Chapter : 03

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                                                                                       three                                                                                            ☾ A black escalade found us at the launching pad to take us to the castle because apparently, we'll be staying there for our two weeks stay at the Capital. The Royal Capital was in the heart of this country surrounded by the four packs— North Silverfang Pack, South Crescent Pack, West Shadowhide Pack, and the East Crimsoncrest Pack. There was no unmarked territory that didn't belong to the packs. On the other side of the country was a swell of land distributed to the witches that was bordered off by a thick forest and heavy security. We just call it the Domain. Only witches lived in the Domain but if they know the right people some of them could apply to live in the Royal Capital and vice-versa. Few witches live here now preferring to stay with their own kind. My eyes roamed over the people and the businesses as we passed through the bustling streets. They looked so happy and carefree, ignorant to our presence. I turned to Jax as a thought crossed my mind. "Jax, are you still planning on competing in the Games? I know Caleb only asked you to represent us because I wasn't supposed to go but I'm here now. You backing out?" He scoffed and looked up from the 'Candy Crush' game he was playing on his phone. "And let you have all the glory. I don't think so, buttercup." I was practically bouncing in my seat from excitement. I can't wait to get into the ring. I've heard stories of the greatest warriors making their names in this Games. If you haven't come from a wealthy family like my own you could have your family living comfortably for years with the prize money. But that is not why I'm joining the games obviously. I want recognition. I don't want to be hiding behind my brother's shadow for the rest of my life. I want to make a name for myself.  "You find out when's the Games?" He nodded, "It's starting Thursday." Three more days. The nerves and the anticipation for a fight were eating up my insides. I have to make sure I find a Gym so I could train as soon as I finish packing. Through the car window I could make out the high towers of the castle and I slapped Jax's arm to get his attention. "Ouch!" "Look, we're here!" "Jesus. That's my jerking arm. When did you get so strong anyway?" Big Baby. The castle walls are the strongest thing for miles around, stone rising from the ground bold and beautiful. Towers, torrents, giant doors and beautiful artwork inscribed on the window panes and doors. Everything down to the lawn seems manicured and astute. I imagined a unicorn walking out on the courtyard because something so mythic and beautiful seems to just fit here instead of the home of a powerful Lycan family. A shiver ran up my spine at the thought of the King being here, living here, walking through these walls and I'm going to meet him soon. We pulled up in the courtyard to it littered with cars. There was no one around in the car park though, they might've been inside already getting ready for dinner, it was dusk already. I climbed out of the car just as some blonde girl made her way towards us in business like apparel. She stopped in front of me just as Jax and Caleb climbed out of the car. Jax let out a low whistled looking the girl up and down, and taking a step forward. She blushed shyly in response. "Damn." I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back between me and Caleb. "Down boy" He shook off my touch and fixed me a hard look. The girl hooked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I am Briar, the King's secretary. I was given the task to show you to your rooms. You're Alpha Caleb Mckinley, right." Caleb nodded and introduced us. She nodded then gestured for us to follow her. " You'll be staying in the East Wing, West wing is for the Alpha King and his family." After a long-ass journey through the twisting halls of the castle, we made it our rooms which were unfortunately right beside each other. "Dinner is in twenty minutes with the King and the other Alpha's. I recommend you don't be late. The king hates tardiness." She turned on a heel without another word and disappeared down the hall without telling us where the dining room was. Guess she thought we would find it on Google Maps. Caleb sighed and turned to us, "Meet back here in ten minutes and we'll try to find the Dining room." He gave me a pointed look. "Ten minutes, Lois." I rolled my eyes and pushed into the room.                                                             ____________________ I took longer than ten minutes and when I went to find the guys they had already left me. Pricks! Now how the hell I'm I going to find the stupid dining room. I wondered through the halls and somehow found myself in a garden opening. The sun was completely gone and the soft glow of the moon highlighted the beauty of the garden. I whipped out my phone about to demand one of them come rescue me. "You look lost, love." A disembodied voice says behind me and I jump, startled by the fact I didn't even hear him coming. I turn around and standing before me was the most beautiful man I've ever seen coming out through the garden maze. He was massive, all muscle. His bulging arms folded over his broad chest as he stared at me.  Power emanated from him much like my brother but he was different. It was the kind of power that could be felt from a mile away, that brings you to your knees by mere proximity. He was a Lycan, I'm sure of it. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as if to tell me my suspicion is true. A soft wind ruffled my hair and the Lycan suddenly became very still, his nostrils flared and his eyes widened. He whispered a word so low, I didn't catch it even with my heightened senses. Then all of a sudden he was in front of me. There was little space between us, and it sizzled with an intensity I couldn't place. His gaze never left my face and under his scrutiny I felt my senses shut down one by one. He lifts my chin up and for a minute I thought he was going to kiss me. His eyes went from brown to a sinful, lust-filled black. His lips parted and one single word knocked all the air from my lungs. "Mate." Then everything went dark.
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