Chapter : 05

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                                                                                         five                                                                                            ☾ "Ah, s**t!" Someone groaned from beside me on the floor. "Okay, I'm getting tired of people throwing me on my ass. This has gotta stop," I muttered, pulling myself into a sitting position. The girl who ran into me was short and pretty. Like really pretty. She had cropped brown hair that hugged her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were a big honey brown colour that made her all the more striking. But what I was really jealous of was her body. Goddamn! She had an hourglass figure that was accentuated by the jeans and the cropped hoodie she wore. I mean, I've been told I had a nice ass but my boobs were a bit lacking. Not that I'm complaining. She was a witch around my age. I could tell because of her scent. Wolves had a specific smell that branded them to a pack and because I've been to every pack in this country I've become familiar with their scent. A perk not many wolves could say they have stored in their arsenal. She had no scent I was familiar with. She could be human but humans over on this side of the barrier is rare much less in the castle, that is almost none existent. The barrier between us and the humans is an invisible force field created by the original witch family, a direct descendant of the goddess Hecate. They built the barrier to keep the humans safe from us. Not the other way around. With our enhanced senses, strength, speed and violent tendencies it was a necessary installment. Also, the fact that wolves pheromones were heightened during full moons and so their impulse to f**k anything that moves is intensified. The barrier actually benefits us both; they were safe and we get to live our lives in peace. The barrier stretched from Oregon to New Mexico and there are other barriers in most of the other continents; in Brazil, Norway, Ghana, Australia and Russia- The Arctic Kingdoms moved to Russia centuries ago. "I am so sorry. Here, let me help you." As soon as her hand clasp around mines an electrical current sizzle over my flesh from her touch. It felt like getting a bee sting and we jerked away from eachother. The girl looked up at me with narrowed eyes. "I was just helping you get up. If you didn't want my help you could've just said so. Zapping me was just unnecessary." "What? I didn't do it on purpose," I said defensively. "I have no idea what that was." Her eyebrows scrunched up and she looked back down at her fingers as if it held the answers. She touched me on my arm and it happened again. "Wow, that's some freaky shit." "What does it mean?" I asked running my hand up and down my arm where the hairs refused to lie down. "I have no idea," She muttered lowly. She went to touch me again but I stepped away. I was getting antsy by the minute. Getting shocked twice would do that to you. "Yeah, I think we get it. Anytime we touch we get electrocuted. Is our magic doing that?" She shrugged. "Maybe. But why is a good question? I've heard of some magic having an affinity for another, being more compatible you could say. Like Air and Water magic. But I've never heard of it being like this. This is different." She shook her head and looked up at me with a bright smile. "Where are my manners. I already have my hands on you and you don't even know my name. I'm Maddie." "Lois." I was going to shake her hand but remembered our little problem. "Do you work in the castle?" Maddie laughed. "Of course not. The King has a Siren problem. Those evil bitches keep drowning his sailors so the Witches Council sent me to fix it in hopes of getting on his good side." She rolled her eyes. I've never met a Siren before but I've heard the rumours. They were the closest thing we had to mermaids in the supernatural world. Half man, half fish and all the more beautiful. They were vicious creatures with a tendency to lure men into sea, where they'd take the poor bastards as slaves or they'd eat you if you're lucky. "And how is that going?" I asked. I was genuinely curious. I've never been away from the pack house long enough to explore our world on my own. I was always with a chauffeur (mainly Jax who volunteered a lot because he got bored easily in pack meetings) or an army of bodyguards to even go to the mall. So whatever I know about the creatures we co-exist with is through books and rumours. Maddie's eyes got dark. "Normally I would tell them to just throw a net in the water and pray but I have a new vendetta against those fish-f*****g harlots. I think one of them has my brother." My eyebrows jumped in surprise. Wow, I really didn't expect that. I was about to say something when someone came around the corner. "Mads, what are you doing?" Maddie sighed and plastered a smile on her face. She turned to the guy that came earlier to get Mason. "Yes, Kai. What can I do for you this time? And in case you're gonna ask again, no it isn't within my power to make you grow a bigger d**k. You'll just have to suck it up, though I don't think anybody would be doing much of that considering..." We both looked down at his crouch. She snorted. "Ha, ha. You're so funny. I wonder why you're still single." Kai said glaring daggers at Maddie. "You are needed downstairs in the Alchemy Lab. Now." Then he spun on his heels and left. Maddie flipped off his back then she turned to me. "It was nice meeting you Lois. And about the shocking-thing, I'll see what I could dig up on it. See you around." Then she disappeared down the hall after Kai.                                                                   __________________________ I walked into my dark room and fumbled around for a bit looking for the light switch. I flipped it on. "We've been expecting you." I let out a shriek and threw the first thing my hands could find. A small potted plant on the table by the door. The intruder screamed and tried to dodge the attack. It crashed against the wall behind him in a rain of dirt and clay. I glared at Jax. "What the hell is wrong with you? What are you even doing here?" Jax straightened in the love seat throwing the fur coat he was petting like a cat off of his lap. "I was waiting for you. You were MIA all night and your brother was up my ass worrying about you." "Then why isn't he here?" "We were both called in for a meeting with his Majesty. The King was taking his merry time to get there. I got bored so I bailed and decided to wait for you so we could raise a little hell in this snooze fest." He narrowed his eyes taking in my bed hair and ruffled appearance. Then he grinned knowingly. "Now where were you all night, Pip-squeak?" I weighed whether to tell him I found my mate last night. Knowing Jax he'd hunt Mason down and threaten to hang him by the nuts if he ever hurt me. Which is fine until he and my brother start doing background checks on him, his parents, his grandparents and their dog-- then we'd have a problem. So I decided to keep it a secret.   Besides I'm not ready to tell anyone I found my mate, we only met last night. "None of your business," I said finally. "You slept with someone last night didn't you?" Jax asked leaning forward, his elbows on his knees, cupping his chin looking like the epitome of innocence but he wasn't anything close. "I smell him on you." "I went sightseeing and there was a lot of people."  He snorted. "Yeah, sightseeing in someone guy's pants. You naughty, naughty girl." I looked away, changing my tactic from outright lying to him to ignoring him, I find it easier to do. Less brainpower. He laughed then, taking me looking away as confirmation. "I was right! Damn, I should be a s*x detective. That could be a thing. I'm going to make it a thing so I'd have something to fall back on when Caleb fires me." "Caleb would never fire you from being his Beta, you're his best friend. But you do suck at your job though. You're never at pack meetings." "Ex-squeeze me, I've been to every single pack meeting," He said matter-of-factly. "I just leave early for most of them." I roll my eyes and shimmy out of my dress. "You still haven't told me who the lucky guy is, buttercup." "What part of none of your business do you not understand?" "The part where you still won't tell me," Jax pouted while he watches me wander around my room in my bra and panties looking for my shower things. I shook my head and ignored him. After five minutes of silence, he groaned loudly. "Fine, don't tell me then, you evil slut. But I promised Caleb I would take you to breakfast seeing that you missed dinner to rendezvous with your mystery man," he glared at me for the last part. "You have twenty minutes to get that tight ass covered before I leave you." I narrowed my eyes, "Thirty minutes." "Ten." "Twenty five." "Five." "That is not how these things work, Jax." He grinned. "Fine, two minutes and thirty seconds. The clock is ticking." "God, you're such a d**k! I'll be done in twenty." I stomped into the bathroom slamming the door in frustration. I could hear him chuckle and the sound of the tv being turned on.
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