Chapter 2: Damon POV

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Chapter 2: Damon I drove up to the 2-story house per my GPS. It was situated in a neighborhood where all of the houses looked the same. Suburbia was a strange place. I definitely preferred the rural community where the pack was settled. I looked at my beta Jay, fast asleep in the passenger seat. Lazy bastard. I sounded the horn as I parked in the driveway. He jolted awake. "What the hell, man?" I snickered, "Serves you right. We are here to work, not snooze." He grumbled under his breath. Suddenly he perked up, "Oooh, pretty girl." I looked around. All I saw at first was my friend Bobby approaching with his little brother behind him.They looked alike with light brown hair and hazel eyes. Then a sweet scent that reminded me of strawberries wafted through the air. I looked up to the second story to an open window. There was a girl with pale blonde hair. She was beautiful. But she looked sad. I could see she was wearing black and pacing with a nervous aura. Then she disappeared. My inner wolf was whining. His words were incoherent. The closer I got to the house the more I could smell that sweet scent. When I gave Bobby a hug I smelled it on him too. It made me growl. My wolf was pacing, feeling angry and possessive. Bobby simply laughed. He knew what I was. He thought everything was a "wolf thing" as he called it so he didn't question my agitation. "Who is the girl?" I asked, pointing upwards. He nodded, "That's my cousin Clara." I sighed out of relief at the mention of blood relation. "She lost her parents so she is moving in with us. That's why you're here, to help us move her stuff and pack the rest. I know it was last minute but thanks for coming." I felt my smile drop. That sad look on her angelic face suddenly made more sense. I looked up again at the empty window. I had a feeling this beautiful girl would impact me somehow. Bobby directed me and Jay into the first floor of the house. "Leave the living room as it is now for the visitation after the funeral. Everything else is packed in the dining room. We can take some boxes out now and if y'all don't mind just do that while we are away. I know you don't do funerals like we do so you might find it tiresome to attend." He looked to me for confirmation. I nodded. I was still agitated over the girl upstairs. The more time I spent inside the house the more I came to feel that Clara Mason's scent was something special. It was driving my wolf crazy. At mid-morning I watched as Bobby and Billy escorted Clara and James out of the house. She didn't seem to feel the same pull that I did. She didn't look my way beyond a quick glance. The moment I saw her sad eyes I knew she was my mate. Suddenly my wolf's ramblings were clear. My mate was the tiny blonde in front of me. I held back the urge to approach her and tell her we were mates. I knew I had to take this slow. My mate was not only human but a grief-stricken one as well. I wanted her and I knew I had to be patient so I didn't want to freak her out by throwing myself at her immediately. A few hours later they returned. I watched with confusion as the humans roamed the house and forced Clara to shake their hands or hug them. She looked numb, her hazel eyes blank and empty. She eventually disappeared up the stairs where I figured her bedroom was. I wanted so badly to follow her but I knew that would be in bad taste. Too many humans around. I waited another hour, continuing my work while the humans filed out of the house. Suddenly there was a ruckus upstairs. I heard a thud and a scream. My ears perked up, my mate was crying. She was in pain, maybe even in danger. I growled loudly. Jay and Bobby followed me as I dashed up the stairs. My mind was racing. The only people I'd seen go upstairs after Clara was Billy and then a blonde-haired boy who had come in from the back door. He strutted through the house like he owned the place. I'd never been told Clara had a brother but I figured who else could he be? He seemed too comfortable. I followed her scent and the sound of her cries. I found a bedroom with a purple door. I watched as the blonde-haired guy jumped off the bed and move around it. I hesitated. What was he doing? When he kicked his leg forward and I heard my mate's cries I realized he was attacking her. I charged at him, yelling. "Get the f**k out!" I heard Bobby scream as I ripped the blonde bastard from where he stood over my tiny mate. She looked so hurt and fragile, curled up in the fetal position on the floor of her bedroom. I kicked and punched him before carrying him out and throwing him out the front door. Bobby came up behind me, yelling to his father what had happened. James was standing by the moving truck. I didn't wait to see them chase him off. I needed to get back to my mate. Jay just stood there in confusion as I rushed back upstairs. I was panting, my heart surprised by the sudden movements. Very little surprised me or overwhelmed me but finding my mate and then watching her be hurt was a lot for my heart. Even an Alpha-to-be can get overwhelmed. Jay told me that all the time, trying to make me feel better about not being a cliche alpha who lacked emotions. My father was like that. I got my emotions from my mother. She was the stereotypical Luna, very compassionate and loving. I found my way back to the room with lavender walls that matched well with the purple door. My mate was slowly pulling herself up from the floor. I smiled proudly. Who else would get back up that quickly after an attack? A future Luna of course! Her eyes finally found me after she sat on the bed and calmed her breathing. I could tell when she noticed the fact that I was shirtless from the way she blushed. How cute. "I'm Damon," I announced, wanting us to finally get acquainted. "Clara," she whispered. I smiled, "That's a pretty name, little mate." Mate just came out of my mouth as if on instinct. She looked confused. "Thank you," she said, her cheeks pink. She suddenly flinched in pain and rested her hand on her back as if that would help. "Who was that guy? Why did he attack you?" I asked, feeling a frown develop. I needed information before my wolf lost his mind. "My boyfriend," she whispered. I felt my body tense and suddenly all I could do was zone in on her body and scent. She had mated. I could smell it. My wolf tried to come out but I pushed him back. I told him to resist.  In my pack we waited till we met our mates to mate. It was uncommon to sleep around. I determined prematurely that she being an unaware human had to have had teenage delusions about love with the mutt. There had to have been a rationalization for it I told myself and my wolf. Despite my words to my wolf I was angry. She was supposed to be mine! Without warning I approached, stopping inches from her face. "You will not see him again, you hear me? He is not your mate, I am." Her eyes were wide, scared. She pushed at my chest trying to put some distance between us but it didn't make a difference. She was tiny and I was a large alpha. I didn't budge. "You are mine," I said, laying my claim. She looked at me with alarm and became overwhelmed. She fainted before I could explain what I meant. I held my dear mate in my arms and promised the Moon Goddess I would forever protect the gift she had brought me. Mates were forever.
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