Luna's needed to be entertained as well, so Amelia would check in on the women who were in charge of that. Making sure everything ran smoothly was the job of women of Amelia's rank. There was not yet a queen to do this, and even if there was she would delegate many tasks so she could be by her husband's side when it mattered. Amelia headed to the dining hall where the main feast would occur. It was decorated with white silk and red roses, tall white candles wreathed with roses sat on the tables. Black and white silk bunting decorated the tops of tall windows. A band was practicing classical music in one corner. The table where the king and his party would sit was elaborately decorated with red roses and candles. Each table had a deep red table runner. The floor was a gray and black marble polished to a brilliant shine. The ceiling was vaulted with paintings of clouds, Pegasuses and angels. The doors leading in were polished mahogany standing 12 feet tall. Amelia stood admiring the splendor for just a moment before she snapped into action, checking every table and every chair. Things needed to be perfect. She double checked the menu with the chef, looked over the uniforms the Omegas would wear to serve during the event. "It all looks so perfect," she heard a feminine voice behind her say. Amelia turned, seeing a young familiar face behind her. Kate Lively, a girl she'd grown up beside. Her parents were high ranking in the pack's hierarchy. She also had her sights on Dominick, and there had been whispers of something between them a couple years ago but it didn't turn into anything. "Thank you," she said graciously. "Its going to be so perfect," Kate said with an excited sparkle in her eye. "Do you have an exciting date for the night?" Amelia asked. "No, I've decided to go alone. I'm hoping to find my mate there. Wouldn't it be perfect to find your true mate at the most glamorous night of the year?" "It would be amazing..." Amelia trailed off. Again feeling guilty that she might rob Dominick of finding his true mate. She'd halfway given up on finding hers. Most found theirs at 18 or shortly after, she was 25 and had no sign of a mate. Perhaps Dominick felt the same... "Anyway, put me to work. I want to stay busy," Kate said with a smile. Amelia handed her a ruler, "make sure the silverware is set up correctly if you don't mind." "Not at all," Kate took the ruler and bounced off. Amelia walked outside to get a moment of silence before heading back in. She exited a side door that lead to a strip of garden between buildings. She walked among the fragrant roses, stopping short when she heard hushed, but urgent voices. Even with her heightened lycan hearing she couldn't make out what they were saying. She crept closer, not wanting to get close enough for them to catch her scent. She knew for certain now that one of the speakers was Blaine, he sounded stressed, but not angry. The other person was a female, but she couldn't recognize her voice. Not wanting to risk being detected she quickly went back the way she came. She hoped that nothing bad was going on, but it could just be a lovers quarrel. She put it out of her mind. The day wore on with endless small tasks and greeting guests. That night there was to be a fireworks show with the Red Party starting at 2pm the next day. The whole packhouse would be sleeping late and then getting ready with professional help. Amelia spread a blanket on the grass and set down a basket with wine and snacks to enjoy during the show. She settled down to wait for darkness to creep in. "Mind if I join you?" Blaine asked. He stood over her with a winning smile, he had a pack of beer in his hand he presented like an offering. "I would be delighted," Amelia said. She would rather have Dominick at her side, but he was the king and sat amongst the Alphas and Lunas from visiting packs. She'd be with him the whole time tomorrow as his date. Blaine laid down propped up on his elbows beside her, he turned his dark eyes on her. She swallowed hard, she may not be in love with him, but he was still incredibly handsome and made her nervous. "I wish I was taking you tomorrow," he said. "You did have a chance to ask me, Dominick was pretty late to the game in that regard," she said. "I know and I regret stalling." "It is what it is at this point," she said. "Did you find someone else to have on your arm?" "I did ask someone, yes. Not really a date, just a companion for the night." "Then you aren't losing out at all," she said. "If you say so," he said and his gaze dropped to her lips for just a moment. Darkness was rapidly falling and for that Amelia was grateful. Dominick stood and addressed the crowd: "we're all gathered this week to celebrate the Red Moon Pack coming to power. As we all know, the kingdom was in disarray and had fallen into the hands of a tyrant. My grandfather many greats back plucked up the courage to fight the Silver Streak Pack and restore order. One of the bloodiest battles in history commenced. The Red Moon Pack were the victors, but not without great loss. Tonight lets honor those losses while we watch the fireworks." Applause erupted. Amelia noticed Blaine wasn't clapping and she could feel a cold energy coming off of him. She moved closer to him and rested a hand on his hand, "what's bothering you?" she asked. He almost seemed to flinch at her touch, "its... its nothing important," he answered. "Blaine, we've known each other our whole lives, and even though you're difficult to read, I can tell something is wrong." "I can't talk about anything here. Lets just enjoy the show shall we?" he said as moved his hand away from hers and opened a bottle of beer. Amelia had mixed feelings, but whatever was bothering him was his business. He didn't have to talk to her about it. The fireworks were amazing as usual and she was sad when it was over. She gathered up her things, Blaine taking her, now empty, basket to carry back for her. They walked together in silence until they were in the packhouse storage closet where she put her blanket and basket away. "Amelia," Blaine said coming close to her. "Yes?" "Do you really love The King?" "I... I think I'm well on my way to loving him," she said. She knew she was head over heals, but didn't want to share that information. "Try to be careful.. okay?" "Careful of what Blaine?" "You know as well as I do that royal life isn't simple. Just... try to watch out and guard yourself okay?" he said as he stroked a finger along her cheek. "Blaine... you're confusing me. Of course I'll be careful and keep my eyes open, but Dominick wouldn't hurt me." "Maybe, maybe not. He has his own demons to fight," Blaine said cryptically. "I wish you'd just say whatever is on your mind," she said. "It's not the right time and the more you know the more danger you're in," he said and with that he left. Amelia went straight to her room and laid in bed for hours trying to make sense of what Blaine had said and how he'd acted. Finally sleep overtook her. Over the next few days Dominick treated Amelia to dates, surprises and gifts. He spent every meal with her. It was a whirlwind romance that took Amelia's breath away. But what really made her feel that their fate was sealed, that he truly was choosing her, was one date night at the gazebo. The trail to it was lined with roses. It wound through a grove of trees that gave the gazebo privacy. When Amelia arrived, per Dominick's instructions, he was already there. He took her hand and led her to a bench in the gazebo. "Amelia," he said softly. "I have something for you... and it's not quite what I want to give, but I can't yet." He produced a small jeweler's box. Amelia gasped, "Dominick?" "Open it," he said eagerly. She opened the box and inside she saw a silver banded, sapphire ring. Her hand flew to her chest. Dominick took the ring and slipped it onto her finger. "It's just a promise ring. Because as King there's a whole process for a proposal, but I want you to know that if I could propose right now I would. I want you Amelia." Her eyes brimmed with tears, "I love you Dominick." His mouth met hers and they kissed deeply. She'd never been so happy. When he walked her back to her room he gently kissed her goodnight and left. Her heart was practically floating.
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